Chapter 527

In order to prevent profiteers from hoarding, the grain produced near Houjiazhuang will be firmly controlled by the "Red Banner Army".

This is not talking to oneself. With the military, the ultimate violent machine, there will be no excessive democracy and freedom in special times.

Free trade is possible, but it does not include grain, which is the most important strategic material. It is possible to implement unified purchase and marketing, and even population rationing. How could it be possible to allow grain to be hoarded by the rich like the Ming Dynasty?

When potatoes and sweet potatoes are harvested in large quantities, there is no need to produce too much whole potato flour, as long as the processing is relatively easy, and vermicelli and vermicelli that can be stored at room temperature for two years are sufficient.

What's more, mobilizing tens of thousands of laborers can directly cook potatoes and sweet potatoes as staple food, which will consume a lot of production and reduce the workload of deep processing.

Not long after, Huang Han received a letter from his wife, Zheng Xiu'e. The old lady was really nice, not only didn't she complain, but she also apologized that she couldn't come to Henan to personally arrange the wedding of Mr. Luo's concubine.

Zheng Xiu'e told her husband that she had written to ask Sister Qin to discuss the matter. She also told her husband that she had prepared a gift for the Xu family sisters and asked Sister Qin to pass it on.

In the letter, Mrs. Huang told her husband the reason why she did not come to Henan to arrange the marriage for him in person. She couldn't hide her pride and joy between the lines. It was because she was pregnant.

Huang Han was really ecstatic to receive this exciting news. He was going to integrate into this era, because no accidents, he would be a father in the first month of next year.

Having his own blood in Daming will prove that everything he has is not an illusion, but a real existence.

To commemorate the day when the first child was born, Huang Han wrote to Peng Jiawang, who produced clocks in Lushunkou, and drew a sketch and schematic diagram of the clock tower, asking him to make a self-ringing clock to be installed on the clock tower.

I believe that with the existing research and development capabilities and the experience accumulated in the mass production of several models of clocks, as well as qualified copper and steel materials, master craftsmen and young craftsmen who understand and master the principles will not be a problem to make the chime clocks that match the clock tower.

At the same time, the bell tower at the intersection of Jingshi Guangqumen Inner Street and Nightless City Pedestrian Street broke ground. The height of this bell tower is twice as high as the capital city wall, and it will become a major landscape in the outer city.

The dignitaries and ordinary people of the capital will definitely come to visit this iconic building, so that more people will understand the timing method and superiority of the clock. In the future, hearing the bell will enable most people to grasp the time in time.

The rogues have all gone to the vicinity of Xishan, and there must be many refugees in the capital. Anyway, I have food and money. At this time, using work as a relief can save too many people, and it can be regarded as a good deed for the next generation to be born.

Organize tens of thousands of 10,000+ refugees to give a liter of miscellaneous grains as a reward of ten cents, give them three meals, and direct them to repair the official roads from the capital to Kaiping Town, Yongping Fucheng, Funing Weicheng, and Tianjin Wei, which will increase the output day by day Four-wheeled carriages can gallop in the Gyeonggi area.

The construction of landmark projects such as the Bell Tower not only adds another landscape to the capital, but also increases the pride of the Han people, and makes the Siyi who come to the capital to pay tribute even more look up to the heavenly kingdom.

In the spring of next year, the melodious chime of the clock will spread throughout the outer city, and it will also bring fame and fortune. Selling is no problem.

This is not obscenity. In the 70s and [-]s, almost every household had a clock. In the future, households whose living standards reached a moderate level of prosperity in the Ming Dynasty would popularize clocks, and richly decorated and expensive clocks would become one of the furnishings in the homes of the rich.

In mid-July, the sun was scorching hot. Huang Han, who had completed the migration of 18 refugees, once again took his troops to the Xiaohouzhuang camp. It was a one-sided massacre.

The losses of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were limited. The current number of soldiers has a lot more chances of becoming a regular because the [-]-hundred Guards Army got the front line of fire. The regular soldiers reached more than [-], and the Guards Army remained at [-]. Five thousand labors.

When the battle started, they ran desperately. The purpose was to intercept and kill as many bandits as possible. Basically, they never encountered a real confrontation between the two armies.

Coupled with the hot weather, Huang Han decided to suspend military operations and came to Houjiazhuang, which had been in operation for three months, to recuperate.

The number of white soldiers has reached 560, and it is impossible to increase, because no one will be able to recover from injury, and the remaining wounded will be left disabled.

Fighting continuously, almost everyone under his command made meritorious service. Huang Han promoted many generals. The generals of the "Red Banner Army" have their own characteristics. There are not many people with high false ranks. Most of them have the ranks of generals and guerrillas.

Although Zhao Kun, Yuan Siming, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang, Wang Gensheng, Lu Kaijun and other ten generals have not changed their false titles, they have all been promoted to one level or two.

A thousand generals have a general cavalry, a general infantry, a hundred general guards under the direct command of the thousand generals and deputy thousand generals, two small banner medical soldiers and corresponding guards will be normalized. Whether it is equipped with artillery and engineers will be determined according to wartime needs.

This means that the total number of regular soldiers and guard troops with a total of 700 horses is at least [-] people, which does not include the accompanying civilians and laborers brought with them when they are dispatched.

Zhengbing specializes in fighting one radish and one pit, and all the logistical work is done by the guards. Cooking, feeding horses, and transporting supplies do not require the soldiers to send out their own hands.

In addition to combat, regular soldiers are training, practicing, and maintaining their weapons. Cavalry must also jog for at least an hour and gallop for half an hour every day. This is not only to improve cavalry riding skills, but also makes it easier for horses to gain muscle without gaining fat. strong.

Because there are many civilians and laborers who follow the army and are highly motivated, the guards have also thrown their work to the laborers, and are now working hard to train their formations.

The newly delivered 240 miniguns and [-] short guns strengthened the equipment of the soldiers and officers, and all the [-] self-generated guns were reserved for the army bird musketeers in the guard to change their equipment.

Today's Guards Army is equipped with more than [-]% of self-produced guns. There are [-] laborers under the leadership of the Guards Army who also use bird guns for training and loading.

This group of Guardsmen who came to Henan got the chance to practice in actual combat, they were the first to get equipment upgrades, and they were able to gain military merit relatively easily.

Of course, the multiplication of troops under his command made Zhao Kun, Zhang Yang and other generals full of energy. Although the sun was scorching, the joint training of troops and horses was still going on like a raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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