Chapter 545 Don't Be a Thief
The wounded soldiers knew that even in Shizhu, it was impossible for them to have such good medical conditions, and it was impossible for them to eat so well.

I learned that Dongping Hou will not abandon everyone even if they are disabled and unable to serve. As long as they are willing, they can take their families and live in Tiger Cave City. At that time, they will get jobs within their ability. Wounded soldiers who have lost their labor force will be given priority in decent jobs. their wives.

Marquis Dongping treated the soldiers so favorably, so many white soldiers were so excited that their eyes were blurred with tears, and they already had the idea of ​​repaying their gratitude in their hearts.

The twenty disabled white soldiers who were selected learned that they would be able to serve as servants to a civil servant. Swear to God that you will be loyal to the Patriarch.

It is impossible for the flag guards to accept all disabled soldiers who can still have a certain combat effectiveness. Some people are too pure to adapt to spy work at all, and some people have distinctive looks and are not suitable for them.

Therefore, there were only three banner guards among the 27 guards for Xu Mingyang. Afterwards, they became familiar with the [-] men under their command. After inspection, they could give priority to developing banner guards among them, and they could also develop locally.

Xu Mingyang, who came to visit his daughter on purpose, was so ashamed that he couldn't bear it. Dongping Hou gave away money and others, as if he was here to find his son-in-law to beat the autumn wind.

Huang Han was blunt, telling Xu Mingyang that the Ming Dynasty in the future might be even more chaotic, and the people around him could do nothing without force.

The [-] family members who followed him were all retired veterans. These people were trustworthy who had shed blood for the country. As long as they had money, food and weapons, these veterans could train at least [-] armed forces in six months that were not weaker than the inland officers and soldiers.

After going through the defense of Pingshun, Xu Mingyang certainly understood the importance of force. Seeing that the purpose of Huang Han giving money to others was to enable him to have force and gain confidence, he was not hypocritical.

After three days of lingering, the sisters bid farewell to their parents, but their hearts were not bitter, and their hearts were sweet, because they knew that their father had money and dozens of family members were safe and secure, and life would not be bitter.

The two of them looked at the thirty veterans who became Xu's servants one by one, and found that they were all energetic and agile, and they all had full-steel breastplates.

There are no idlers in Houjiazhuang, which is in the slack season, and "Zhongyi Fort" about [-] steps to the north. A large number of sweet potatoes and potatoes need to be further processed. Wine making, brick making, lime burning, and cement burning all require a lot of labor.

The potatoes and sweet potatoes sent to "Loyalty Fort" for further processing were not only the half that Huang Han deserved. The villagers and farmers sold the surplus food one after another, because they had no experience in storing potatoes and sweet potatoes. Rotten in the cellar.

In order to reassure farmers, farmers’ potatoes and sweet potatoes are exchanged for vermicelli and vermicelli that are easy to store according to Huxue City’s conversion standard.

Many ordinary people have eaten vermicelli and vermicelli when participating in the construction of water conservancy facilities. Knowing that this food is delicious, they are still hungry. Of course, they are happy to replace it with the potatoes and sweet potatoes they harvested. They are even willing to exchange a few catties of white wine and a few canned sea fish Go home for the New Year.

Seeing autumn and winter come, during this period of time, all the princes of the court and the governor of Henan knew that the "Red Banner Army" was completing the major event of providing relief with work.

Hundreds of thousands of miles of land and hundreds of thousands of households will benefit. Such a large project requires so much strong labor. There is no efficient team to maintain stability. Not only the local bureaucrats have no idea, but the emperor will also be afraid.

Therefore, neither the Ministry of War nor the local officials dared to propose to the emperor to use the "Red Banner Army" to leave the Tiahe construction site and continue to suppress bandits.

It was not until mid-November, when the construction became more and more difficult due to severe freezing caused by a sharp drop in temperature, that the river-digging project was declared over.

After more than [-] days of hard work, it will be enough to ensure that ships with a displacement of [-] tons will enter the Zhang River and arrive at the newly excavated "Loyalty Fort" inner wharf after the spring of next year.

Hundreds of thousands of people in Beizhili, Shandong, and Henan received more than one hundred catties of miscellaneous grains plus eight or nine hundred copper coins to go home for the New Year.

Since potatoes were the staple food on the construction site, the common people got enough nutrition and they all became stronger.

Many people have seen the legendary "Red Banner Army". They worked hard and got food and wages. At least this new year will be much easier.

Shengdou Xiaomin kept the words of the "Red Banner Army" propaganda team in mind, if you can't survive, don't be a thief, go to Tianjinwei, go to the seaside, as long as you can find the "Red Banner Army", you can get a new life.

At present, the situation in Ming Dynasty is not so bad that the common people in places not far from the capital can't survive. Huang Han is just taking precautions, worrying that the north of Ming Dynasty will still be ruined by bandits and slaves in turn, resulting in the death of millions of people.

Propagating the promise that running to the seaside will find a way of life in advance will allow many ordinary people to have hope in their hearts when they face the establishment of slaves and looting by bandits.

Many members of the congregation who worked hard on the Tiaohe construction site learned that the "Red Banner Army" routinely selects strong men who possess a certain skill and are active in labor as military labor.

The remuneration given was five buckets of miscellaneous grains and six renminbi of silver for a month, which was more than a half higher than digging hard at the Tiaohe construction site.

Therefore, many strong laborers who had developed trust in the "Red Banner Army" refused to go home, and voluntarily asked to be enlisted in the army.

Since launching the river challenge is basically a sea battle without any technical content, as long as you can carry it on your shoulders, you can do it.

The basic remuneration given by Huang Han is based on one liter of miscellaneous grains plus ten copper coins per day.

Although the pay is not high, but in the case of being able to eat three meals and have a full stomach, it still attracts the strong laborers nearby.

It is no wonder that every family is short of food. During the slack season, in order to save energy and eat less food, too many families are basically unwilling to move more.

In the days when there is nothing to do, there is a place to eat for free, which will be sought after, and the ability to earn food and copper coins will of course attract a lot of strong laborers.

Those who voluntarily sign up to join the army think they have two talents, at least they are strong men with two arms.

Some people want to fight for their future in the army, and some people are more simple because they eat a lot of food. Those who eat two meals at home always feel hungry. Those who follow the army plan can eat three meals and eat until their stomachs are full.

The Zhanghe River and the Weihe River flow into the South Canal and connect with the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The vicinity of the river basin is the hometown of traditional martial arts, and Cangzhou's Huijiazi is famous far and wide.

At this time, showing the demeanor of the "Red Banner Army" and letting the common people understand the benefits of this army reflected that there was no need to mobilize, and the number of strong men who voluntarily signed up to join the army reached [-] to [-].

(End of this chapter)

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