Chapter 552 Relief
The fate of the "Red Banner Army" cannot be entrusted to anyone.

It is obvious that the luggage can be thrown in Nanyang, and the whole army carried three days of dry food to attack the rogues who were besieging Xiangyang for less than three hundred miles. Huang Han did not do this.

He was worried that the bandits led by well-known rogues such as Huihui Ma Shouying, the Eight Great Kings Zhang Xianzhong, and Liu Guoneng, who were attacked by several rogues, would not be able to break through for a while. Nanyang lost its food and equipment. How could such a situation happen? It's not that the sky should not be called the earth is not working.

If you don't make a coincidence, you won't be self-defeating. Push it over and see if the thieves and the old Huihui have the courage and strength to fight the "Red Banner Army".

The cavalry was once again used intensively. They traveled twenty miles forward to scout the route of the army. They encountered rogue sentries on the road and had many scouting battles. The result was that the "Red Banner Army" won without a doubt.

Sang Yu, Zhang Yang, Yuan Siming, etc. were in charge of commanding the doubled cavalry. In order to increase the training opportunities for the rookies, the cavalry rookies who had just become regulars last month were the ones who confronted the rogue scouts.

The "Red Banner Army" was about to arrive, and the leaders of the rogue bandits were informed. Half of the rebels of the 36th Battalion were under the city of Xiangyang, and they also sat down to discuss countermeasures.

Headed by Ma Shouying, Zhang Xianzhong, and Liu Guoneng, they were unwilling to continue running away, thinking that now that there are so many people, they can work together to fight the "Red Devils".

The leaders of Flying on the Grass, a Tiger, Flying with One Wing, Hand in the Cloud, and the Four Heavenly Kings were terrified by the "Red Devil" and resolutely refused to stay and fight for their lives.

They have good reasons. The sky is high and birds are flying. Huguang has a lot of food, money, and population.

Zhang Xianzhong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and scolded those thieves who didn't want to make progress: "A bunch of worthless people, now we have 20 people, and we can fight [-] to [-].

At this time, they did not attack a dozen 'Red Banner Army' and fled on their own. After the men and horses dispersed again, they had no chance. They were caught and beheaded by the 'Red Devils' in all likelihood. "

Liu Guoneng agreed to fight, and said loudly: "The Eight Great Kings are justified. With the ferocity of the 'Red Devils', if we fall into their hands, we will surely die. If we don't work together and take advantage of the large number of people, food, and weapons, we will fight them one by one in the future." They were all done by the 'Red Devils'."

The Four Heavenly Kings had only 4000 troops, and he didn't have the guts to face the "Red Banner Army", so he said with a mournful face:

"These elder brothers are full of pride and admiration, but we have all seen the majesty of elder brother Zijinliang, he should be a brave man with both wisdom and courage, and the old cavalry team under him is the best at fighting.

According to the dictation of the brothers who escaped by chance, the troops of the two brothers Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun couldn't even support the attack of the 'Red Devil' cavalry for a moment. Are we tired of fighting with such troops? "

A tiger managed to pull more than 100 men and horses, and just now has more than [-] horse thieves. He is looking forward to a bright future for rebellion, and of course he doesn't want to end here. He said:
"It's important for us to preserve our strength. There is no reason to fight the 'Red Devils' hard. Let them hide from them is the only reason."

Cao Shangfei said: "We are rebels, and the 'Red Devils' are the officers and soldiers. The imperial court's support of the officers and soldiers is naturally to fight the rebels. My younger brother thinks that even if the 'Red Devils' kill Wang Ziyong, Wang Jiayun and many leaders, we It can’t be said that there is a deep hatred with them, they just did their duty.”

As soon as these words came out, more than half of the thieves agreed. They also believed that the two armies were fighting and there was no personal enmity. As for whether they were desperately avenging the dead brothers with the "Red Devils", it was pure nonsense.

Zhang Xianzhong was furious when he saw that all of these people were muddy and unable to support the wall.He roared: "Now the situation is very good, Huguang's officers and soldiers are vulnerable, and now most of them are shrinking their heads.

The few frontier troops that can fight are still far away in Henan, Shanshan and Shanxi to compete with our other brothers' battalions.

If we work together to defeat the "Red Devils" with one blow, and then seize the city of Xiangyang and kill the King Xiang with a big victory over the "Red Banner Army" in one fell swoop, the world will definitely be shaken. Why can't we stand in Xiangyang and establish ourselves as king? "

Cao Shangfei said: "My brother is already the eighth king, what's the difference between being a king on his own? Anyway, brothers all know that the 'Red Devils' are not easy to mess with, and Xiangyang is not easy to fight. We'd better avoid the truth and just pretend."

A tiger, flying with one wing, hand in the cloud, etc. are about the same strength as Fei on the grass. They don't care about the attitudes of the Eight Great Kings and Lao Hui, they are all messy, they can't be provoked, we can hide, run!

Running in all directions, whoever is unlucky is caught up by the "Red Devil" and thinks he is unlucky. After all, the "Red Devil" has a limited number of people. After chasing Zhang San, Li Si and Wang Er will naturally run away.

The rogues' organizational structure is very loose, and they have no affiliation with Zhang Xianzhong and other stronger thieves. If they want to cooperate, they will attack the city together.

Zhang Xianzhong, Liu Guoneng, Luo Rucai, and so on saw the grass flying and flying on one wing. These leaders didn't want to fight and had nothing to do.

Just when the leaders of the rogues wanted to fight or flee and were undecided, the "Red Banner Army" came to Xiangyang at a speed of about [-] li a day.

Along the way, they marched step by step without haste. When Xiangyang was already in sight, all the "Red Banner Army" began to exert their strength. At this time, they were no longer afraid of the cavalry rushing to be surrounded by bandits with dozens of times the number, because the follow-up troops could kill them within half a day. .

The concentrated cavalry advanced with spare horses at full speed, and all infantry and laborers entered a state of rapid march.

The scouts of the rogues did not lose in vain. At least they had mastered the speed of the "Red Banner Army"'s advance and roughly knew the number of troops. The thieves calculated the time and thought that they would have at least one more day to fight the "Red Banner Army".

They didn't expect that the "Red Banner Army" deliberately maintained this speed to paralyze the enemy. The rogues really didn't expect that the "Red Banner Army" would switch to a surprise attack when they approached.

The distance is only seventy miles, and the cavalry with one or two spare horses can kill them in an hour, and the infantry who leave their luggage and march can definitely reach the battlefield within three hours.

The bandits didn't think about whether to fight or flee, and suddenly they didn't need to use their brains. The "Red Banner Army" once again used more than [-] cavalry in a concentrated manner and beat all the Yunlishou and Yiyifei who were stationed in the north of Xiangyang with just one charge. members collapsed.

Immediately, a domino effect occurred. The rogues with their own ulterior motives chose to run away without any of them willing to take on the cover task, and they simply dispersed.

(End of this chapter)

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