Chapter 531
Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, including Shi Tingzhu, Ma Guangyuan, Zu Zerun and other traitors, are not in vain, they are all professional soldiers who have fought for many years.

They are not as good at fighting in the field as building slaves, and they are much better at fighting offensive and defensive battles than the Eight Banners.

The combination of Jiannu, Tartars, and traitors has as many as [-] people. How can Little North Korea be an opponent for such a large-scale invasion?

And because the post-Jin army fought unannounced and came suddenly, several Korean cities near the Yalu River changed their flags overnight, and the ensuing events were almost devastated, a bit smoother than the first invasion.

Kong Youde accumulated experience in the Denglai Rebellion. After crossing the Yalu River, he robbed all the food he could find, burned the thatched huts of the Koreans, and then drove the Koreans who did not want to starve to death to take up weapons as cannon fodder to attack the North Korean cities.

This practice is exactly the same as that of Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other thieves. The poor Goryeo sticks are even more humble. After they participated in murder, arson, and sleeping with the women of high-ranking officials, nobles, landlords, and rich families, they immediately exposed the cruel nature of this nation.

This is not to slander Goryeo. When the Japanese invaded China, the Koryo servants killed the most. When the American soldiers invaded Vietnam, the Koreans had the worst military discipline.

Kong Youde killed his compatriots without blinking an eye, and massacring Koreans was even more like slaughtering pigs and dogs. Often hundreds of Koreans could not attack the city and tried to retreat, but they would be covered by the gun volley of Kong Youde's team indiscriminately.

This nation is particularly interesting. When the death-killing guns are constantly fired from behind, they often explode with amazing fighting power. Basically, there is no city that cannot be broken.

This is also due to the fact that the cities of North Korea are not comparable to the walls of Ming Dynasty. The height, thickness, and firmness are different levels. The small country of North Korea is comparable to a province of Ming Dynasty.

At the end of April, after [-] people, the Jin army started fighting. Two months later, the coalition forces of traitors such as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming really captured Pyongyang and Kaesong. minion army.

The traitors all knew that this time they dispatched troops to North Korea to make outstanding achievements. They did not dare to take all the benefits of the plunder. Beijing.

When the good news from the North Korean direction came, the slave chieftains were very pleasantly surprised. When the seizure was delivered to Shengjing, the city was full of sensations. The tens of thousands of stones of fine grain greatly eased the food crisis in Houjin.

Hongxie rewarded Kong Youde with meritorious deeds, and the self-proclaimed "Marshal of the Capital" in Denglai fell to Kong Youde's head again, and he was treated as a second-class general officer.

Naturally, Geng Zhongming became the "Deputy Capital Marshal" and enjoyed the treatment of the third-class general officer. It is reckoned that Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming will earn the traitor princes that originally belonged to them if they continue to work.

The slave chief was hypocritical, he deliberately did not restrain the Han army, and acquiesced to Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. who were killed in North Korea.

He believes that if there is nothing broken, nothing can stand. When the soldiers of the Eight Banners appear in front of the Goryeo people and make three chapters, the Goryeo people who have been tortured by the traitors and suffered a lot will respect the Jurchen, and will honestly serve the fields to provide the Dajin Kingdom with a steady stream of food.

Relatively speaking, Azig's knowledge is much worse. He found that the number of the Han army under Kong Youde's command plus the Goryeo servant army had far exceeded the Mongolian soldiers and the Eight Banners soldiers, and he was worried that they would try to stand on their own.

In the first year of Tiancong's invasion of the dynasty, Erbeile Amin, the leader of the invasion, thought that the country of Korea was weak and vulnerable, and he once had the intention of taking down North Korea and establishing himself as king.

However, the rest of Baylor, Beizi, and most of the other Eight Banners military nobles refused to chase anyone, and Azig was the first to jump out to oppose.

A sealed letter was sent to Shengjing, which was Azig's clear description of Kong Youde's actions, his current strength, and his worries about the self-reliance of the Han army.

Of course, this is not Azig's illiterate handwriting. There are also clerks in the founding slave army, and they are responsible for converting the dictation of the general into written words.

The high-spirited Hong Jie laughed when he saw Azig's secret, and he wrote back to tell Azige that he didn't need to worry too much.

The Han army sacked the city, plundered the land, killed people, demanded nothing, and the Koreans hated it to the bone. It was only because of the power of the Dajin army that they were able to stabilize the situation.

Once the Han army loses the blessing of the Eight Banners soldiers in its vain attempt to stand on its own, just provoking the Koreans to backlash is enough to destroy the dissident Han army.

Hong Xie instructed Azig to let the Han army go wild and not stop them from burning, killing, looting and choosing Korean women to stay in the camp for prostitution. Those who prostitute other people's wives and women will be assigned as slaves with fifty sticks.

Kong Youde, who lost his restraint, led the Han army to coerce the Goryeo people into cannon fodder, and developed like a Ming rogue, and often fled to Ganghwa Island for refuge. The army rushed like mercury, and it was unstoppable.

Seeing that the country was about to perish, the helpless Li Zhen sent envoys to the Dajin army many times to beg for peace talks, but it was as if nothing had disappeared. Not only that, the envoys who were decapitated in different places were also deliberately discovered by the North Korean army.

The main force of the slave establishment was one or two hundred miles away from the more than [-] traitor army headed by the "Marshal Capital" and the [-] to [-] Goryeo servants. .

The big traitors who are fighting hard, grabbing soft hands, and killing sex are willing to give up the huge victory that is already in sight of North Korea. Therefore, the letter of credentials of the North Korean king is used to wipe his ass, and the envoys are used to sacrifice the flag.

It was obvious that the Dajin Kingdom would not accept the negotiations, and might even refuse to surrender. Li Ji became impatient, and sent two confidant ministers, Li Shi and Jin Zidian, to Daming for help. At the same time, he also sent envoys to the Wa Kingdom for help.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty was so weak due to internal and external difficulties that it was too much to take care of itself, and it no longer had the national power to launch the three major expeditions during the Wanli period. It was mid-June when the Korean envoys arrived at the capital from Tianjin Wei.

Chongzhen was not only annoyed by the spread of bandits from Henan and Shanxi, but also by the perfidious Huduntu Lin Danhan's raid on Ningxia Town, Yansui Town, and Gansu Town, which made one head and two big.

Daming is short of soldiers and wages everywhere, and North Korea, which once formed a brotherly alliance with Jiannu, is now defeated by the turned allies. At this time, it thought of the former suzerain, Daming, and asked Daming to send troops to attack Jiannu.

Undoubtedly, the Koreans, who have always lived in the cracks of both sides, are playing a trick in an attempt to divert misfortune to the west. Xu Guangqi and Zheng Guochang not only refused to send troops, but also reprimanded the North Korean envoy.

(End of this chapter)

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