Chapter 548 Luoyang
During this period of time, the northern Zhili bandits were basically wiped out. Since Sun Liuzhuang was closer to the capital, Houjiazhuang stood in front of it, and the "Red Banner Army" provided relief with work, fewer and fewer refugees could be accepted during this period.

Next year's transportation will be by water as much as possible, and Sunliuzhuang is not very important here, so only a small banner soldier and a general banner guard army are left behind.

Shen Sixiao, a cavalry flag officer with the rank of warrior, is in charge. They will also train no less than two Baizong Xiangyong armed forces. This is also under the command of the three-man regiment formed by Ma Fulin, Gu Rushan, and He Shouxin stationed in Houjiazhuang.

The "Sifang Bank" that Jinfeng is in charge of in "Loyalty Fort" has opened, and the "Red Flag Food Store" she manages is also in operation.

The wages and food distributed to the laborers on the construction site were collected by the young apprentice soldiers from the bank and the food store through the formalities. Naturally, this loyal maid was responsible for the money and food exchanges in this base area in the future.

In the "Loyalty Fort" there is Pei Daneng's Henan Military Intelligence Department intelligence station, with soldiers, horses, money and food, and sources of intelligence. Gu Rushan and Gu Rushan should be able to guard and manage this area well.

The "Red Banner Army" had [-] men and horses going south, carrying nearly [-] shi of grain, horse feed, and a large amount of sea fish, pork, and canned chicken.

It's not that the "Red Banner Army" will carry so much food because they are hungry, and that the food they snatched from the bandits along the way can feed the "Red Banner Army".

In the past two years, duck blood vermicelli and roast duck have been sold very well. Not only has a large number of duck breeding industries been developed within the system, but there are countless people raising ducks in Shuntian, Yongping, Zhending and other northern Zhili prefectures.

The winter jackets of the "Red Banner Army" have been fully filled with duck down, which is enough to meet the field battles with the Tartars outside the Great Wall in December. There is no possibility of frostbite and loss of personnel when entering Henan. The temperature here is more than ten times higher than that outside the Great Wall. Spend.

Because Huijiazi with riding skills was the key to recruiting into the army, there were five total cavalry in the Five Thousand Guards Army, three of which always used self-generated hot weapons and two always used cold weapons.

The vacancy in the cavalry that needs to be sent to stay at Houjiazhuang has been filled, and now the cavalry trainees of the Guards Army have been selected to expand the total number by one.

The dispatched cavalry consisted of five general company officers totaling 800 people, plus the cavalry of the Guards Army who had already been able to conduct actual combat training, and the number reached [-] when they were used intensively.

All cold weapon cavalry have iron arms, shoulder pads, knee pads, helmets with steel visors and all-steel breastplate equipment. In freezing days, cold weapon cavalry will also wear a cotton armor inside.

Such equipment is a big advantage when fighting against Jiannu, and it must be a tiger like a sheep to attack the rogue team.

The hot weapon cavalry is still an all-steel helmet with only cotton lining and cotton visor to keep warm. Wearing cotton armor, this kind of protection is not pitiful for long-range weapons. Rogues without artillery equipment at all can kill on a large scale.

The rogues in Chongzhen 13 years ago were basically beaten by the government army and fled everywhere. Even if they obtained the Fran machine guns and Hongyi cannons when they attacked the prefectures and counties, they had to discard them.

Not only because there are few gunners, but the main reason is that the rogues can only survive if they run around uninterruptedly, and they are really unable to transport heavy artillery to fight guerrillas.

Huang Han knew that the rogues basically did not have heavy weapons, so they did not carry a large number of cannons with them. The most numerous in the army were the one-pounder Francois machine guns that fired shotguns and effectively killed two hundred paces. There were only three six-pounders and nine three-pounders. The all-steel Hongyi cannon with an effective range of two miles.

Zhang Fengyi now has more than [-] people, and she has finally recovered from the bloody Houjiazhuang bloody battle and has a certain strength.

During this period of time, she was treated courteously by Huang Han. All the military supplies and food were provided by Huang Han. The treatment was exactly the same as that of the guards of the "Red Banner Army".

[-] Chuanwazi and Chuanmeizi have never dressed so vigorously, and have never had three meals a day. They are often treated with meat, and they all feel that it is a blessing in disguise.

The white-armed soldiers who survived the bloody battle were at least corporal leaders, and the vast majority of the soldiers were the scattered Sichuan troops who were taken in.

Now this newly formed white-armed soldier refuses to fight with anyone at all. They have identified Dongpinghou and want to fight with the "Red Banner Army" wholeheartedly.

Due to the heavy losses of Zhang Fengyi's men and horses, the report sent to the Henan governor Xuanmo and the Ministry of War to control the troops along the way told the truth that after the bloody battle in Houjiazhuang, all the white soldiers were killed and injured, and there were only less than 200 men worthy of another battle.

Only 200 people, a drop in the bucket, is of no avail, so this group of people has been forgotten.

It's just that because the "Red Banner Army" has professional medical soldiers and field hospitals accompanying the army, the level of trauma treatment is increasing day by day.

Only about 300% of the white soldiers died due to bacterial infection after being injured. More than 200 white soldiers miraculously recovered from their injuries and returned to the team. Next, more than [-] of Deng Qi's defeated soldiers were recruited. The newly formed white soldiers It has grown to one thousand and eight hundred.

Thanks to the strong logistical support provided by the "Red Banner Army", Zhang Fengyi's existing troops have soared in discipline and combat effectiveness under the strict training of more than [-] veterans who have survived fierce battles.

The vast majority of the existing soldiers are veterans who have served for more than three years. Among them, more than 300 grassroots officers have returned from injuries after experiencing bloody battles. Their loyalty and cohesion are completely different. I am afraid that the overall combat effectiveness of the 800 people is even better than the bloody battle in Houjiazhuang. There are more than two thousand white soldiers in front of them.

The emperor's imperial decree did not mention this white-armed soldier. It is possible that neither the Ministry of War nor the emperor knew that Zhang Fengyi's troops were ready for a battle.

Huang Han's original intention was to make Zhang Fengyi happy to be forgotten by everyone, so he stationed in Houjiazhuang to seek development. After all, there are many rogues and refugees sent here, and young and middle-aged people with a Sichuan accent can be retained to expand the team.

But Zhang Fengyi refused to stay out of the matter when the court employed people, and she tried her best to follow the "Red Banner Army" in action.

Qin Yuyi has spent more than half a year with her sister-in-law day and night happily, of course she likes her sister-in-law to fight side by side with her, and she also asked Huang Han to bring this sturdy white soldier.

Huang Han didn't intend to swallow Zhang Fengyi's troops, but if things continued like this, more than [-]% of these white soldiers would approve of the "Red Banner Army".

They were respected, they broadened their horizons after participating in the lectures, and enjoyed full and timely military pay. I am afraid that Qin Liangyu will come in person in the future, and these people will not be easy to bring along.

The economic base determines the superstructure, and most people will pursue a better life. After all, the Qin family and the Ma family have limited money and food, and it is impossible to distribute food, salaries and equipment like Huang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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