Chapter 533 Ning Bends Not Bends
Huang Han not only allowed Jiannu to take over North Korea, but also deliberately withdrew his troops so as not to provoke Jiannu during the period when Jiannu launched an expedition against North Korea.

What to do next?This has to jump out of the quagmire of the civil war and return to southern Liaoning to be able to take advantage of the trend. This also depends on whether Jiannu's Eastern Expedition to North Korea played well?

Huang Han was not worried that the emperor would not let him go back to the south of Liaoning, he was determined to build slaves, and Daming, who would rather bend than bend, was still stubborn. There was no possibility of sitting at the negotiating table to negotiate a peace, and a big war would break out in the future.

Except for the sudden emergence of the "Red Banner Army", the Ming Dynasty has not undergone fundamental changes, and the number of Guanning Army, which was originally the strongest in the Ming Dynasty, has been reduced by a half compared to history, and it has become the ancestral army that the imperial court must always guard against them surrendering and establishing slavery.

Zu Dashou has already gone to Beijing twice without following the order. This kid is really bad. He didn't obey the orders of the Ming court and he didn't immediately surrender to become a slave.

What he did was actually very smart and practical. Daming had to coax him and provide for him. With his ancestral army in Liaodong, the ancestral brothers and nephews who were officials on the side of Jiannu would not be underestimated. Life should be Live well.

The Ancestral Army, who was unwilling to tear themselves apart with Daming, and was unwilling to fight Jiannu to consume their strength, was like a decoration, and they had a tacit understanding with Jiannu.

Jiannu's Eight Banners children should send troops to conquer Chahar again next year and surrender the Mongolian tribes to weaken Lin Dan Khan's strength.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, when tens of thousands of slaves were established, Tartar cavalry attacked Lin Dan Khan and returned to his division. In the name of Ming army border generals harassing his territory, killing his people, and fleeing people, he aggressively entered Shangfangbao, plundered Xuanda, and came to the mainland of Ming Dynasty. Hit Grass Valley.

When it comes time for Jiannu to come to the city again, Chongzhen can't help playing the emperor's mind, he has to consider the survival of the country, even if it is drinking poison to quench thirst, worrying that the "Red Banner Army" will lose control and will become mere It doesn't matter if there is a loss in the small section.

During this period of time, they dealt with many "Red Banner Army" letters that belonged to the first-level secrets. The sisters were even more excited when they found out that her husband was so powerful.

After writing the reply letter to Huang Yong, Xu Miaoru said in admiration: "Master Hou, I didn't expect the 'Red Banner Army' to have the strength to increase Korea with Jiannu. North Korea is a country that has existed for thousands of years!"

Huang Han said with a smile: "I'm afraid this country will not exist by the end of the year. With Jiannu's fighting power, it will take North Korea overnight. When the emperor releases me back to southern Liaoning, it will be the 'Red Banner Army' competing with Jiannu for North Korea." day."

After all, Xu Miaoyan is two years older, and she can feel that her husband is unwilling to fight in the mainland, and also realizes that her husband may be suspected because of his strength.

She asked: "What will happen when Lord Hou returns to southern Liaoning and seizes North Korea? Help the king of North Korea restore the country or include it in the territory of Ming Dynasty?

In case the court officials think that the ministers are strong and the master is weak, they will deliberately dispatch the "Red Banner Army" to break up.What should you do when the emperor grants you an official rank and asks you to go to the capital to enjoy the glory and wealth? "

Huang Han looked at the sisters, then at the guards on duty, and asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

Xu Miaoyan bit her lips, and said firmly: "The husband is the guide for the wife, and the slave family is your concubine's room, and the slave family will obey your orders, no matter when and where the slave family will listen to you."

Gu Kui said loudly, "The officers and men of the 'Red Banner Army' could not be transferred at will by those civil officials, and even if they were transferred, they would not be able to break up. Reduced, almost doubled now."

He Yongqing said: "Of course it would be good for the Son of Heaven to add officials to his mentor, but we won't go to the capital to stay idle. Our mission is to beat the slaves and destroy the country and species, and beat the Tartars to surrender one by one."

Xu Miaoru didn't understand, and asked boldly: "The emperor ordered you to go to the capital, how can you not go? Resisting the order and not obeying the order is equivalent to treason, and you will be punished by the nine clans!"

More than half of Gu Kui's relatives died at the hands of Jiannu, and killing Jiannu with the head of the family made him feel that he would not waste his life. Hearing this, he was unhappy and retorted:
"Resisting the edict and not obeying it? Zu Dashou has resisted twice, and he hasn't seen the emperor. How about it? That bastard has been stalking in Liaodong, and he didn't lead people to fight against slaves at all, and the court kept adding officials to him. If the teacher doesn't go to the capital to stay idle, he will naturally be at war with the Jiannu and Tartars, who dares to come here?"

Seeing Gu Kui's disregard for the imperial power, Xu Miaoru stuck out her tongue, Xu Miaoyan pulled her and whispered: "Master Hou is too strong, so he is guilty of pregnant jade, and grievances cannot be compensated..."

Huang Han said: "I made an oath long ago that one day I will destroy and build slaves. I have devoted myself to this all these years. If I have such strength, whoever hinders me will be regarded as an enemy by the 'Red Banner Army'."

All the guards on duty stood at attention and saluted: "This subordinate is willing to die for his teacher, not afraid of the shroud of horse leather! Dare to kill any Xiaoxiao who destroys the master's plan."

Huang Han was very satisfied with the attitude of the guards, nodded and said: "Remember, everyone in the 'Red Banner Army' has righteousness in their chests, and they will not compromise, but will rather bend than bend. Buddha! I don’t mind taking the ancestral army at both ends of the first mouse.”

Gu Kui laughed and said: "It's not like we haven't fought the ancestral army before, those rats are nothing! If Zu Dashou is still flirting with Jiannu in Liaodong, let's go back to Liaoxi and kill the ancestral army first."

The sisters looked at her husband and then at Gu Kui and the fierce men, their little hearts were beating wildly, it seemed that her husband had a heart of disobedience!They don't know whether to be happy or sad.

Zu Dashou really felt useless during this time, seeing the proportion of his men and horses in the Liao pay was decreasing, he could no longer bear it.

He wrote to the imperial court to ask for military pay, and he made alarmist words. If the pay is further reduced, he may not be able to restrain his subordinates, and the pay and even mutiny may happen at any time.

For such a big event, the emperor of course had to ask Ji Qunchen during the court meeting. Zheng Guochang and his son-in-law were on the same side, and he didn't have the slightest favor for the ancestral family army.

When we met in the capital this spring, Weng and his son-in-law had many long conversations. Huang Han clearly told the father-in-law that if the "Red Banner Army" was stationed in Ningyuan, Jiannu would not be able to cross Ningyuan and attack Shanhaiguan.

And tell the father-in-law that even if the Ningyuan line of defense is breached, today's Jiannu can't besiege Ningyuan Jiancheng, because there are two more city walls built all the way to the sea, and a fortress with heavy artillery was built at the seaside Ningyuan port. It was Sun Yuanhua.

Even if the thickness and height of the city wall extending from Ningyuan City to the seaside fortress is only half of that of Ningyuan City Wall, it is enough for Tartars and slaves to look at the city and sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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