Chapter 544 Sweat Like Rain
The teenagers widely publicized that this time it was the Holy Son of Heaven who mobilized hundreds of thousands of laborers in exchange for work relief.

Dongpinghou, as the executor, ensured that everyone would be able to eat enough to get food and wages, but this construction site only needed people who were willing to work hard, and those who dawdled were guaranteed not to be able to get along at all.

I have never seen the good thing of getting paid before the work started. The laborers immediately shouted the emperor's grace, and they all stated that as long as they could get the food, they would definitely work hard.

Next, it is not whether the common people trust the river project initiated by the emperor's order, but the youths of the "Red Banner Army", the servants and subordinate officials of the local government are looking for those who do not work hard on the construction site.

On the first day, more than 100 people were sentenced to passive labor and received their pre-paid wages and were expelled from the labor force.

For three days in a row, people were driven away, and there were strong laborers to fill the vacancies immediately.

It didn't take long for the fact that they could eat three meals and receive food and wages when they participated in the river-picking.

It is already an extravagant hope to be able to eat a full stomach while serving in the military service, and earning back money and food is simply dizzying with happiness. Unfortunately, labor labor is basically assigned to one family and one member. Now it is full. With no one fired, many people come to touch Young adults who try their luck are rejected.

The laborers only need to bring their own bedding. Numerous tents and huts were set up on the leeward and dry places on the embankment for the laborers to stay in. The "Red Banner Army" also hired some women to boil potatoes and sweet potatoes to boil water.

All people, including yamen servants and subordinate officials, are forbidden to drink raw water. Medical soldiers will provide treatment within their ability for those with headaches and brain fever, and will isolate those who find something wrong to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases.

The laborers on the Tiaohe construction site were afraid of losing job opportunities where they could get food and money while having enough to eat. No one was willing to be judged as passive labor by patrolling yamen servants and teenagers from the "Red Banner Army".

With motivation, there is no need to worry about inefficiency. Under the organization of the "Red Banner Army" and the local government, hundreds of thousands of laborers sweat profusely on rivers hundreds of thousands of miles long.

It only took seven days for the teenagers to master the patriarch's method of calculating the workload of earthwork and contracting.

This arrangement further mobilizes enthusiasm, because those who work hard will be whipped fast, and they will work at the same time as those who work slowly.

But with everyone's approved earthwork, strong men who work hard and have quick hands and feet can rest after three hours of work, and they will get extra wages if they are willing to continue working.

It may take more than five hours for those who are physically weak or slow to do things to complete the quota.

After adopting this method, the work efficiency has increased by [-]% under the condition that the number of people remains the same and the payment remains the same, and the management is much simpler.

Because the appearance of wearing foreign work clothes has become self-deception, too much labor has become active work, striving to complete the workload earlier and finish work earlier without supervision, so the managers are naturally relaxed and happy.

Dredging the river will not only reduce flood discharge pressure and drought resistance, but the dredged silt can also transform a lot of fertile land.

Therefore, many landlords along the river also brought many tenants to the construction site. They did not come to pick up the river, but took the opportunity to integrate their own fields.

It's just that since the food and remuneration for river-carrying labor have set an example, and it is stipulated by the emperor's decree, the landlord Lao Cai had to adopt this standard to give grain and copper coins to the tenants.

The purpose of launching a large-scale project is to let the common people get food and wages. It is natural for everyone to be happy that the landlords and rich people will join in the fun and benefit more people.

At the beginning of September, Xu Mingyang, who was promoted to Jingzhou General Judge after coming to Beijing to report on his duties, went south to take up his post. He has no sons, and now both of his prostitutes have become concubines of Dongping Marquis. He will go to Huguang to be an official. to daughter.

Xu Mingyang purposely didn't take an official boat down the Grand Canal to Yangzhou, and then sailed westward along the river to Jingzhou. Instead, he came to Houjiazhuang by land. The purpose of course was to spend another day or two with his daughter.

Xu Mingyang is not a corrupt official, he gave up all his private property in order to stick to Pingshun, and the dowry for his two daughters is actually equivalent to returning the betrothal gift sent by Qin Yuyi.

After the four maids who served the sisters as dowries, the population of the Xu family is even smaller now, except for their husband and wife, there are only 11 people, including three servants, a book boy, and two mothers.

Huang Han happened to bring his sisters to Houjiazhuang to guide the warehousing of autumn grain and the river-picking project that had already started. When he learned that Xu Mingyang came to visit his daughter, he temporarily went to dinner for his father-in-law in the completed Fort of Loyalty.

Xu Mingyang was promoted two grades in a row and received an internship full of ambitions. Seeing his two daughters radiant and knowing that the two sisters were living a comfortable life, he was very relieved, and happily chatted with Huang Han while drinking.

Huang Han quietly pulled Xu Ruoyan over and asked her to insert 5000 taels of silver notes for her mother. Xiao Nizi was moved to tears when she saw Master Hou being so considerate.

Mrs. Xu took the two sisters' hands to ask questions. She never thought that the eldest daughter would give her such a huge sum of money. When she learned that it was not the daughter who made it her own, but Master Hou specifically ordered the daughter to do so, she no longer refused and accepted it.

Going to Jingzhou, an unfamiliar place, although there is an official residence to live in, you have to buy a lot of daily necessities, and there are more than a dozen people in the family to spend. It is really impossible for Mrs. Xu to have some money, but she made it clear, This silver is temporarily borrowed and will definitely be returned in the future.

The army was in chaos, it was too unsafe for Xu Mingyang, a general with no force value, to cross the state and government, so Huang Han decided to give him dozens of servants who could fight.

Pei Daneng, the head of the Banner Guard Henan Military Intelligence Department, has not been idle for a while. Veterans who have recovered from their injuries and cannot return to the team are the best candidates for the Banner Guard. Most of the wounded soldiers are willing to stay in the system. It is undoubtedly the best choice to switch to the Banner Guard. s Choice.

He recruited more than [-] newcomers, among them Ji Datong and Shi Wenlong were cavalry soldiers with low levels of disability, and they were dissuaded because they were unable to do what they wanted when they participated in the high-intensity raid.

Received the Patriarch's order to form 27 recovered and wounded soldiers who still have a certain combat effectiveness to become Xu Mingyang's servants. Pei Daneng sent Xiao Fengyang, who has more than a year of work experience, and is also a retired cavalry soldier, with two new banner guards and [-] wounded and retired soldiers. Go south to Jingzhou.

Among the 27 wounded soldiers, only seven belonged to the veterans of the "Red Banner Army". They were two gunners, three sword and shield players, and two cavalrymen.

The white soldiers in Houjiazhuang have lived, ate, studied and trained with the "Red Banner Army" for several months, and the injured white soldiers have received meticulous care for several months.

They had long recognized Huang Han, the son-in-law of the white-armed general, and they also treated Dongping Hou as the head of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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