Chapter 555 Jiang Xinzhou

The winter in Huguang is not extremely cold, it is impossible to freeze three feet.

Moreover, the Yangtze River is in the dry season at this time, which is more conducive to the excavation of silt to increase the height of Jiangxinzhou, which is less than 30 meters from the north bank of the Yangtze River.

The fleet organized by "Sun Moon Shipping" arrived at Jingzhou Port on the [-]th of the twelfth lunar month. There were a total of more than [-] ships with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons, half of which were hired ships and half of which were self-built new ships. There are more than two dozen warships equipped with artillery.

Huang Kezao, one of the head of the "Sun Moon Shipping" personally led the team. After the establishment of the "Red Banner Army" Shuiying Yangtze River Detachment, "Wangchuan Fort" was the home port. The commander was Yu Quanzuo, who was a veteran sailor.

He was in his early thirties, Yu Fei's uncle and Yu Quanyou's younger brother, and he already had the title of Zhengwu Qianhu. He was originally the belt of a warship with a displacement of [-] tons.

The fleet brought sixteen six-pound Hongyi cannons, eight twelve-pound cannons, and 32 large and small Fron cannons. They also brought a lot of self-propelled blunderbusses and miniguns, and there were [-] more Rebar comes with the ship.

Huang Kezao hired more than a hundred riverboats nearby. Three days later, [-] refugees who had been following the "Red Banner Army" got the opportunity to take a boat to Yangzhou and change to a sea boat to southern Liaoning. Half of the total number of refugees in Huguang.

Another 3 people will participate in the construction of river embankments, castles, or crush limestone to burn cement. They work to earn money and food while waiting for the next transshipment.

Huang Han discussed with Xu Mingyang and revealed his plan to resettle refugees near Jiangxinzhou. Xu Mingyang had already seen the achievements of Houjiazhuang's reclamation, and he was overjoyed to see that Huang Han was also planning to take root in Jingzhou.

Next, of course, the land near "Wangchuan Fort" was contiguous by encroaching on unclaimed land and wasteland, and buying acres of land from landlords. The reason for this was still to facilitate the management of small watersheds.

There are too many gold and silver treasures that have been seized. It doesn’t make any sense not to spend them and keep them in your hands. The price of Huguang fertile land is very high. Since most of them are rice fields, the transaction price is four to five times that of the dry land in the north.

Huang Han acquired 10,000+ mu of land, more than half of which belonged to river beach wasteland. Among the 30 to [-] mu of cultivated fields, there were not many unowned lands, and they bought nearly four hundred at a price ranging from [-] to [-] taels of silver. Ten thousand mu spent more than one million taels of silver.

Xu Mingyang took the lead in purchasing the acres of land, and did not overwhelm others, and basically traded fairly according to market prices.

After all, the rogues crossing the border frightened many old rich landlords with a large number of acres. At this time, almost no one cares about selling land. Knowing that Dongpinghou, who just rescued Jingzhou, wanted to buy a property here, basically no landlord dared to come to coordinate with them deliberately. Your lord.

Many high-ranking officials still thought that Dongping Hou spent a huge amount of money to buy a large number of acres in the west of Jingzhou. In the future, this place will be more valued. It is much safer to live next to Dongping Hou who has a strong army.

Thanks to Dongping Hou's big purchase, all brick and tile kilns within a radius of tens of miles of Jingzhou have been wiped out, and they are now working overtime to produce.

At the same time as the construction of "Wangchuan Fort", the construction of water conservancy projects has also begun. The river channel connecting Jiangxinzhou, where "Wangchuan Fort" is located, with the land in the north will be built into a gate with a width of only 20 meters.

Both sides of the gate are built with bamboo-reinforced concrete and masonry, and there are water gates at the entrance to control the water supply, which can maintain a balanced flow rate in the four-mile-long gate. Flour mills and weaving mills driven by water will be built on both sides of the gate.

Being close to the Yangtze River, there is no need to worry about irrigation. What needs to be solved is flood control and drainage. For this reason, it is necessary to burn cement to build river embankments. In order to save steel, Huang Han makes full use of Moso bamboo resources in Jingzhou to make bamboo tendons.

The use of baked and anti-corrosion bamboo bars instead of steel bars in concrete is a mature technology that has been demonstrated by later generations. Its bearing capacity is very good, and its strength is not as strong as that of reinforced concrete, which is also sufficient to meet the needs of building river embankments.

Because there are Tang Wang, Xiang Wang, Hui Wang and many county kings within a few hundred miles, the civil servants and military generals are afraid of taking the big crime of losing the feudal vassal.

The memorials they wrote to the court were all exaggerated, so that the emperor couldn't even imagine how many bandits were active in the north of the Yangtze River in Huguang and the junction of Henan.

Many civilians and military personnel in Xiangyang, Nanyang, Jingzhou and other prefectures and counties have seen the combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army". Everyone wants to keep this army that can fight without disturbing the people in their defense zone.

After being frightened, King Xiang also wrote a memorial to the emperor asking for a strong army to guard the vassal state. Even King Hui, who was eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha, also wrote a memorial to ask the emperor to leave the "Red Banner Army" for protection.

Chongzhen didn't know what to do, so he had to order Huang Han to clear up the rogues in Nanyang, Jingzhou and other places as soon as possible, and arrange the encirclement and suppression of his own civil servants and generals to coordinate.

Unexpectedly, there is no need to resort to tricks to stay in Jingzhou. The prince and local officials have taken a fancy to the combat effectiveness and discipline of the "Red Banner Army", and they are scrambling to keep this army in a stable place.

This is another benefit of strict discipline. The "Red Banner Army" did not demand excessively, and did not harass the local area.

Such a good army is unique, and the local officials and princes are not blind. When the army must be garrisoned, of course they did their best to keep the "Red Banner Army".

Ever since, Huang Han was happy to lead his troops to stay in Jingzhou to celebrate the new year. In order to complete the mission of ensuring the safety of his family's relatives as entrusted by the emperor, the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" surrounded these houses with the mansions of vassals and county kings during the training. State capitals and counties are constantly patrolling.

Discovering a large-scale gathering of rogues nearby, the "Red Banner Army" annihilated or dispersed them in time.

At the end of the year, Qin Yuyi always felt nauseous and often vomited. Huang Han judged that she was pregnant after asking her about her health, presumably it was due to the dark knot during the intercourse in Lu Wang's mansion.

Zhang Fengyi was very nervous when she heard the news, she personally took care of Qin Yuyi's food and daily life, and she resolutely refused to let Qin Yuyi ride a horse and dance with a gun.

Huang Han immediately thought of Qin Yuyi's two maidservants, Qin Yin and Qin Yue, who had no force value. Now these two girls also went to the capital to participate in the management of the Nightless City project.

Now that Qin Yuyi is pregnant, she needs someone who is careful and knowledgeable to take care of her. Huang Han wrote a letter and sent them to the capital along with the official document to report the victory. I believe there will be a boat to send them to Jingzhou in a short time.

From winter to spring, the "Red Banner Army" garrisoned in Jingchu for [-] days. Porridge for the poor.

It made millions of soldiers and civilians and officials see this high-profile division of benevolence and righteousness who shouted: "The people will not plunder the people if they starve to death."

(End of this chapter)

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