Chapter 550
As soon as Zhu Yousong said this, all the civil servants and generals present nodded in approval. They don't know that beggars and refugees mixing in Luoyang City are a factor of instability.

It’s just that if the deportation is really carried out, even if there is no civil uprising, it will cause most beggars and refugees to freeze and starve to death. The promulgation of a decree directly leads to the death of thousands of poor people. Who can afford such a crime?
Huang Han smiled and said: "Your Majesty's concern is obvious, of course you can't drive out the refugees and beggars out of the city and ignore them, you can arrange some Zhuangzi who were destroyed by the exiles to arrange these people outside the city.

They can also be placed in temples and Taoist temples. It is still necessary to give out two bowls of porridge every day at five o'clock. The food needed can be donated by big households. "

These words are used by Huang Han to test Zhu Yousong, to see if this kid is responsible, and will he take the lead in offering food. Fu Wang's family has so much money and food. They give food to beggars and refugees to eat two bowls of porridge every day. It's not enough to make the obese King Fu thin.

Zhu Yousong heard the intention of apportioning grain to the big households, but he didn't take over. It was not his turn to be in charge of the Prince Fu's mansion, and it would depend on his father's attitude whether to give grain or not.

Huang Han was not angry when he saw that he suggested that the big family should send out food. The guests and King Fu were all pretending to be deaf and dumb, and he was still calm and said:

"The rogues are vicious, they are naturally hostile to high-ranking officials and nobles, and the common people who are often defeated in the city may still have a way to survive, at worst they will coerce them into becoming rogues.

Wealthy families basically would not save their lives, and the female relatives would be worse off than dead. The money and food in the family would be looted, and the mansion would be burned in all likelihood.

Therefore, Benjue believes that the rich families must be sincere and united in the face of the harsh situation of rogues crossing the border, and must not be reluctant to give up money and food. "

This is all the truth, all the rich people will be ruined when the bandits break the city, but there are not many rich people who are willing to do their best to contribute money and food to help the defenders.

Seeing the embarrassment of my brother-in-law asking everyone to provide food, Zheng Xiaowen said: "I don't have much food in my hand shortly after I took office. I am willing to give 2000 taels of silver to buy food for refugees and beggars."

Seeing that the magistrate opened his mouth, Luoyang Tongzhi, Tongju and other subordinate officials pledged food donations ranging from [-] shi to [-] shi, and then some civil officials and military generals also pledged verbally.

Although Fu Wang is addicted to wine and sex, he is not a fool. Under such circumstances, if he does not speak up, he will lose face. He still smiled and said: "The harvest has been small these years, and there is no surplus food in the palace! How about this king save two thousand shi of food."

After the calculation, Huang Han opened his mouth for alms and got a total of more than 6000 taels of silver and [-] shi of grain to help refugees and beggars.

The next day Zheng Xiaowen organized a manual check of the household registration. At the same time, with the cooperation of the "Red Banner Army" who entered the city, the refugees and beggars were arrested and sent out of Luoyang City for resettlement. The dirty and messy Luoyang City was much refreshed that night.

Luoyang, Kaifeng and other big cities "Sifang Express" had already moved in a year or two ago, and the flag guards had also taken root. Under Huang Sifang's personal arrangements, more than a dozen flag guards had successfully mixed into the bandits in the past two years.

The flag guards who perform this dangerous task basically do not fight alone, but in a group of three, which is also for the convenience of management and mutual supervision.

It's just that the rogues are really bad, and they are often beaten by the officers and soldiers. Now several banner guards have been killed by the officers and soldiers in vain.

When Huang Han parted, he told Zheng Xiaowen not to be merciful to the rogues, never to take in the leader of the rogues who defected, and if the rogues reoccupied Luoyang, they must investigate suspicious people door by door, and would rather catch the wrong one than let them go.

The Banner Guard organization is too intriguing. Huang Han has always controlled this power by himself. He was worried that Zheng Xiaowen would not be able to accept it, so he never revealed it to him.

Several of Zheng Xiaowen's servants selected from western Liaoning were banner guards placed by Huang Sifang. They not only collected information, but also took on the job of protecting Zheng Xiaowen. In case Luoyang fell, the banner guards would forcibly coerce Zheng Xiaowen Abandon the city and flee.

The rogues crossing the natural dangers of the Yellow River are like mercury pouring south and east to commit crimes. The "Red Banner Army" cannot waste time in Luoyang, and must hold on to one part to reduce the consumption of food.

Often when the rogue bandits just grabbed food and supplies, they would throw away their luggage and flee when they were attacked by the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army". Using the captured food to feed a large number of refugees can certainly save the supplies transported with the army.

Bandits and thieves are fine, throwing luggage, gold and silver treasures when dealing with the officers and soldiers, and nine times out of ten the chasing Ming army will immediately be in chaos.

Knowing that abandoning luggage and throwing money is a treacherous trick of the rogues, many generals are helpless.

It has become normal for the generals of the Ming army to eat empty quotas. When they dispatched troops, they arrested people everywhere to fill up their numbers. Perhaps more than half of their subordinates were refugees and beggars who were forcibly recruited into the army, and there were even many hooligans and gangsters.

The few real battalion soldiers are also seriously short of food and salaries. Seeing that they can pick up gold, silver and treasures on the ground, what kind of military discipline do these mobs care about?
At this moment, the general ordered the servants to stop them. Otherwise, the anxious soldiers might fight desperately with the servants, and in the end they simply killed the general and rebelled and defected to the bandits.

It is impossible for Luo Rucai, Lao Huihui, Zhang Xianzhong and other thieves to flee blindly. They always pay attention to the pursuers behind their buttocks, and when they find that the Ming army is in disorder, they will turn back and fight.

At this time, the roles of the two sides will often change, and they will become rogues chasing the officers and soldiers, beating them to heaven and earth.

Huang Han was unwilling to cooperate with other Ming armies, and he did not coordinate with Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan who was already in charge of Kaifeng Mansion. This third-rank civil servant basically did not meet in order to avoid the embarrassment of meeting Dongpinghou.

The "Red Banner Army" mastered the speed of advancing fifty miles a day to kill all the rogues they could find as much as possible. This speed was already extremely fast, and no bandit suppressor in the official army could maintain it for a long time.

Zhang Fengyi's lessons learned from the past, the Ming army from all walks of life can not be trusted, in case of being tricked by teammates like pigs, there is no place to complain.

Huang Han chose to fight alone, he didn't demand to expand the results to encircle and wipe out the enemy, and he didn't even go after the thieves of the 36th Battalion. first goal.

When the rogue bandits were running around, the "Red Banner Army" didn't take the opportunity to take down a few places and establish bases, in vain mobilizing troops to come to the mainland.

Therefore, it is very important to build a fortress with a natural port along the Yangtze River, so that Huguang, a rice producing area, has a base for the "Red Banner Army".

(End of this chapter)

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