Chapter 528

Huang Han has no ability to use idealism to maintain the loyalty of the soldiers in the system, he can only use treatment and future to enhance cohesion.

In order to put an end to the warlordization of generals under their command, most generals actually lead only one general, and there are only a dozen generals who lead a thousand troops. Huang Han's father is in charge of the Ningyuan defense line, and his apprentice is in charge of the Jinzhou front line. It's brother-in-law Song Pengfei again.

All generals have the right to decide how much food and salaries their subordinates get, but they do not handle the money and food, but instruct their subordinates, which is equivalent to the proof that the salary table records how much food they should get.

The officers and soldiers of the entire system received their salaries from the Sifang Bank and the real wheat and rice from the commercial bank by virtue of the certificate signed by the chief general.

There are many branches of Sifang Banks in the system, not only covering Huxue City, Funingwei, Funing County, Ningyuan, Gaotaibao, Qiantunwei, Lushunkou, Jinzhou and other cities actually controlled by the "Red Banner Army" .

Shanhaiguan, Yongpingfu, Zunhua, Santunying, including the entire capital of Gyeonggi, have semicolons, and now they are opening semicolons in counties.

Liu Zhilun sits in Zunhua and has been promoting new crops during this time. He has also encircled a lot of unowned land and allocated them to the soldiers of the Fubiao Camp for small farming. Now they have food in hand.

In the past two years in Daming, grain prices have remained high, and Liu Zhilun has surplus grain to sell, so even if he is not captured during this period, he still has the money and food to support a team of cavalrymen with a number of seven or eight hundred.

Liu Zhilun's four servants, Liu Fu, Liu Gui, Liu Quan, and Liu He, originally changed with the death of the patriarch, but now they are Liu Zhilun's four confidantes.

There are more than 4000 troops under the command of Wu Yinglong, the general of the Fubiao Battalion, half of them are trained by Liu Quan and others personally. Although the combat effectiveness may not be as good as that of the Guan Ning Army, it is not far away!
Huang Han's establishment of the Sifang Bank in the territory under the jurisdiction of the governor of Shuntian not only received Liu Zhilun's strong support, Liu Zhilun also took the lead in leaving the military salary of the Fubiao Camp in the Sifang Bank.

It is self-evident that the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" get their military pay from the Sifang Bank. Many soldiers directly transferred their military pay into regular savings after hearing that the money stored in the bank could earn 5.00% interest for a full year.

This is also because the discipline of the "Red Banner Army" clearly stipulates that no more than one tael of private money should be carried when performing tasks, so as to avoid people misunderstanding that they have hidden and seized private money.

In fact, at the beginning of the establishment of the "Red Banner Army", the soldiers were used to entrusting their private property to Zheng Xiaowen, who was still in charge of the army at that time, for registration and custody, and left a will to whom to leave their own money in case they died in battle.

Now you can get some interest by depositing in the bank. Of course, the soldiers responded positively. The deposits in the Sifang bank have finally increased, and the scale of lending in the future should expand.

Although Houjiazhuang is a village armed by the clan, it is reasonable to say that it does not meet the regulations of the Sifang Bank to open to the county level.

But after learning that the Houjiazhuang area will be operated by the "Red Banner Army" as a base area, Chu Chu and Zheng Xiu'e sent people with government-level specifications to make preliminary preparations.

The person in charge who came to open the bank was Jinfeng. She was one of the two big living people Huang Han accepted as a gift for the first time. When receiving Han's gift, Huang Han really couldn't get used to it.

Huang Han left them to wait by his side, expressing that they belonged to free people, and the Huang family would buy a dowry for them and marry them in a glorious manner for any young man he fell in love with.

Yuchai might find that the chances of becoming the owner's concubine are slim, so she gave up. She fell in love with Pi Xiaohu, a young man of similar age, and became the current head of a hundred households. She is now in charge of Sifang Bank in Lushunkou.

Jinfeng is not willing to marry, and has been working with Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu. Now she can not only write and calculate, but also become the person in charge of the Yellow River North Region of Sifang Bank. She is in charge.

Knowing that the "Red Banner Army" not only sent people to be stationed in Houjiazhuang for a long time, but also wanted to build a bastion as strong as the "Wolf's Nest Fort", Jinfeng planned to set up the regional headquarters in the fortress.

The folks don't trust the "Sifang Bank" at all. This has yet to increase its popularity and expand its publicity. However, the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" have long realized the power of the collective, and they trust the bank opened by the owner reflexively.

It is difficult for generals to expand themselves without financial power. If they are transferred from the court and lose Huang Han's money, food and equipment support, the generals who have adapted to fighting and training according to the regulations will not do much in the environment of lack of food and pay.

Huang Han has never been eager for a military genius with the potential of a famous general. He only needs ordinary talents who are well-behaved and able to execute orders to the letter and achieve self-discipline.

All conspiracies and tricks are scum in the face of absolute strength. It sounds nice to use clever tricks to make surprise soldiers, but it is actually a military adventure that was lucky to succeed.

With absolute strength, there is no need for soldiers to take risks. It is the highest level of military command to fight steadily and flatly so that the enemy has no chance to take advantage of it. This is the case.

Before making a fortune, Huang Han belonged to the bad life, basically he was dancing on the tip of the knife, but now he has a strong army and hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the system. At this time, he at the helm must focus on the overall situation and focus on calmness.

During this period of time, Dongpinghou's good news spread frequently. He planned to kill Wang Jiayun, Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong, Eight Great Kings, Jiutian Sheng, Yipiao Mao, etc., more than [-] famous bandit leaders, and the number of beheadings reached more than [-]. .

Crying children have milk to eat, and Huang Han is also full of bitterness. He played the emperor's "Red Banner Army". Due to continuous bloody battles, the number of troops lost a lot and the number of injuries increased, so he temporarily rested in Zhangde Mansion.

Request the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of War to give head rewards in time to encourage the soldiers, and ask the Holy Emperor to issue an order to urge the relevant state governments to make up for the military rations owed.

The emperor who received the Huang Han memorial was mixed. He was happy that the "Red Banner Army" entered Henan and lived up to expectations and defeated the bandits. The harvest was rich. What worried was how to reward?
Qin Yuyi received Zheng Xiu'e's entrustment and of course made the wedding a prosperous one. When the army began to repair, she took a general female soldier to Pingshun County to pick up the two Xu family sisters.

The Xu family had three joys coming to the family, and the sisters married together counted as double happiness. Xu Zhixian was promoted two ranks in a row because of his meritorious service in defending the city and killing thieves, and he got a real shortage.

Hu Guangcheng of the Ming Dynasty announced that the Department of Government Envoys was equivalent to the combined area of ​​Hunan and Hubei provinces in later generations, and had jurisdiction over Wuchang, Yuezhou, Jingzhou, Xiangyang, Baoqing, Yunyang, Changsha, Changde, Sixteen prefectures including Hengzhou Prefecture.

This is the main producing area of ​​rice. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, there was a saying that "Huguang is ripe and the world is full", which shows how important this fertile soil is.

(End of this chapter)

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