Chapter 522 What is the reward
Dongpinghou's move won the hearts of the people. Of course, he didn't know that when he was holding a bowl to eat with Xu Zhixian, his two pairs of wonderful eyes stared at him like a fascination.

An hour later, Huang Han brought more than a dozen generals to the county government office to arrange post-war affairs with Xu Mingyang, Zuo Erguan, Confucian teachings, and several officials.

After hearing that the Marquis of Dongping, who did not ask him for food or money, wanted to share the benefits of three thousand bandit leaders to reward him, Xu Mingyang couldn't stand it anymore. How dare the lower officials share the credit for the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Huang Han said seriously: "Master Xu is too humble. The county lord led Pingshun soldiers and civilians to guard the city for several days and nights. More than three thousand bandits died under the city? You and all the guards deserve the credit."

Xu Mingyang wondered: "How can you repay Master Hou for being so low-ranking?"

Huang Han joked: "What's the reward for serving the country? Let's do it this way. Another day, Mr. Xu arranges someone to cook a few side dishes and invite me to have a drink. How about we settle the matter?"

Xu Mingyang felt that Marquis Dongping was mocking him for being so stingy that he didn't even have a meal for the army. His face flushed with shame again, and he said cheekily:
"I can't afford thousands of troops, but I still have some money to treat Lord Hou to a drink. At that time, my wife will cook a few special Jiangxi dishes to entertain Lord Hou."

The Confucian teachings don't know the situation in Pingshun County. Seeing the county's honor, he stepped forward to salute in embarrassment: "Master Hou, it's not that the officials in Pingshun County don't know how to be polite, but that under the leadership of Mr. Xu, we are all willing to destroy our family and build our country. The silver and food have all been taken out to work for the army, so now the pockets are shy."

They don't explain that Huang Han can understand that the battle is won, and it is impossible to get back the rewarded money. Xu Zhixian led everyone to fight a city defense battle, which was completely exhausted and basically could not be captured. At this time Of course there is no money in hand.

There was chaos in the bandit camp last night, but the guards in Pingshun County did not dare to act rashly.

It is also because most of the city defenders are ordinary people, throwing stones at the top of the city can be counted as combat power, and going out of the city to fight in the field is to seek death.

Therefore, before the "Red Banner Army" brigade appeared, Pingshun still closed the city gates tightly to prevent anyone from leaving the city. Naturally, a good opportunity to be captured was lost.

The way the "Red Banner Army" dealt with refugees, bandits, and old thieves in Pingshun County was exactly the same as it was outside Houjiazhuang.

Except for the locals in Pingshun County who had just been tortured by bandits and became refugees and were resettled by the county magistrate, the rest were screened and sent to the camp outside Houjiazhuang to eat a few meals and rest for three days before heading on the road.

Five or six hundred young adults who were confirmed to be local mountain people and volunteered to join the "Red Banner Army" were taken in, because these people lost their relatives and property, and the purpose of joining the army was to avenge their hatred.

It is the most dangerous for such people to let themselves go. Leaving them to be trained as military conscripts, allowing them to get food, clothing and food, is likely to reduce one saboteur and increase one soldier.

The young musketeer had experience in identifying old thieves, and focused on interrogating young and middle-aged men with a Shaanxi accent, because Daming was not a later generation, and the population could not move freely at all.

Luyin is equivalent to a letter of introduction for later generations. Chinese people before the reform and opening up also needed this thing when they went out.

This is the border between Shanxi and Henan. It’s not that there are very few young and middle-aged people from Shaanxi who are thieves. Most of these people have been thieves for more than a year, and they are thugs with blood and debts. amnesty!

Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of people, more than a thousand identified old thieves knelt and lined up on the ground. The red-eyed Xu Zhixian counted the crimes committed by these people in person, and then a hundred executioners wielded sharp steel knives and cut them open. .

At the scene of the beheading, blood was swaying, and the onlookers in Pingshun County applauded loudly. More than [-] people who were sentenced to labor reform and survived the beheading knelt on the ground to pay for the beheading.

The confiscated cold weapons, armor and a small number of bird guns were not appreciated by the "Red Banner Army". Zhao Kun and Sang Yu arranged for people to pack up these equipment and store them in a cave. Get enough equipment to arm two or 3000 men.

Jin Minghu, who was stumbling behind the back of the west of Pingshun County, played a tricky battle and intercepted and killed some old bandits. The loss was not worth mentioning. He captured one or two hundred horses, and also got some weapons, armor and gold and silver treasures.

Zhao Shisan has a level, and he did not agree with Jin Minghu to bring Han Xinxin as many soldiers as possible. He was worried that this team would be no different from rogues, and he also considered that the food consumption would not be able to afford it.

He was only willing to take in four hundred strong men from Shanxi and Henan, including the old and the weak, including the overpopulated young and middle-aged. Not a single horse thief with a Shaanxi accent was left alive.

The "Winged Tiger" troops disarmed one or two thousand rogues who looked down upon them, looted them all, and drove them eastward, leaving them to fend for themselves.

There are rumors secretly that the Marquis of Dongping is willing to take in the refugees and promise not to starve to death at the "Red Banner Army".

The rogues who were looted by Jin Minghu lost all their belongings, not even a grain of millet. They might not survive for three or five days if they didn't choose to find a way to survive from the "Red Banner Army".

The "Red Banner Army" also killed people, but they did not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Many rogues who thought they hadn't committed bloody crimes chose to throw themselves into the net in order to survive.

Seven days after Huang Han was stationed in Pingshun County, not long after he sent the refugees on the road, the country gentry from the county under the jurisdiction of Guangping Prefecture came to send two thousand shi of food and labor.

The Eight Great Kings, the Hunshi Demon King, the Tota Heavenly King, and other thieves and horses separated their troops and went north with Ma Wangye, Hun Tianfei, and a group of Mao who attacked Pingshun County.

Hong Chengchou has the level and combat effectiveness in the civil and military suppression of pirates, but he is facing the big problem of fighting on the two fronts. Chahar Lindan Khan was beaten by Jiannu and fled westward.

This bastard ordered his subordinates to enter the Ming Dynasty to plunder many times. At the end of February in the sixth year of Chongzhen, Chahar and Hetao'erdu Division jointly dispatched [-] light cavalry to invade Yuquan Camp in Hexi, Ningxia, and ran away.

In March, more than [-] Mongolian cavalry from Chahar rushed into the territory of Daming and laid down Desheng Fort and Zhenyi Fort, robbed a lot of food, plundered some people, and left.

In May of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the Chahar Mongolian cavalry who had tasted the sweetness came again. This time, the scale was unprecedented. [-] light cavalry invaded Ningxia from Qingshui and Hengcheng.

Due to a large number of frontier troops being dispatched into the interior to suppress the rogues, the frontier defense was empty, and guards such as Yao Zhikui were vulnerable to a single blow. flight.

He Huchen, the commander-in-chief of Ningxia Town, is not a coward and can be regarded as a fierce general, but Lin Danhan used Qingqi to attack suddenly, too fast, and there were as many as [-] troops.

(End of this chapter)

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