Chapter 553

Zhang Xianzhong, Ma Shouying, Liu Guoneng and other powerful leaders immediately issued an order to retreat from Xiangyang City when the situation was over.

Each of them is a master at escaping, and they have outperformed their companions by [-]%.

This result was within Huang Han's expectations. The purpose of concentrating the troops in a group attack was to prevent the rogues from dividing and encircling them when they were close to the bandits. When they entered the attack range, they would suddenly speed up and of course they would hit the enemy wolf who had no cohesion. Ben hog suddenly.

The chase that followed was even simpler. It was nothing more than capturing prisoners and collecting them. It took two full days to come to an end.

Xiang Wang Zhu Yiming has been sitting on pins and needles for the past few days. He has climbed to the top of Xiangyang city many times to spy on the endless bandits outside the city.

The soldiers outside the city were in turmoil, and it was impossible for the officials in Xiangyang to let the refugees into the city, and it was also debatable to let the soldiers into the city.

The "Red Banner Army" needs to manage the tens of thousands of refugees and prisoners of war intercepted. Huang Han did not ask Xiangyang Wenwu to enter the city for repairs at all.

It was inconvenient for King Xiang to go out of the city, so he sent his sons to accompany the military officials and military generals such as Bingbeidao, prefects, and garrison generals to the "Red Banner Army" camp to invite Dongpinghou to enter the city, and made a high-profile statement that Xiangwang rewarded the three armies with money and food, and invited Dongpinghou to go The palace went to the banquet.

There is no need for Huang Han to offend the royal family for no reason. He led a general female soldier as a guard, and brought Zhang Fengyi, Qin Yuyi and others to the palace to meet King Xiang.

After the panic-stricken King Xiang enthusiastically persuaded him to stay, the Red Banner Army stationed in Xiangyang for ten days. During this period, they swept the surrounding area for eighty miles. After confirming that the bandits could not threaten Xiangyang for the time being, they bid farewell to King Xiang and went south to chase a few bandits.

Zhu Yiming was grateful to Dongping Hou for his timely rescue, and also appreciated the "Red Banner Army"'s strict discipline and not harassing the local area. Not only did they help the three thousand shi of food, but they also sent the emperor an eloquent memorial of more than a thousand words to praise Huang Han.

There are rogues looting in the east and west. Huang Han's purpose in going south to pursue is to go to Jingzhou. He plans to swallow a piece of land by the river and build a fortress, so as to run a base in Huguang again.

The purpose of heading south was very clear. Given that the bandits who had assembled were scattered and fled again, Huang Han no longer had to worry about the "Red Banner Army" being surrounded by bandits with more than ten times the number.

He only left one of the chief cavalry to follow the main force of the Chinese army, and the remaining nine divided the general cavalry into three groups to form an encirclement circle and drive as many bandits as possible to Jingzhou.

It is a matter of time before the rogues develop and grow in the densely populated Huguang. The number of rogues driven away is only 2 or [-].

However, although there are many rogues, their combat power is basically low. The vast majority of the team are ordinary people in Huguang who have just been kidnapped for a few days.

The governor of Jingzhou and the garrison generals and other civil and military generals did not know that these rogues were on the run. Those thieves had to flee to the border of Jingzhou because they were afraid of being beheaded by the "Red Devil".

The officials and gentlemen only saw that there were probably tens of thousands of rogue bandits, and they all turned pale with fright. At this time, Xu Mingyang, who had organized the defense battle of Pingshun County, stepped forward.

His general sentence belongs to the appointment of a new official, and he has only been in Jingzhou for two months. None of the civil servants here think highly of him.

The reason is very simple. Xu Mingyang was not born in the imperial examination. These civil officials who were born as Jinshi despise officials who were born as Gongsheng students.

Regardless of the contempt of those civil servants, Xu Mingyang took the initiative to ask Ying to strengthen the city defense and investigate the spies. He also took the initiative to ask Zhu Changrun, the King Hui of Jingzhou Prefecture, to state his strength and ask for support.

However, this vassal king had already converted to Buddhism, worshiped Buddha and practiced Zen all day long, and did not understand human affairs. He gave Xu Mingyang a thousand shi of grain and 2000 taels of snowflake silver with the attitude of power as a good deed, and then dismissed him. Xu Mingyang never received any help after that.

At this time, the thirty veterans who retired due to injuries, led by the three banner guards Xiao Fengyang, Ji Datong, and Shi Wenlong, and Xu Mingyang's family members who had participated in the Pingshun defensive battle played a big role.

In three days in Jingzhou City, hundreds of people who could not tell where they came from were arrested, and more than a dozen green skins that were smashed and robbed while people were in a panic were killed in the street. After that, more than 200 suspected rogues who were hastily screened out were dragged to the police station. Caishikou beheaded in full view.

Master Tongsan's decisive killing boosted the confidence of the soldiers and civilians in Jingzhou. The scholar-bureaucrats in the city were shocked when they saw Xu Mingyang killing people without blinking an eye, and chose to cooperate with the strategy of defending the city formulated by Tongsan.

In just a few days, Xu Mingyang, who took the initiative to provoke the burden of defending the city, became famous, and his prestige in Jingzhou City increased day by day.

When officials from the magistrate, military preparations, etc. were worried that the isolated city would be difficult to defend, Xu Mingyang offered to personally lead his family and lead a general cavalry out of the city to Xiangyang for help.

Xu Mingyang has become the backbone of guarding Jingzhou, the civil servants and military generals in the city are not willing to let him go, and these people are also worried that the judge will use the excuse of moving troops to escape from Jingzhou under the city.

In the end, the civil servants and generals discussed, and still sent a cavalryman selected by the president to escort Xu Mingyang's wife and ten servants to Xiangyang to move troops. Of course, Xiao Fengyang was the leader.

The officials in Jingzhou are not stupid. They have already heard that Dongpinghou led the "Red Banner Army" to Xiangyang to rescue King Xiang.

So they tried their best to keep Xu Mingyang to defend the city, and released Mrs. Xu to go to Xiangyang to rescue soldiers.

Of course, the ten servants who participated in the escort had the best riding skills among the 30 people who followed Xu Mingyang, and three of them were retired cavalrymen from the "Red Banner Army".

Their combat skills will drop a lot due to their injuries, but their combat experience and fighting will will not be affected. They also have a carefully selected Bai Zong Ming cavalry by their side, so it is not a problem to deal with rogues chasing and intercepting them.

What's more, the banner guards Xiao Fengyang, Ji Datong, and Shi Wenlong had already learned the cause and effect from the arrested rogues, and knew that the rogues were chased by the "Red Banner Army" and ran to the outside of Jingzhou city without a way out.

They know that although there are many rogues, the proportion of old thieves is less than [-]%. Born with a desperate posture.

After Xiao Fengyang and Ji Datong got the exact news, they began to plan for the nominal head of the family, Xu Mingyang.

Xu Mingyang proposed to personally take some people to Xiangyang to move troops, but he was actually reminded by Xiao Fengyang.

(End of this chapter)

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