Chapter 549
Therefore, when Huang Han led the "Red Banner Army" of 2 people to the south, there were [-] more white soldiers who actively followed.

Zhang Fengyi also has a female guard with the surviving female guards as officers. These people are not included in the 800.

Eighty-odd of her guards were not from Sichuan, but women who had been harmed by bandits a few months ago. Because of the use of hot weapons, after several months of training, their physical fitness and combat skills were worthy of a battle.

The army first went west to kill Ben Xiuwu, Qinyang, and Jiyuan. Naturally, it was destroyed along the way. A small number of rogues were beheaded and killed, and a large number of refugees were escorted to Houjiazhuang for screening and transported to outside the pass.

When going south to cross the Yellow River, Ma Fulin, who sent the captured prisoners to Houjiazhuang for the army, led dozens of cavalry to escort more than a thousand refugees and captives back to the east.

After fighting for seven or eight days in a row, the cavalry basically did the work, and the infantry cleaned up the mess.

They are killing people almost every day, of course they are killing bandits. On average, they have marched fifty miles a day, and twelve days have passed by the time they reached Luoyang. They have collected more than 36 people. Among them, there are no well-known leaders of the [-]th Battalion, only a dozen or so middle-level leaders. indivual.

The prefect of Luoyang is Zheng Xiaowen, who took office as a new official. When he learned that Huang Han led the "Red Banner Army" to arrive, he personally led the armored servants to welcome him at the ten-mile long pavilion.

It has only been three months since Zheng Xiaowen came to Luoyang to take office. Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, who had won military merits in the "Red Banner Army" and received the imperial court's fourth-rank signing, are now following the young master.

Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei, the two sons of the Zheng family, came to Luoyang to lead the troops. practice.

Zheng Xiaowen, the magistrate, is different. He has practiced self-made guns in the army for many years, and now he has also developed the habit of carrying short guns with him. He has the value of force.

The Zheng family has money and talents. After Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei came into contact with those battalion soldiers, they realized that it would be difficult to train them to die. They had to abandon the "Red Banner Army" method of leading troops and follow the path of Ming generals.

They selected fierce men as servants, focused on equipment and intensive training of servants, and gave them double treatment as ordinary battalion soldiers. Now they have a 200-strong armored servant team, and now these servants belong to the garrison battalion to receive military pay.

Zheng Xuewu and Zheng Xuewei are both real-time chief executives, and they have two thousand Luoyang garrisons under their names, and they only left a small half of them to pretend to be, and ate more than half of their vacancies to support their families. Got hundreds of gains.

Huang Han didn't care about the decapitation of the bandits at all, and left all the heads he got in the past ten days to Zheng Xiaowen to repay his merits. The heads left by the "Red Banner Army" are of good quality, and they are all old bandits.

Zheng Xiaowen was overjoyed to be the leader of the [-] gangsters, these military exploits are enough to make him the first among many magistrates in Henan, and it is not likely that he will be promoted, because this year he has just been promoted to a fourth-rank magistrate, and nine out of ten he has received awards.

Passengers and soldiers were basically stationed outside the city, and none of the parents and officials dared to let the troops into the city, but Zheng Xiaowen deliberately asked his brother-in-law to lead the army into Luoyang City to station.

Zheng Xiaowen has just arrived, just in time for the rogues to go south to loot Henan, the local interpersonal relationship is complicated, and there is also a vassal prince in Luoyang who should be the closest blood relationship to Emperor Chongzhen—— King Fu.

The Zheng family is now powerful in Gyeonggi and even in the west of Liaoning. When Zheng Xiaowen came to Luoyang to become an official, he faced too many civil officials with higher official positions than him, such as governor, chief envoy, inspector envoy, political envoy, and Taoist guard. The master Wang may find fault.

Therefore, Zheng Xiaowen, who has been tempered and politically conscious, needs to pull a tiger skin as a banner, and try his best to ask his brother-in-law to raise troops into Luoyang City. The purpose is naturally to let many civil servants and generals see the Zheng family's cards.

It's a pity that Huang Han didn't have the conditions to lead an army into Luoyang, because there were no less than [-] refugees taken in along the way, and he couldn't bring these dirty refugees into the city.

These refugees followed the "Red Banner Army" for only a few days, only trying to give out two meals of porridge a day, and did not establish a sense of identity. Once they entered the city, many of them would hide in the city and refused to come out, and they might become beggars in Luoyang in the future.

Huang Han has food, and the army gives porridge to the refugees in the morning and evening every day. However, the army will not deliberately let the refugees catch up and slow down the marching speed. It is estimated that some refugees will fend for themselves as they walk.

Nine out of ten refugees who have been persistently following and not falling behind have strengthened their confidence in following the "Red Banner Army" and will consider resettling these people in the future.

Huang Han left half of his troops to set up camp two miles outside the east gate of Luoyang, and he led the women's battalion and half of the infantry, about [-] people, into the city in a square formation.

The news of Dongping Hou's arrival spread like wildfire. Many Luoyang soldiers and civilians came to watch the legendary "Red Banner Army".

Of course, when entering the city, you must meet King Fu, and Huang Han also planted tens of thousands of acres of land belonging to King Fu.

Due to Dongping Hou Huang Han's reputation, Fu Wang also heard about it, and gave him a high-standard reception. The fat prince was smiling and looked like a wealthy businessman. Huang Han didn't see the meanness in the legend.

This time, in order to receive the guests of the Marquis of Dongping's banquet this time, all the civil officials above the seventh rank and military generals above the fifth rank in Luoyang City were invited.

Since most of the fortified cities were breached by rogues from inside and outside, Huang Han gave a popular science to everyone at Fu Wang's banquet.

The main content is to introduce the fact that Pingshun County, a small city with few people and basically no garrisons, fought offensive and defensive battles under the command of Xu Mingyang, and tell everyone why Pingshun County was able to hold on to the attack of [-] to [-] rogues for four days and four nights.

It is emphasized that preventing internal thieves is the top priority, not only to prevent spies, but also to guard against refugees, beggars, green skins, and hooligans who take the opportunity to smash, loot and burn themselves.

Fu Wang Zhu Changxun didn't care at all, but his eldest son Zhu Yousong listened to it with gusto. The first monarch of Nanming was in his early thirties and looked quite capable.

After listening to Xu Mingyang's story of sticking to Pingshun County, he left his seat and came to Huang Han's place to toast, and said politely:

"The Marquis of Dongping has made great achievements in battle, and everyone in Ming Dynasty knows it. You said that no matter how tall and strong the city is, it cannot withstand the attacks from inside and outside. You asked Luoyang's civil and military officers to check the population strictly according to their household registration, strengthen the inspection of businessmen, and clear the refugees and beggars out of the city. , I think so.

But now there are refugees and beggars everywhere in Luoyang City, and it is not known that expelling them at a time of freezing weather may trigger civil uprisings.Most of those who were expelled from the city had no way out. "

(End of this chapter)

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