Chapter 521
With blood and fear plus hunger, one can imagine the atmosphere in the camp of refugees and thieves.

Many rogues and refugees who could not see due to night blindness fell into slashing and chopping wildly in extreme despair. This state does not distinguish between enemy and friend, and anyone who approaches will be attacked.

The infantry of the "Red Banner Army" pays attention to coordination and keeps fighting in formations. The vanguards are all steel-wrapped swords and shields and spearmen, with unparalleled combat and defense capabilities.

The cavalry did not rush into the camp full of shacks, but professionally intercepted and killed anyone on horseback, so the rogues who fell into madness basically could not cut down the "Red Banner Army".

Another reason is, of course, that the "Red Banner Army" is already a firearms-based force, with Mini gunners and self-generated gunners responsible for covering cold-armed infantry advancing in formation.

Musketeers with guns on alert couldn't let anyone in a frenzy swinging their knives get close to the small mandarin duck formation, and would kill them from a distance.

The old horse thieves who were chaotically trying to escape from the central camp were distressed. They didn't know the seriousness of the situation at first, and tried to suppress it.

The number of rogues who died of fratricide and interception by the "Red Banner Army" is not ordinary, and many of the vagrants in the outermost periphery have just been coerced not long ago.

They stayed awake without the camp roar, heard the shouts of the Ming army, and were inspired by the reward of a stone of wheat, and set up tripping ropes around the periphery to wait for the sap of the old camp horse thief.

Most of the old thieves who are good at escaping are the backbone of the rogues. Not many were able to break out of the rogue camps and the vagrant riots, and then they were intercepted by the "Red Banner Army" cavalry who were waiting for work. Probably less than [-]%.

Huang Han spread the main force for twenty miles and the effect was good. At least most of the rogues fleeing east did not slip through the net.

These bandits and thieves were basically scared out of their wits by the horror at night, and when they encountered the Ming army's head-on interception again, they dared not run or couldn't run. Most of them chose to kneel on the ground and tremble.

Qin Yuyi and the female soldiers under his command, who had come to fight enthusiastically, were disappointed that the main force did not engage in a fierce battle. They had to gather up their spirits to take in refugees and bandits, and put on a smile to appease many women who were still in shock.

the Rainbow comes after the storm?How can the soldiers and civilians in Pingshun County feel the life-saving grace of the "Red Banner Army" if they are not facing life and death?

When Huang Han entered the county with his subordinates, the army and civilians cheered thunderously, and the officials, gentry, and common people in the city knelt down to welcome them.

Xu Mingyang, who survived the desperation, couldn't bear the great sorrow and joy any longer, and held his wife's hand and cried like a child. Of course, the two daughters were crying and trembling.

Seeing Marquis Dongping who entered the city, Xu Mingyang knelt down and kowtowed sincerely, and said, "I thank Lord Hou for leading the troops to save the soldiers and civilians in the city. The kindness and virtue of Lord Hou will never be forgotten."

Huang Han got off his horse, helped Xu Mingyang and led him to walk in front of the team. Huang Han said loudly to the surrounding crowd: "Fathers and folks in Pingshun County, you not only have a good county magistrate, you have fought tens of thousands of bandits and held the city for four days and four days. Ye, everyone is a hero, and the villagers of Pingshun are mighty!"

Such praise from the Marquis of Dongping immediately won the sympathy of tens of thousands of people. The soldiers and civilians suddenly felt warm in their hearts and thought that the sacrifices of the past few days were worth it. "

The two daughters of Xuzhi County, Miaoyan and Miaoru, are in their young age, and suddenly seeing the mighty Huang Han, they can't help but feel their heart skip a beat.

Huang Han swaggered through the city on a fat and strong Arabian warhorse. His armor shone dazzlingly in the sun. The two little girls seemed to see a god floating in colorful clouds.

The sisters felt dazzled, the cheers of the soldiers and civilians seemed to be floating in the sky, and suddenly bursts of women's singing brought them back to reality from the illusion, "Soldiers of the Red Banner must keep in mind that they will not plunder the common people even if they starve to death..."

Neatly lined up groups of female soldiers entered the city, each carrying self-propelled guns with gleaming bayonets inserted on their shoulders, and the uniform footsteps accompanied by loud military songs stunned the Pingshun soldiers and civilians.

The sisters also opened their mouths wide in disbelief, and then the two of them saw Qin Yuyi and Qin Rong in military uniforms and more than a dozen heroic female generals riding tall horses into the city, and they couldn't help being fascinated.

Dong Pinghou, who was jumped off his horse, got up and walked arm in arm on the road leading to the county government. He heard the cheers of soldiers and civilians all over the city, Xu Mingyang seemed like a lifetime away.

With guilt on his face, he said: "Master Hou came from a long way with his troops, and the subordinate officials should comfort the army, but this county is already poor, and there is nothing that can be sold to feed the soldiers and the people these days. It’s probably impossible to do.”

There was not much food in Pingshun City, and the population doubled because the people in the suburbs hid in the city for refuge. In order to encourage the soldiers and civilians to work together to defend the city.

During this period of time, not only the city guards were fed, but also their families were full. The county government officials' warehouses were already empty, and the rich families had no surplus food.

Xu Zhixian didn't even think about how to deal with the food crisis in the future. If he wanted to flatter the Marquis of Dongping and supply food and horse feed to the "Red Banner Army" with thousands of troops, he had to call on the people of Pingshun County to take out the few grains they had at home.

With the gratitude of the common people, there are not a few people who are willing to provide food, but how will their lives be in the future?The military and civilians in Pingshun County will really have a hard time with less hundreds of thousands of shi of grain.

Seeing that the county magistrate didn't even want to take care of the army's meals, Huang Han felt that this was another idiot like Liu Zhilun, no wonder he was able to organize people to fight with the bandits for days and nights.

Huang Han didn't intend to embarrass this martyr in history, and said with a smile: "It's okay! Not only does my Lord not want Mr. Xu to work in the army, but he also entertains all Pingshun's fathers and villagers to have a full meal, ensuring that everyone has meat and fish to eat!"

Xu Mingyang's face was flushed. There was nothing like this in the world. The Marquis of Dongping led troops to save Pingshun City. He not only brought his own food, but also paid for it.

But people are poor and short-sighted, thinking about whether the people in a city can survive until the autumn harvest, he has no choice but to thank him cheekily.

It didn't take long for the military and civilian officials of Pingshun County to feel the joy of victory even more after eating pork stewed vermicelli and sea fish.

They cleaned the county seat under the leadership of the officials just after they finished eating. The master book and the classics told the soldiers and civilians that Pingshun County was too poor to provide food, wine and meat to the "Red Banner Army", and they must always be given a clean environment.

Huang Han and his soldiers also ate with the soldiers and civilians of Pingshun County. The staple food was pork stewed vermicelli and canned sea fish. In fact, the pork stewed with vermicelli was also canned.

(End of this chapter)

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