Chapter 546
Teenagers still take honesty and good equestrian skills as the first consideration goals, followed by martial arts, and finally are powerful men, so horsemen among ordinary people have become popular.

More than 2 people were persuaded to return, and more than 3000 people remained. Among them, [-] people were responsible for looking after horses, draft horses, and pack horses. Of course, these people have riding skills and martial arts. They are candidates for expanding the cavalry. Become mounted infantry.

At present, there is no requirement for the families of more than [-] people to cross the sea to settle in Lushunkou or the Liaoxi Corridor. During this period of time, too many people have been removed, and there is no shortage of villagers outside the customs.

Moreover, the vast majority of these people have not encountered the scourge of bandits or slavery, their families are relatively intact, and they can live on. They have only been attached to the "Red Banner Army" for a few days, and their mutual trust needs to be stabilized.

When some of the volunteers who voluntarily joined the army got the opportunity to become regular soldiers, let them predict that the military salary would be enough to support their families, and see with their own eyes that the soldiers who won military exploits would be promoted and get rich.

At that time, the town governor proposed that the "Red Banner Army" Zhengbing family must enter the system to farm and work, and I believe it will be a matter of course.

Out of hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged men, tens of thousands of called men volunteered to join the army. After selection, the number of people who were selected was one out of five. former refugees.

Due to the continuous smoking, more than 5000 volunteers joined the army, and the number has exceeded [-].

Huang Han no longer needed so much hard labor to accompany the army, and more than [-] people who were drafted were released from hard labor and sent to the southern and western corridors of Liaoning to reunite with their families and prepare for a New Year without worrying about food and clothing.

Most of these people have served for more than half a year, and according to their performance, they will be rewarded with at least one tael of silver and a stone of miscellaneous grains when they come to their new homeland, which does not include the rewards they should have been received by their families.

The resettlement of refugees outside the pass does not adopt a uniform standard. The 10,000+ former thieves are basically resettled in Ningyuan Waiguo.

Tuntian is one million mu of arable land that has just been consolidated between the northeast of Ningyuan and the southern fort of Tashan Mountain. This year, there are a large number of new villagers. Tuntian can be developed to the west by hundreds of thousands of mu, and there are still many mountainous areas where maize can be grown.

The first line of defense built around Tashan South Fort, which is about [-] miles away from Ningyuan, could not withstand the attack of Jiannu all over the place.

When the offensive and defensive battle starts, the "Red Banner Army" will inflict a lot of damage on Jiannu here, and then retreat to the main line of defense centered on Ningyuan. Shanhaiguan is the place to never give up.

The later Jin army's attack on Western Liaoning would not cause the villagers to be coerced or killed. Although the Tashan South Fort was the first line of defense, it was not just paper.

If Jiannu wanted to attack, he had to play a battle for the battlefield. It would not be a problem for thousands of regular soldiers and thousands of guards to stand for ten days and a half months in the face of an attack of [-] to [-] Jiannu.

Every household in the village will participate in military training, and usually simulate how to retreat in an orderly manner when the Jiannu attack on a large scale. Ningyuan built a foreign country that extends all the way to the sea. Such a large site is more than enough to hide 50 people.

It's just that the loss of millions of acres of farmland in the northeast of Ningyuan cannot be avoided. If Jiannu launches an attack after autumn, the loss will be minimal.

These Tungus savages were unable to take down Ningyuan City, which was heavily garrisoned by the "Red Banner Army" hot-armed troops.

After a few months of getting along day and night, the conscripted laborers got used to the military life, and were very satisfied that they could earn food and pay for their family while being able to eat enough to wear uniforms.

When they suddenly learned that they were about to go to their new homes after they were released from hard labor, many people were reluctant to leave, and too many cried so hard.

The propaganda team and the town governor started propaganda again, telling these people not to worry about not having the opportunity to earn food and wages, and that they can ensure that the family has no worries about food and clothing when they go to southern Liaoning and Ningyuan just to farm.

Presumably, there are at least tens of thousands of Xintun residents outside the customs this year who were very pleasantly surprised before the New Year. Of course, it is because the males in the family have not only returned but also grown up. They have also brought back food and money for the family to live. Happy new year.

More than half of the slave laborers were eliminated, and those who remained were naturally strong or skilled people. In addition, more than [-] people were selected from the tens of thousands of strong men who volunteered to sign up to join the army. Overthrow tens of thousands of bandits.

Because most of these people who voluntarily joined the army were self-cultivated farmers or tenants, among them were hunters, artisans, and many stable households.

They were not forced to make a choice. Many Huijiazi who thought they were outstanding in martial arts or riding skills came with longing, and followed with the good wish of making military exploits and gaining a glorious lintel. "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han led the "Red Banner Army" to station in Zhangde Mansion and Weihui Mansion, which not only ensured the safety of Lu Wang, but also ensured the smooth completion of work-for-relief, and also improved the defense of the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, making it impossible for bandits to go Fleeing eastward.

Chen Qiyu, Hong Chengchou, Xu Dingchen, and Lu Xiangsheng have not been idle for the past few months. They have rectified their troops, with the frontier troops capable of fighting as the main force, and encircled them to attack Gao Yingxiang, Lao Huihui, Eight Great Kings and other 36 battalions in Qinyang and Jiyuan. .

There are quite a few generals gathered, basically including all the battalions that can be fought in the north of the Ming Dynasty. There are more than [-] Guanning troops led by Wu Xiang and his sons, Zu Kuan, and Zu Dabi, and Wu Zimian, the general officer of Yansui, brought them of people.

There are also He Renlong, Wang Pu, Ai Wannian, Wang Chengen, etc. Among them, there are thousands of soldiers from the old friend Lieutenant General Huang Weizheng and General Han Zhikuan, and the fiercest one is still uncle and nephew Cao Wenzhao.

When the rogues were about to fall into the huge encirclement of the Ming army, God had a hard time with Daming. In mid-November, the torrential Yellow River was frozen three feet, and the rogues who were already in desperate situation swarmed across the Yellow River and entered the territory south of the Yellow River in Henan.

The freezing of the Yellow River resulted in no natural dangers to rely on, and a wider world for the rogues to move around. Even if there were three times as many officers and troops, they would not be able to complete the encirclement and suppression, and it became a chase.

At this time, the territory south of the Yellow River in Henan was not destroyed by the rogues, which meant that the rogues would get a lot of food, supplies, and gold and silver treasures.

The officers and soldiers who followed and suppressed were mixed, such as Zuo Liangyu, He Renlong, and Wang Pu were not enthusiastic about killing bandits, but they took the opportunity to plunder them with enthusiasm.

This is actually a turning point in history. At the end of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the rogues crossed the Yellow River, which made the weak Daming worse. Tens of millions of people fell into dire straits, which directly led to the death of hundreds of millions of people.

The funniest thing is the content of elementary school textbooks in the late 70s, "Li Chuangwang led the peasant army to the bank of the Yellow River. The team was going to cross the Yellow River to eliminate corrupt officials, landlords and bullies, and rescue the suffering people."

(End of this chapter)

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