Chapter 534

Under the guard of musketeers and gunners, the "Red Banner Army" provided continuous support at sea.

With Jiannu's attacking ability, breaking through the criss-cross trenches built fifty miles east of Ningyuan relying on the Tashan South Fort abandoned by the ancestral army, it is unknown how many troops will be lost.

Jiannu broke through the trenches and trenches and would be attacked by the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, and would lose a large number of Eight Banners Army whose combat effectiveness was reduced due to dismounting and fighting on foot.

Therefore, Huang Han uttered a bold statement that even if the Hou Jin army were dispatched, they would not be able to break through Ningyuan, a living area that was already surrounded by death.

In the third year of Chongzhen, when Zheng Guochang participated in the front meeting held by Sun Chengzong in the south of Luanzhou City, he saw with his own eyes how domineering the ancestors' army was, and saw that Zu Dale was actually preparing to make a surprise attack. People and horses.

Fortunately, Huang Han was brave and the "Red Banner Army" was able to fight. Not only did he not let the ancestor's army succeed, but he also killed the deputy general Zu Dale of the Guanning Army.

Seeing Zu Dashou who had run away, who once betrayed the general He Kegang and offered Dalinghe City to surrender to Jiannu, and who had thrown nearly ten thousand Guan Ning troops to Jiannu and returned to Jinzhou for no reason, Zu Dashou who had returned to Jinzhou with alarmist words and threatened the court, Zheng Guochang was furious.

He immediately went out to remonstrate and said: "Zu Shaofu thinks that the shortage of food and wages is understandable. Your Majesty can summon him to the capital to have an audience. At that time, the cabinet, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of Households will discuss with him. There must be a plan that bests both worlds."

As soon as Zheng Guochang said this, all the officials secretly called Gao Ming, didn't Zu Dashou want money and food?I can give it!Come to the capital to talk in person!
The question is, does Zu Dashou dare to come?Since they don't want to talk, it means that the ancestral army has not yet reached the point of starving and rebelling, and the Liao pay will have to be reduced next.

Since Zu Dashou refused to obey the imperial edict and went to Beijing, he would be punished, and the officials who had benefited from the ancestor's family did not dare to say anything at this time.

Xu Guangqi really hated Zu Dashou who once abandoned the emperor and fled from the capital that needed army protection. He also got Huang Han's promise and knew that Ningyuan's defense line was impenetrable.

He came out of the class and said righteously: "Zu Shaofu is the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty, and no matter what happens, it can't be a reason for him to refuse the emperor's summoning.

Your Majesty can order him again to go to Beijing to discuss the payment immediately. If he dares to resist the order again, it will only happen three times. I beg your Majesty to stop the supply of this disobedient dispatcher. "

The scheming Wen Tiren felt that something was wrong, so he said, "Although Mr. Xu Ge is reasonable, he should not act too hastily. If the persecution is too severe, I am afraid that Zu Shaofu may bring his troops to Jinzhou to surrender to Dongnu."

With the strong army of his son-in-law, Zheng Guochang is full of confidence. He doesn't mind the ancestral army's rebellion at all. Nor will it be left to chance.

An extra 200 million Liao salaries were distributed to the "Red Banner Army" and other border towns. Why not do Ming Dynasty's tens of thousands of extra border troops to obey the dispatch?

He said: "Master Shoufu, don't be afraid, the one who should come will always come. Zu Dashou is really a loyal minister and good general, he will not betray the court. If he supports himself and ignores the emperor's summons, such a general will be a disaster sooner or later , long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.”

Xu Guangqi echoed: "Of course, Your Majesty does not need to worry too much. I ordered Zu Shaofu to come to the capital. You must not ruin the court discipline just because you are worried about his rebellion. I would rather not bend. I am not afraid of the enemy's soldiers approaching the city. Do you still want to flatter me?" A commander-in-chief?"

Huang Daozhou, who is nearly [-] years old, has benefited from the improvement of the medical level of the Imperial Hospital. He did not take sick leave to return to his hometown. He is still the son of Zhan Shifu. The lonely minister who the emperor does not want to see.

He once commented that "Yuan Chonghuan only killed one Mao Wenlong with the spirit of Qiyueyue, but he wanted to win a complete victory within five years of immobility, and died with his body, laughing for the world."

In order to complain about Qian Longxi, the second assistant who was collaborating with Yuan Chonghuan, he openly accused Chongzhen of major negligence in Yuan Chonghuan's use of Yuan Chonghuan, and should not all blame the assistant ministers.

From this we can see how lovely and innocent this high-spirited person is!It is also enough to show that he has a free and pure land in his chest, and he is not right about people.

He came out of the class and said: "The majesty has an order. To establish the country and inherit the family, do not use villains. Your Majesty wants to rectify the discipline and ban foreign aggression. Zu Dashou is nothing more than relying on tens of thousands of strong soldiers to threaten the emperor. How can I, the son of heaven?" Don't be afraid of such a bastard."

Chongzhen was aroused by the answers of several ministers, and the young man's temper was aroused, and he made a final decision: "Everyone is right, I would rather not bend, and I will never be threatened by anyone. It is a pustule that will burst sooner or later, and it will hurt forever. It’s better to be short-lived, and the cabinet drafted a decree to pass on to the ancestors and Shao Fu to go to Beijing to discuss the salary immediately.”

Xiong Mingyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, said: "Your Majesty, I think that at this time, an order should also be sent to Liaodong Jinglue Gao and Shanyong Governor Yang, reminding them to strengthen the defense of Shanhaiguan and Ningyuan."

Chongzhen said: "I agree! Make an order immediately."

With Huang Han catching the dirty things done by Zu Dashou, he deliberately splashed dirty water everywhere, and widely publicized it in the officialdom and the people.

Today's Zu Dashou stinks in the court hall, and he is not far away from the rats crossing the street. This is the third time that Chongzhen summoned him. If he doesn't come, his life will be even more sad.

The "Red Banner Army" is creditworthy and promises to only earn the freight it deserves for transportation. It has never withheld the grain and salary belonging to Zu Dashou during the transportation process. Every time, the governor of Liaodong and the eunuch of the army took the civil officials and officials to sign the receipt after acceptance. .

In the spring of this year, Gao Qiqian was nominated by Fang Zhenghua and was promoted by the emperor, becoming the chief eunuch of the Jinzhou Army Supervisor.

Gao Qiqian had accepted a lot of bribes from Liao Town before, had a good relationship with the generals of the ancestral army, and was also Wu Sangui's godfather, so he naturally spared no effort to get benefits for Liao Town when he came to Jinzhou.

But today's Liao Town's reputation has been ruined by Huang Han, Gao Qiqian is doomed to end badly for working so hard for the Ancestral Army. Whether the Ancestral Army can still get the food and pay as they wish depends on Huang Han's mood up.

In the past few months, the emperor has made a series of personnel changes. The court has changed cabinet ministers, governors, and prefects, which have no direct relationship with the "Red Banner Army". Huang Han can't and can't control it.

What is related to Huang Han is that Zheng Xiaowen, a military officer, was promoted to the first level and appointed to Luoyang to become the fourth-rank magistrate. It is possible that the emperor considered that Zheng Xiaowen had been in the army for many years, and he should be able to play a good role in Henan, where there are many refugees. specialty.

Gao Youmou was also promoted. He was appointed as the magistrate of Dengzhou, and he was also a fourth-rank civil servant. The emperor's intention was naturally to hope that he could make use of his strengths in Denglai and restore the place that was smashed by the rebels as soon as possible.

Zheng Xiaowen, who went to be a magistrate in the interior of Henan Province, looked bitter. Fortunately, two Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, who had already gained experience in the "Red Banner Army", brought a hundred strong men to accompany them to the post as iron-armored servants.

(End of this chapter)

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