Chapter 535
By the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were not a few civil servants with armored cavalry when they took office, such as Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Chen Qiyu, Sun Chuanting and so on.

It's just that armored servants are too expensive, and the equipment for 100 people plus at least two hundred horses will not be less than 2000 taels of silver.

Even if the food and forage that the people and horses eat each year, plus the daily training expenses and the salary of the servants, can be counted as the number of soldiers in the imperial court, they have to subsidize 5000 taels of snowflake silver.

The vast majority of civil servants may not be able to afford this much money, and some civil servants with financial resources may not be willing to spend this unjust money.

Gao Youmou, who got the post of the prefect of Dengzhou, was full of confidence. He was both a participant and an experiencer of how Huang Han settled the people and farmed the fields.

His family members have also gained experience. In the past two or three years, one person was killed and three people were disabled. Now there are four generals who already have the rank of military officer of the imperial court, Gao Zhongyi, Gao Zhongyong, and Gao Zhongxiao.

Now that the imperial court dismisses Denglai as the governor, he has a lot of power as a magistrate. Denglai is close to the sea. If there are bandits and bandits gathered, if his servants bring guards and can't deal with it, he can definitely invite the "Red Banner Army" to cross the sea. Come to suppress bandits.

The Gao family had money and food, and they were more willing to spend money for the future of the eldest son. They recruited three hundred family members, and the Gao family also used money and food to increase investment in farmland.

Gao Youmou knew that investing in increasing food production would never lose money, and that it could form a virtuous circle. He would definitely gain both fame and fortune by developing Denglai, which was devastated by the military disaster. At that time, if he used the Gao family's connections, he might become a governor. .

Due to the scourge of Kong Youde and other rebels in Denglai, coupled with the fact that Huang Han took away a population of 10,000+, there is basically no situation where the land is small and the population is large.

Gao Youmou, the prefect, encourages land reclamation and provides convenience and loans. There is no problem in being able to be self-sufficient in food next autumn, and there may be a surplus.

Ning Qianbing Beidao is now the official fifth-rank civil official Kong Wenshi, and southern Liaoning is also under his jurisdiction. This person is the 62nd generation grandson of Confucius.

The emperor appointed this descendant of the Confucian family, who had to be respected by civil officials and scholar-bureaucrats, to be in charge of the "Red Banner Army" food and payment, with the intention of making people incomprehensible.

It may be that the emperor believed that the descendants of the Confucian family should be loyal to the Confucian Ming Dynasty, and it was absolutely impossible to collude with the border generals, or it may be because Gao Di, the Liaodong economic strategy, was too close to the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han's power and influence have developed to the point where he is no longer able to be a soldier who is dedicated to fighting. He has to weigh the pros and cons, and he has to make hypocrisy with many dignitaries, and sometimes flattery is unavoidable.

The emperor started personnel adjustments, and basically all the civil officials in western Liaoning were replaced, even the original eunuchs, censors, and officials who supervised the army.

Kong Wenshi, Ning Qiandao, is not responsible for the food and pay of the Jinzhou Ancestral Army, but is responsible for the distribution of money and food for the "Red Banner Army" stationed in southern Liaoning. Now he has stationed in Ningyuan with a group of civil servants.

Father, brother-in-law, and brothers all wrote letters to ask advice, Huang Han gave a clear answer, and asked for the food and military equipment that the imperial court should give as much as possible from the Bingbei Road, and the shortfall was still resolved within the system, neither humble nor overbearing, and did not care whether he offended the supervising army Eunuchs and civil servants.

Supervisor Du Xun is one of Chongzhen's favorite eunuchs, and he is now sitting in Shanhaiguan.

Considering his father's personality, Huang Han wrote a letter to ask Yang Danian, the deputy general of Jizhen who was sent to Ningyuan to take over because of the foolishness, to maintain his official relationship.

And told Yang Danian to be patient and at peace, then if Du Xun is too greedy, don't bother with him, just give him more bribes, and wait until he returns to Liaonan and Ningyuan to settle accounts with these eunuchs.

Huang Han was not in a hurry, problems that could be solved with money were not difficult problems.

He originally thought that going to the mainland to kill bandits would make him unable to make ends meet. Unexpectedly, on the contrary, since Daming had just been ravaged by bandits, a large number of families had not suffered wars and horses for hundreds of years.

Although the wealthy families did not have much food due to repeated natural disasters, there was a lot of silver and precious metals. Therefore, when the "Red Banner Army" had food, Jieminzhidangxuan not only did not lose money, but also earned too much real money.

Next, Huang Han will fight for a large amount of food on the spot, so that this time the suppression of bandits will make the "Red Banner Army" gain both fame and fortune.

There is a Zhao Wang Zhu Chang in Yangcheng of Zhi'an in Zhangde Mansion. He succeeded as King Chenggao in the 15th year of Wanli. He was crowned as King Zhao just last year.

There is a Lu Wang Zhu Changhao in Zhiji County, Weihui Mansion. He was only ten years old when he became King Lu in the 46th year of Wanli. Now he is in his twenties when he is full of energy.

These two princes are from the "Chang" generation of the Zhu Ming royal family, which means that they are the same generation as the "You", that is, the uncles of the current emperor.

This is why Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong, Wang Jiayun and other thieves attacked Houjiazhuang with tens of thousands of horses. Zhangde Mansion, which is close at hand, and Weihui Mansion, which is only more than [-] miles away, did not send a single soldier to rescue the white soldiers.

Although the Ming Dynasty treated the princes as pigs, it only meant that they had no say in politics and could not get involved in the army, and their treatment and status could not be provoked.

If the vassal king died at the hands of the rogues, the emperor would pursue the crime and kill nine out of ten governors for the crime of losing the vassal.

What is a white soldier participating in the general, it doesn't matter if he dies in battle!The original history is so cruel, Zhang Fengyi died in battle without any civil servants or generals being convicted, nor did he receive any posthumous honors.

Huang Han directly circled the acres of fields that had just been left uncultivated, so that some refugees who were unwilling to go outside the customs would cultivate them, and he dug many irrigation wells, with a total of one million acres.

Among them, [-]% belonged to princes such as Lu Wang Zhu Changxiao, Zhao Wang Zhu Chang, Fu Wang Zhu Changxun, Zhou Wang Zhu Gongyou and many county kings.

There were several timely rains in the Yellow River North in July, and the wheat fields, potatoes, and sweet potato fields near Houjiazhuang were all green and growing gratifyingly. It is estimated that the output of the autumn harvest will not be bad.

Fortunately, Huang Han didn't leave, otherwise the bullying subordinates of the royal family, even eunuchs, servants, and landlords of all sizes would have driven the hard-working farmers to a dead end.

Chu Chu sent a small band from the capital, which was completely different from Daming. Most of the bands used were Western instruments, some of which were seized and some were purchased.

Huang Han is going to bring this band to Weihui Mansion to visit Prince Lu. This prince is recorded in the annals of history. He has neither the ability to govern the country nor is he a courageous person.

He is a young man of literature and art, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and is especially fond of music. He is the author of the book "Guyin Zhengzong", which contains fifty piano pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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