The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 530 Sending Troops to the East

Chapter 530 Sending Troops to the East
Geng Zhongming immediately came out of the squad and echoed: "Khan, the general had contact with North Korean soldiers many times before, and he knew that the Koryo soldiers were vulnerable, and Khan could definitely take North Korea to expand the territory of our Dajin Kingdom.

Those Koreans are not good at fighting, so it is perfect to use them as slaves to arrange them to cultivate. After millions of strong laborers are farming, our Dajin Kingdom will no longer worry about food. "

In history, Kong, Geng and other traitors in Dongjiang Town led a huge fleet to surrender and build slaves. They immediately seized Lushunkou and killed many generals below Huanglong.

Nowadays, these traitors are of course not paid attention to if they have not made an inch of merit. It is difficult to rely on others. Kong, Geng, etc. are not ordinary people. strive for.

Hongxie had no intention of annexing North Korea, but just wanted to teach this little brother a lesson, so that the Koreans would honestly provide some food for the Dajin Kingdom. Seeing that the two traitors Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming were full of confidence in sending troops to North Korea, Some surprises.

He asked: "Why does Ai Qing think that I, Dajin, can take North Korea? Do you know the danger here? If the protracted war makes my Eight Banners children be dragged on the Korean battlefield, wouldn't it be Daming who has always regarded my Dajin as a traitor?" The fisherman reaps the benefits?"

Fan Wencheng said: "The Great Khan is so worried, and I admire him so much! The only one in the Kingdom of Jin in North Korea has the right to speak for Mr. Ying'erdai, who has been there for many years. Why don't the Great Khan listen to his advice?" "

Hong Xie turned his gaze to Yingerdai, seeing the master motioning for himself to speak, Yingerdai came out of the class and said:
"The slave thinks that the North Korean country has already divorced me from Dajin. At this time, if our army does not strike first, the Koreans will join forces with the Ming army and Japanese mercenaries to provoke my Dajin in a few years."

Next, Yingerdai also shared what he saw and heard in North Korea during this period of time to the traitor ministers and the military nobles of the Eight Banners, which immediately made many generals of the Eight Banners who were illiterate and could only kill with knives fly into a rage. The palm is about to beat up the Koreans again.

Azig was one of the main generals who followed the main general Amin to attack North Korea last time. In his heart, he looked down on those Korean soldiers who were about to collapse, and said loudly:

"After more than five years, those Korean people must be itchy. The slaves are willing to take their sons across the Yalu River and beat up those turtle grandsons again."

Kong Youde said earnestly: "Khan, North Korea seems to have a large population and a large number of troops, but they have also suffered from civil strife these years.

The restoration of North Korea's leader, Li Zhe, is not stable. Not only is he unpopular, but there are also many royal families who are ready to move. The last general thinks that it will not take too many troops to attack North Korea. Thousands of Eight Banners troops are completely sufficient as the main force. "

Geng Zhongming is also a murderer. He knows that his master has been worrying about the lack of food all the time.

"Khan, North Korea has a larger territory than Liaodong, and the south is rich in rice. After our army is dispatched, we can collect grain on the spot. Maybe the army on the eastern expedition will not only not need to transport grain thousands of miles, but also send a lot of grain. Shengjing."

This sentence is the most deceptive. The Jiannu occupation area is vast and sparsely populated. In fact, they are not very interested in expanding their territories. In the past few years, they have won great victories against North Korea and Mongolia, but they have all resorted to looting. When it was empty, he voluntarily gave up the land he had laid and went home.

In the old slave era, Jinzhou and Ningyuan were abandoned by the Ming army, but Jiannu just went to destroy it, and had no intention of taking these places at all.

Now I heard that the south of Korea is a land of rice, and everyone's eyes are bright, and the generals who built slaves all showed greedy eyes.

It was no wonder that rice was not produced in the north, and the rice that was transported long distances was of course rare and expensive. Even the nobles who built slaves could hardly eat white rice.

Hongxie took Dalinghe City in the fourth year of Chongzhen and forced Zu Dashou to lead seven or eight thousand Guanning troops to surrender. Although Zu Dashou ran away, the troops were still there.At the time of encircling the point to fight for reinforcements, the [-] to [-] reinforcements led by Zhang Chun, the Bingbei Dao, were defeated, and at least [-] were captured.

Hongxie did not incorporate all the [-] Ming troops into the Han army, but only selected a small half.

The rest of the surrendered troops were all divided among the cows, and now they are all reduced to Aha and have to farm and graze for the slave master.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, who took the initiative to bring more than [-] people to defect, were supplemented with troops. They selected more than [-] gunners from the Han army, and now there are more than [-] troops.

Traitor generals such as Shi Tingzhu, Ma Guangyuan, Ma Guozhu, Zu Zerun, Zhang Cunren, Jiang Xin, etc. also commanded many Han troops.

Hongxie thought it over and thought about it, why not use the Han army as the main force to invade North Korea with the cooperation of the Mongolian left and right wings, and under the supervision of the Eight Banners soldiers. If the war is protracted, it will not hurt.

As long as the Han army can really collect food on the spot after a month, even if the war is protracted, it will not increase the burden on the Jin Kingdom too much.

If, as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming said, North Korea is vulnerable, why not annex that piece of land and expand the territory of the Dajin Kingdom instead of trying to get food from the leader of North Korea, Li Zhen?

At that time, a few million more Goryeo Ahas will produce food for the Dajin Kingdom under the management of the Han slaves, and the national strength of the Dajin Kingdom will be improved by leaps and bounds.

Lost in the East and harvested in Sangyu, Huang Han did not expect to beat Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other traitors in Dongjiang Town at sea, so that they could not have the idea of ​​revenge against Daming for the time being. pinch.

In the end, everyone was happy with the result of the court meeting, and the slave chieftain made a high-profile decision to send troops to North Korea.

The strategy formulated by the slave chieftain was to suspend the attack on the border of Yizhou occupied by Dongjiang Town, so as not to stimulate the Ming Dynasty and make them prematurely send troops to intervene in the war of invasion.

The Dajin army attacked and occupied the cities of North Korea from the middle and upper reaches of the Yalu River, attacking the city from the bottom and attacking the heart.

Surrender and accept rebels as much as possible along the way, and try to drive the surrendered Koryo people to seize the Korean cities as the vanguard, so that a large number of Koreans will hate each other so that the Dajin Kingdom can rule in the future.

Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. not only won the positions of vanguard generals, but also received the supplement of two thousand Han troops again, bringing the number of troops to six thousand.

Shi Tingzhu, Ma Guangyuan, Zu Zerun, Zhang Cunren and more than [-] traitorous generals all got the opportunity to participate in the attack on North Korea.

The Han army in their hands was as high as [-], and the Mongolian cavalry dispatched [-]. Azig was appointed as the general who conquered North Korea and led [-] banner soldiers as the main force of the Chinese army.

Most of the traitor army is Liao people. If they can't beat the Houjin army, it doesn't mean that their combat effectiveness is not worth mentioning. They can beat Li Zicheng, who is in full swing, and they can beat the Koryo stick soldiers with one against three.

(End of this chapter)

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