Chapter 547
Henan was corrupted for thousands of miles, and the emperor was furious.

It was confirmed that there were no major thieves near Zhangde Mansion and Weihui Mansion, and there were no major projects. The "Red Banner Army" was named by the emperor to march westward and southward to participate in the suppression of bandits.

As early as September, the merchant ships that took the refugees to Ningyuan and Lushunkou brought the winter clothes of the soldiers, as well as five hundred four-wheeled carriages produced by Huxue City. Yi also followed the escorts to the army.

After seeing his elder brother, Huang Yi happily reported back what he had learned in the past six months in detail, his face was full of pride, and he even wanted to go to sea with his second elder brother Huang Yong to find Xiyi's bad luck.

Due to the continuous expansion of the production scale of the weaving factory put into production last year, the output has doubled several times.

The marching tents made of oiled canvas by the quilt factory can fully meet the needs of [-] troops. The replacement of cowhide tents with canvas tents saves too much cost, which makes the price of cowhide drop, and the cost of cowhide combat boots also drops accordingly.

Backpacks made of oiled canvas according to Huang Han's design drawings have become the standard equipment for every regular soldier.

This kind of backpack is beautiful and has a large capacity and is waterproof. It is not only for military use, but also popular among civilians. However, Huang Han forgot to open the gold finger on the zipper, so the backpack still uses buttons and drawstrings to tighten the pockets.

In this era, most people travel with luggage, or use wooden or rattan boxes, which are inconvenient and not strong. With the new product of backpack, I believe it will become a must-have item for travel and business in a short time. .

Applying tung oil for waterproofing is not Huang Han’s golden finger. Umbrellas in this era are self-made using kraft paper and thick cloth coated with tung oil and dried in the shade. Many oil-paper umbrellas in the romantic Jiangnan also depict mountains and water to become a scene in the rain.

The advent of tung oil-coated canvas has upgraded the soft sails of warships and merchant ships in the "Red Banner Army" system, increasing the waterproof and anti-corrosion properties of the sails, which naturally doubles the service life of the sails, which will save too much cost. Become a fist product sold in Europe.

Daming's textiles originally possessed the world's leading technology and unparalleled competitiveness. The multi-rotor spinning technology similar to the spinning jenny has long been available among Jiangnan folks.

Many skilled craftsmen cooperated with the teenagers in the new science research class. They gathered ideas from various multi-rotor spinning machines and finalized Huang's spinning machines with four, eight, and even up to sixteen revolutions.

Now women in Huxue City generally use eight-spindle spinning machines to spin wool, cotton, and hemp silk. These spinning machines are all products of the steel plant equipment manufacturing branch without exception.

Led by the instructors and students of the new science and technology class, the craftsmen in the system and several masters of Sun Yuanhua's family devoted themselves to research. They often disassembled the looms bought by the Sun family and reassembled them.

Not long after, Huang's loom, which replaced many wearing parts with steel and spring steel, was successfully developed, and the advanced loom with increased width and steel and copper as the main components has been mass-produced through actual operation.

Now the weaving factory in Huxue City adopts modern management to produce canvases that are wider than Xiyi products, with increased density, and the quality has already improved to a higher level.

It also uses the traditional Han people's anti-corrosion and waterproof technology of tung oil coating, which is even more world-leading, and it is easy to sell well in Europe after being introduced to the international market.

The Ming Dynasty was actually a very open era, and there were countless scholar-bureaucrats engaged in scientific and technological research, such as Xu Guangqi, Zhang Xie, Bi Maokang, Zhao Shizhen, Song Yingxing, Fang Yizhi, etc., all left their research results.

Many Ming scientists are still complacent. Senior officials such as Xu Guangqi and Wang Zheng devoted themselves to the study of Western learning. If they had not been colonized by the evil Manchu Qing for nearly 300 years, the Han people would not have become the sick men of East Asia.

In order to let Wang Zheng, who returned home to live idle after being amnesty, be able to play his remaining heat, and also worried that he would be harmed by bandits, the bodyguards of "Sifang Express" went to Wang Zheng's hometown in Jingyang County, Xi'an Prefecture at the end of last year to invite him to go to Tiger Cave City to teach in Xinxue. class.

It was impossible for him to refuse, because Huang Han knew about this famous historical figure and his book "Illustration of the Far West's Strange Artifacts". The banner guard who went to invite him just said a word, and the scientist agreed without hesitation.

Wang Zheng is not only a talented scholar-bureaucrat, but also a devout Catholic. The banner guard told him that he can freely preach in Tiger Cave City, and it will happen naturally.

Xu Guangqi had long talks with Huang Han many times, showing that he was tired of the intrigues in the court, and he wanted to retreat bravely and go to Tiger Cave City to teach new learning, to teach those children geometry and mathematics.

Of course, Huang Han didn't want Master Xu to die in office like history. He taught Taijiquan, arranged for Wu You and Li Zhongzi's old apprentices to visit him regularly for physical examination, and tried his best to rescue Sun Yuanhua so that the old man would not be sad, etc., all for Xu Guangqi to live longer several years.

The situation is good now. Xu Guangqi is in good health. He plans to retire at the end of this year and go to teach in Tiger Cave City. The two authoritative scientists who study western learning, the "King of South Xu and North", will all become talents of the "Red Banner Army" system in the future.

These two are like the great masters of the Ming Dynasty. With their participation in the educational undertakings within the system, it will be much easier to recruit Zhang Xie, Bi Maokang, Song Yingxing, etc. to teach and conduct scientific research in Xinxue.

After Huang Han received the imperial decree, he immediately led Ma Xijin without hesitation, because the fast pursuit and fierce fighting meant that there would be no less food, gold and silver treasures seized.

One thousand four-wheeled carts carried wheat, vermicelli, vermicelli, black beans and other grains, which were enough for twelve thousand shi, and two thousand wheelbarrows also carried seven thousand shi of grain.

Once again, given the outstanding performance of the Guards Army, the number of regular soldiers has reached [-], and the vacancy of the Guards Army will naturally be filled by activists selected from the military labor service, and it will remain at [-].

At the time of departure, eight thousand handymen were selected to accompany the army, and most of the handymen had the task of serving horses, driving carriages, and pushing wheelbarrows.

The cavalry commander who stayed in Houjiazhuang was Ma Fulin, who had just been promoted to be a real commander. He always had a guerrilla vanity. Of the 360 ​​cavalry he had, more than a hundred were veterans brought from outside the pass, and the rest were guards who had just become regulars. So the army.

He Shouxin, a small banner officer of the propaganda team, was promoted to be the chief banner officer and stayed behind. Under him were Luo Mingshi and other small banner officials and dozens of propaganda members whose hometown was not far from Houjiazhuang.

Gu Rushan was promoted to become the deputy general because of his well-organized management of Sun Liuzhuang. There are also 360 regular swordsmen, spearmen, infantry archers, and gunners under his command. Most of them are also guards who have just turned regular. There are as many as 1000 township warriors who have begun to complete regular training.

In case of an emergency, Ma Fulin, Gu Rushan, and He Shouxin can call in five thousand young and middle-aged men who practice every three days with white wax spears to participate in the defense of the base.

(End of this chapter)

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