Chapter 523
In his haste, He Huchen didn't have time to gather his troops. He only had time to lead more than a thousand cavalry to gallop to Lingzhou to defend Lingzhou.

Seeing that the intention of attacking Lingzhou failed, the Tartars immediately changed their route and headed towards Shajingyi. He Huchen led the cavalry from Lingzhou and brought [-] horsemen with him. Unfortunately, the Tartars killed them when they left the city and chased after them.

Facing the Tartars who were nearly ten times larger, He Huchen was helpless even though he was brave. In the end, he led the soldiers to charge high and raised the banner of the commander-in-chief, and let his son He Zan lead half of the family to break through from the opposite direction.

In this battle, only [-] cavalry under He Zan escaped, and [-] Ming elite frontier cavalry under He Huchen, the commander in chief, died for their country.

The situation took a turn for the worse. If no action was taken to redeploy, the entire northwest frontier would be ruined. Hong Chengchou was the governor of the three sides. As the name suggests, he was the primary person responsible for the Tartar invaders. Therefore, he had to temporarily give up the suppression of bandits and lead troops to fight.

Fortunately, Chen Qiyu, the governor of Yansui, was quite capable. Even though Hong Chengchou mobilized many troops to go north, he still commanded a small number of troops to beat the Shaanxi bandits and flee to Shanxi.

At this time, the imperial court appointed Ma Shilong, a former military strategist who had returned from illness, as the commander-in-chief of Ningxia Town.

The local people are tough, and they have a firm attitude to fight against the Tartars. The Tartars didn't come here to grab the territory. After they grabbed food, property, population, and livestock, they found that Ming was prepared, and they probably wouldn't stay for long.

The final result must be that Hong Chengchou rushed to nothing, and wrote a report of victory grandly, and the court repelled tens of thousands of Tartar bandits.

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong Army must focus on the defense of the capital. At this time, the capital troops led by Fang Zhenghua are suppressing the tens of thousands of bandits who have fled into the Western Mountains, and there is no time for others.

The "Red Banner Army" led by Huang Han gained some fame and became popular at this time. The inland officials and squires who originally ignored this group of people began to chase after them. The crisis in the counties.

Officials and squires are really impatient. They vowed that as long as the "Red Banner Army" is dispatched, the quality and quantity of military supplies will be guaranteed. They only ask Dongpinghou to act faster. If the state capital and county seat are destroyed, they are guilty of the worst!

Huang Han came here to kill thieves and recruit people to show the heroism of the "Red Banner Army" to the people in the mainland of Ming Dynasty. Moreover, now that he has experience, the rogues who lack food and clothing do not lack gold and silver treasures, but they cannot be traded.

The 3 to 30 bandits who looted Pingshun County were beaten, and [-] people were sent away. The value of the precious metals seized was not less than [-] taels of snowflake silver, and there were thousands of cattle, horses, mules and donkeys, as well as a lot of silk, satin and cloth. Great value.

All in all, there are too many benefits of winning battles, and the benefits of fighting bandits are more than the two armies winning a battle. How can it be possible for a regular army to carry a lot of gold and silver treasures in the army?
The King of the Mountain also has a few lairs where he can hide his treasures, making him a cunning rabbit with three caves. The gangsters are precarious due to the flow of crimes, and the gold and silver treasures that have been robbed have no place to hide, so they have to carry them with them.

Therefore, if you kill a group of rogues, perhaps more than half of the precious metals owned by the counties plundered by rogues will become the development funds for the "Red Banner Army". It is too easy to make such money, because the rogues in Chongzhen 13 years ago were simply Vulnerable.

Now the officials and squires of the nearby state capitals have united to ask the Marquis of Dongping to attack the bandits and save the people from the upside down, promising and taking practical actions to supply food and grass to the "Red Banner Army". The pressure on Huang Han to transport food has been greatly relieved.

Fighting the rogues was not worth mentioning. It was not an equal contest at all. With the combat power of the "Red Banner Army", it was as easy as destroying the dead. After Huang Han agreed to send troops, he immediately issued an order for the whole army to go north early the next morning.

Xu Mingyang did not expect that the Marquis of Dongping really did not ask for food and salary when he said that, and even the ordinary people in Pingshun County whose homes had been broken up by the bandits who needed to be resettled outside the city could get porridge relief.

He also saw with his own eyes the "Red Banner Army" who promised to starve to death and not rob the common people.

Of course the county magistrate is knowledgeable, he finally understood why the "Red Banner Army" was able to win many battles.

The good news has been sent out, and Xu Mingyang saw with his own eyes the text about him sticking to the county seat for four days and four nights to kill three thousand bandits.

This scholar is a bit stubborn, and nine out of ten people who are willing to sacrifice their lives for righteousness are like this.

Huang Han's kindness made Xu Zhixian at a loss. He was embarrassed to see any "Red Banner Army" generals, and he always felt that he owed them.

Seeing the two daughters who came back hand in hand in the county government office, Xu Mingyang had an idea in his mind.

Originally, Xu Mingyang's family education was very strict, and his daughter was a good girl who didn't leave the gate. I like to go out.

After experiencing life and death, Xu Mingyang had already looked down on feudal ethics a lot, and his daughter didn't interfere when she went out.

The daughter I trained is well-educated, and the two sisters look like flowers and jade. Xu Mingyang regards them as the jewels in his palm, so he has always taken them with him and never stayed in his hometown in Jiangxi.

In fact, there is a big reason that Xu Mingyang is reluctant to marry a daughter early.

At night, after Xu Mingyang hesitantly told his wife that he wanted to send a daughter to Dongpinghou as a concubine, his wife burst into tears.

In this era, there is no guarantee for concubines. They are basically commodities. The old lady can sell them at her own discretion, and the master can give them away. Of course, Mrs. Xu is not willing to give her daughter away to be a child.

Xu Mingyang persuaded: "The Marquis of Dongping is a talented young man, capable of writing and martial arts. The main wife in the family is the daughter of the elder Zheng, the elder of the court. The wife also has an imperial order. She is the Qin general you have seen. She is the heroic queen. His family is prominent.

Our daughter shouldn't have a bad life as a concubine to Dongpinghou, and she won't be made things difficult by a well-educated woman.Ping's wife, General Qin, is even a hero among women, and she will not embarrass our daughter. "

Mrs. Xu gradually stopped her sadness and said: "These days, Yan'er and Ru'er go to General Qin's place to see those female soldiers almost every day, it is said that General Qin likes them and even teaches them to shoot guns.

The high-ranking Marquis Dongping only had his main wife, his second wife and one concubine, so he was also a self-disciplined person.Since the master has made the decision, I will listen to you, but I don't know whether the master is going to marry Yan'er or Ru'er? "

Xu Mingyang sighed: "The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. I'm in a dilemma. I don't know who is more suitable to marry. Mother and daughter are connected. It's best for you to come forward and ask. If both of them firmly disagree to be concubines, then that's all."

(End of this chapter)

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