Chapter 532 Disappeared in History

Wen Tiren, who had just become the chief assistant, was originally a conspirator, and he was very clear about dealing with the North Korean issue. If the Koreans and Jiannu were allowed to fight in a mess, Daming could reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Even the moral gentleman Huang Daozhou didn't give the Korean envoy a good face, citing scriptures and classics to scold him.

Talking about Zodiac Zhou can kill [-]% of the great scholars and bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty. The poor Confucianism mastered by the Koreans can only satisfy bragging, and of course they have been taught that there is no room for it.

The result is self-evident, the two North Korean envoys returned to Jianghua Island from Tianjinwei in desperation.

When they went back by boat, they happened to see a huge navy on the sea, and hope emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Ever since, Li Shi and Jin Zidian came to Lushunkou with the "Red Banner Army" Shuiying who had returned from Japan's trade with a full load.

The main task of Huang Yong, the leader of the water battalion, is trade. He knows that transporting food back is the most important thing. This time, he did not attack the pirates' lair.

Due to the small number of encounters with large-scale maritime merchant fleets, Shuiying's gains from robbery at sea were not too great.

A total of more than [-] Zhuyin ships and the No. [-] Fuchuan were captured, and two deck warships of the East India Company were seized again, namely the Katswick and the Texel.

Sure enough, the Wa State was more active in selling grain. After selling high value-added commodities such as porcelain, silk, cotton cloth, ironware, and tea, Huang Yong not only bought the raw materials such as copper ingots, sulfur, saltpeter, and lead in the agreement, but also shipped them back. Nearly 50 Shiwa polished rice.

Huang Yong not only paid the full amount in cash to buy grain, but also paid a 50% deposit to order another [-] shi. The Japanese merchants were also the same as Daming, and all of them were agents of famous names.

The daimyo of the Wa Kingdom has land in their hands. Seeing that farming and producing rice is profitable, they have already increased the sown area and built water conservancy facilities.

I was worried that the purchase of grain by Daming would not be normalized. After seeing the 50% deposit, all Japanese officials and merchants put their hearts in their stomachs. They made a high-profile statement to ensure that when the Daming fleet arrives in May next year, the polished rice stored in Nagasaki Port will not be low. At [-] shi.

Because rice can be exported, the grain of the Wa country has increased by more than [-]%, and the price of polished rice of one tael of silver and three stones has become a thing of the past for decades.

Today, it has reached four or five silver coins per stone of polished rice. Both landlords and farmers feel that it is profitable, and there is no doubt about their enthusiasm for production. Therefore, businessmen have confidence.

The two North Korean ministers requested to meet the top officials of Daming who lived in Lushunkou but failed. They were told that the chief general Dong Pinghou led his troops on business in the interior of Daming, and finally Shen Ming met the two North Korean envoys on the Udwater.

The Koreans had been rejected by the Emperor Ming to send troops, and they took the second place in an attempt to promise a lot of money to ask Dongpinghou's army to relieve their urgent needs.

How can Shen Ming be able to decide on such a big matter?Huang Yong, the leader of the water battalion, and Song Pengfei, the leader of the left-behind Liaonan, were also unable to make a decision. Huang Yong sent a sentry ship to Tianjin Wei, and soon sent it to Huang Han who was repairing at Houjiazhuang with his troops.

Huang Han took concubines again, and he took a pair of concubines, but he did not consummate the marriage with his sisters in the army, and clearly informed the two little girls that although there were a large number of women in the "Red Banner Army", they were all soldiers and staff.

They can choose to stay in the army to help them handle the paperwork, or they can go to the Capital Marquis Mansion to help Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu run the business. All in all, the women of the Huang family can work, and they don't need to go out of the door.

Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru, who were as happy as little swallows because they got their wishes, were even happier when they heard these words. Of course, they were willing to stay by her husband's side all the time, and they were both happy to become clerks.

The sisters also stayed in the women's quarters of the Guards Battalion at night, and came to the Chinese Army in the morning to do copywriting work similar to confidential secretaries.Of course Lin Shunwen, Shen Youlue, and Wang Xuan were on duty at night.

In the temporary residence in Houjiazhuang, after Xu Miaoyan read Huang Yong's urgent official document, Huang Han fell into deep thought.

At this time, the time to get involved in North Korea is not ripe. Huang Han and the conspirator Hong Jie have exactly the same ideas, and they also think that nothing can be broken or nothing can be established.

The "Red Banner Army" will not be able to pick peaches until the Hou Jin army beats the entire Korean peninsula to pieces, kills people in panic, and squeezes life to the point of hopelessness.

At that time, the Ming army appeared in front of the surviving Goryeo Bangzi as a glorious savior. As long as their treatment was raised a little bit, why not get millions of farmers who produce food?
Besides, the Ming Dynasty had no shortage of population. The main purpose of Huang Han was to seize territory and resettle refugees from the wars in Shanshan and Henan.

When the "Red Banner Army" was dispatched to take the Korean Peninsula, the fewer Koreans still alive, the better.

After the consideration matured, Huang Han dictated, and asked Xu Miaoru, who had already polished the ink to stand by with a brush, to write a letter, explaining that Shen Ming was in charge of contacting the Koreans. Seoul, Jeolla-do and other ports received fleeing Koreans.

There is no intention to save the Koreans, so they will not accept a single refugee, but in order to save the huge wealth that is about to be lost, they have to accept some old landlords and dignitaries who own gold and silver treasures.

Let them bring their capital to live in Lushunkou and Qingniwa, and allow them to do business and invest in workshops.

It is estimated that by taking such an action, a lot of North Korea's wealth will flow into southern Liaoning, lest all the benefits will be taken up by the slaves.

The Korean peninsula is poor in mineral resources. The later generations of South Korea have a population of more than [-] million. Not only does [-] to [-]% of the total grain need to be imported, but all industrial raw materials must also be shipped to the country for further processing.

This shows that the food produced in the areas south of the 500th parallel can only meet the needs of a population of 2000 million to 2000 million. According to this calculation, half of North Korea can reclaim about [-] million mu of farmland, and the amount of farmland in the entire North Korea should be Double, because North Korea is even bigger.

The land of Korea south of Kaesong is at the same latitude as Shandong Province of Daming. The latitude of the Hanjiang Plain including the south is almost the same as that of South Zhili. The main crop is rice, and the planting history can be traced back to 500 BC.

It is not possible to allocate land according to [-] mu per household for rice planting. It is not because they are reluctant to give the common people farmland, but because paddy fields are difficult to serve, and [-] mu per household is simply too busy. It is most appropriate to give [-] mu of farmland.

Since one crop of rice and one crop of wheat are interplanted every year, the harvest of the village households is higher than that of the [-] acres of dry land in the north.

Now that history has gone astray, and the establishment of slavery is about to destroy Goryeo, then let this country disappear into history!In case someone grabs the Dragon Boat Festival and starts to grab Li Bai again.

(End of this chapter)

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