Chapter 554 Wangchuan Fort

After ten years of ups and downs in the officialdom, Xu Mingyang has already cultivated.

Of course, he knows that standing up in times of crisis can highlight the ability and importance of his new official as a general judge. After the rogues are defeated, the court will naturally reward the first hero for his meritorious deeds.

Unexpectedly, the civilian and military generals in Jingzhou would not lose their backbone, and they would not let Xu Mingyang out of the city no matter what.

In this way, the effect is even better. Not only did Xu Mingyang dare to personally risk stones for the sake of state affairs, but even his wife refused to let the men ride horses to follow the Ming army to break through, and galloped to Xiangyang to ask for help. Such stories spread, and Xu Mingyang's loyalty to the emperor and patriotism was well known to everyone. Know.

The rogues did not actually encircle Xiangyang City. They were driven by the "Red Banner Army" and the encirclement continued to shrink and ran to the outside of Xiangyang City. Because there were too many of them, Jingzhou was surrounded by refugees and rogues in all directions. It seemed that they were surrounded by groups. .

While the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" continued to reduce the scope of activities of the bandits, the infantry also followed up to participate in military operations. Huang Han's Chinese Army Xingyuan had already stationed at a place called Jujiabao, eighty miles away from Jingzhou.

After rushing out of Xiangyang and galloping southward for fifty miles, Xiao Fengyang met the "Red Banner Army" cavalry patrol. It didn't take long for Mrs. Xu to see her two radiant daughters.

The parents of the concubine's room are only the father-in-law and mother-in-law in theory, and the Marquis does not need to perform the big ceremony of the younger generation when he meets them. Be generous.

After listening to his mother-in-law and Qi Wei's introduction of the situation in Jingzhou, Huang Han didn't have to worry about Jingzhou being breached by bandits. The whole army continued to compress the area where the bandits were active and drove them to the Yangtze River as much as possible.

The "Red Banner Army" went all the way from North Zhili to Henan, and then passed through Henan to Huguang. The propaganda work was going on every day. Propaganda slogans were left on the eye-catching walls of the places they passed, and some simply painted them with limestone. The walls on both sides of the gate.

There are the most slogans urging good people not to follow thieves, and the second is to warn the officers and soldiers. Dongpinghou not only fights bandits, but also beats them to death when they find that the officers and soldiers kill good people and pretend to be meritorious.

How to identify the captives of the rogues, which ones are the heinous ones will be punished in public, and which ones will be left alive and sentenced to labor reform. The propaganda team held a rally and preached in public.

Knowing that the number of murders is small and being caught by the "Red Devils" does not necessarily mean that they will be sentenced to death, which more or less makes some rogues choose not to kill without reason.

Because the "Red Banner Army" drove the rogues in the north, east, and west directions and shrunk the encirclement, resulting in a mixture of rogues and refugees, the civilian and military generals in Jingzhou felt that there were more and more rogues gathering.

Fortunately, after sending out a cavalry of a hundred generals for help, only three days later, a cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" of the general banner came to the city of Jingzhou accompanying the rescuers.

Xu Mingyang saw Xiao Fengyang and fifty well-equipped cavalry, and immediately opened the city gate.

After that, all Jingzhou defenders breathed a sigh of relief, because the Marquis of Dongping sent an official letter, stating in a high-profile statement that as long as there is no civil strife in Jingzhou, there is no possibility for the rogues to seize the city.

Seven days later, more than 20 rogues were beheaded, more than [-] rogues became prisoners, and nearly [-] trapped refugees and refugees were rescued. Most of these people were locals from Jingzhou.

Because of the rogue's natural hatred of the rich, these thugs with distorted humanity often enjoy torturing the rich to death, and they never get tired of playing with the female relatives of the dignitaries.

The places devastated by the bandits are devastated. Even though the severe winter will not affect the food production, it also causes many families to lose the rations they depend on for survival.

In fact, none of the food was lost, and most of it was captured by the "Red Banner Army".

The Jingzhou area is richer than most places in Henan. There are too many well-to-do families, and too many gold and silver treasures have been looted by bandits. Now these precious metals have basically become the wealth of the "Red Banner Army".

It is a blessing that they were not killed by the officers and soldiers and left their lives. It is impossible for ordinary people to dare to ask the army to return the food and property robbed by the bandits.

The first dog "Ge Erben" of the "Red Banner Army" who has fully recovered is really a good dog. He can actually search for food and gold and silver treasures in the deep house compound that was looted by the bandits.

Often it stops and calls, and Ge Daben directs dozens of strong laborers to clean up and dig, and nine times out of ten they can find secret rooms or hidden warehouses.

After seeing the benefits of carrying military dogs, the teenagers of the "Red Banner Army" fell in love with working dogs.

During this period of time, as long as it is a dog that Ge Daben likes, Gu Jixiang will try his best to buy it. Now the "Red Banner Army" has more than a hundred military dogs, and the military dog ​​soldiers have expanded to a general banner.

This team not only found many old bandits hiding in hiding, but also found too much gold and silver treasures, food, and cloth.

The wealthy "Red Banner Army" organized war refugees outside the city of Jingzhou to set up a big pot to cook porridge to feed all the war refugees. No one knew that the reason why they were harmed by the bandits was actually the result of Dongping Hou's deliberate indulgence of the bandits.

The common people don't know the conspiracy and tricks, they only see the rogues murdering, setting fire and robbing, and when they were trapped by the rogues, the "Red Banner Army" appeared in time like a savior.

This army not only saved everyone and killed many rogues, but also fed them two bowls of hot white rice porridge when they were starving and cold.

Huang Han rejected Jingzhou's civil and military generals' invitation to enter the city on the grounds that there were too many bandits and needed to be wiped out as soon as possible. Under the leadership of Xiao Fengyang and others, he went west along the Yangtze River to inspect the terrain.

Jingzhou is the old capital of Chu State and one of the birth centers of Chu culture. The city wall is thick and the circumference is more than [-] miles. There are six gates and the gates are tall and majestic.

Huang Han didn't have the strength to gain a foothold in Jingzhou, so he could only build a fort on the Yangtze River [-] miles west of Jingzhou City, which was surrounded by water and resembled a small island in the river.

Since this place is not far from Sichuan, Huang Han named the castle that was about to be born "Wangchuan Castle".

The area here is less than three square kilometers. It is possible that due to the continuous flooding, there are only a dozen or so families sparsely. Now they have been ransacked by bandits and have become barren.

The castle was built on the riverside according to the terrain, and silt was dug to fill up the castle surrounded by water. The pier connected to the Yangtze River was built in the castle, just like Dengzhou and Shanhaiguan water cities.

The location of the castle has been decided, and there are no less than 25 captives, refugees, and war refugees on hand, so of course we can't waste our time.

(End of this chapter)

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