Chapter 556
The propaganda team went from village to household to spare no effort to carry out propaganda, and the common people in this land knew that they could not follow the path of no return from thieves.

Becoming a bandit soldier not only ruined his own life, but also brought shame to the whole family, and even future generations would be harmed.

If you are ransacked by bandits, as long as you are still alive, you have to try your best to run to the riverside. There is a "Wangchuan Fort" run by the "Red Banner Army" left behind.

The seventh year of Chongzhen came, and the "Red Banner Army" that entered the mainland to suppress bandits not only did not have the tiredness of the veterans, but also more than doubled.

The strength of the Ningyuan and Jinzhou defense lines and the sailors, gunners, and marines in the water battalion also achieved a positive growth of 15%. That is, [-] young apprentices were allowed to serve at the age of [-], and many guards passed the assessment and became regulars.

The "Red Banner Army" takes in all male orphans over the age of ten that can be found for militarized management every year, and never hesitates to be responsible for three meals a day and summer and winter clothes for these children.

Today, there are tens of thousands of orphans in Huxun City, Lushunkou, and Qingniwa Academy. Every year, some people will be selected as trainee soldiers at the age of 15, and most of them will become full-time soldiers after one year.

Nowadays, refugees from Shanshan and Henan have exploded, and there are more orphans. Sifang Express has taken in no less than [-] children this year. Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu in the capital have also taken in a few hundred. Huang Han also sent back one or two thousand in the past half a month. .

Children in their early teens lost their homes and loved ones, and they wandered around without food or clothing.

After being taken in by the "Red Banner Army", these teenagers with sad pasts can wear clean clothes every day, eat delicious food, and soon adapt to and fall in love with collective life.

In addition, most of the teachers are disabled and retired veterans, and every day they promote the personality worship of Huang Han, the head of the family. Of course, these children recognize the group of "Red Banner Army" and are loyal to Huang Han.

They practice literature and martial arts every day, and study new textbooks. In the future, they will not only be the most loyal fighters, but also become skilled workers, and even become master craftsmen.

In the six years of Chongzhen, the "Red Banner Army" system not only doubled the output of steel, but also doubled the self-made guns, Mini guns, and various types of artillery. Counting the villagers and laborers of Houjiazhuang, Sunliuzhuang, and "Wangchuan Fort", the system The population has also doubled and is now close to 180 million.

On the 23rd of the first lunar month, Huang Han received the six-hundred-mile rush from the capital. It was not an emergency military situation, but the good news that Zheng Xiu'e had successfully given birth on the [-]th of the first lunar month.

Zheng Xiu'e asked her husband to choose a good name for her son in the letter.

When Huang Han was excited, he couldn't make up his mind. He couldn't think of a name for his son.In the end, he didn't use his brain at all, and was going to hand over this difficult problem to his old man who had read poetry and books.

Presumably Zheng Xiu'e will be very happy to see the letter from her husband entrusting her father to name his son. Zheng Guochang will be very relieved to see that he is so valued by his son-in-law. It may take a lot of brain cells to name his grandson.

In the second half of last year, because Zheng Xiu'e was pregnant with Liujia and the month was getting older, Chu Chu was given the task of going around the palace.

The Huang family has been with the Tian family for more than a year, and Chu Chu is no longer the cautious and cautious look she was at the beginning, she seems much more generous, she often gives cosmetics to the concubines and queens.

Few women who love beauty can refuse the temptation of high-end cosmetics, and the women in the palace are more enthusiastic. Of course, the extravagant actions of Chu Chu have won a lot of favor from the concubines.

At the end of the sixth year of Chongzhen, just after the twelfth lunar month, Chu Chu sent the 3 taels of income from the Nightless City that the emperor deserved this year, plus an additional 1 taels. The reason was that the Nightless City project was running well and the profit increased, so he gave the emperor more dividends.

The busy Chongzhen had long forgotten the fact that he was one of the owners of Nightless City, and only remembered it when he saw the bank note Wang Chengen brought. Seeing that the Huang family had offered to give an extra 1 taels of silver, the emperor I really feel bad.

The emperor of a huge country actually wanted to share the money earned by his courtiers, which made the emperor feel very unfulfilling, and expressed emotion in front of Queen Zhou at night.

Empress Zhou often got Chu Chu's cosmetics, and always felt indebted to others. Seeing that the emperor also mentioned the Huang family's affairs, she asked for a favor for Chu Chu.

It was the kind-hearted Empress Zhou who knew that Chu Chu came from a lowly background and was just a concubine of the Marquis of Dongping, so she wanted to give her the false title of female official in the palace to show the heavenly family's favor for the Huang family.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there were six bureaus of female officials, the highest rank being twelve regular and fifth-rank Shanggongs. After the Yongle Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty, most of these female officials’ functions were replaced by eunuchs. Only the Shanggong Bureau, which was in charge of seals, still had some female officials.

It is not a bad thing to give a false name to reward the concubine of Dongping Hou's family. The emperor greatly appreciated the proposal of Queen Zhou. Such a canonization is the same as promoting eunuchs and Jin Yiwei.

The emperor still used his brains on how to assign grades and vacancies, and finally gave Chu Chu Cong the sixth-rank Si Le treatment, and she also had court uniforms for female officials to wear.

Originally, the function of the music department in the palace was to be in charge of the rhythm, to purchase musical instruments, and to train prostitutes.

Chongzhen's emperor's mentality has also improved a lot. He could directly give it to a fifth-rank Shanggong, but he deliberately gave it to a sixth-rank Si Le. It may be to leave room for a third-rank promotion, so that he can give three promotions to appear unceasingly favored.

In the first month, Chuchu received the emperor's award unexpectedly, she was almost out of joy, she couldn't fall asleep that night, tried on the official uniform many times, and let the two personal maids, Xiang'er and Yue Ya'er, comment on her.

The next day, Chu Chu specially put on her sixth-rank official uniform and invited her former sisters to the Everbright City Restaurant to celebrate.

Haitang, Xiaotaohong, Qianlixue and other Yichunyuan sisters were so shocked when they saw Chuchu in official uniform that their jaws almost dropped, and there were so many exclamations in their mouths.

Seeing that Chuchu is living so comfortably and has become a sixth-rank female official with a salary every year, the sisters are extremely envious.

Soon the story of Chu Chu being favored by a female official spread throughout the entertainment circle of the capital, making the little loli who is self-motivated and thinks she is beautiful and talented prepare to wait for the opportunity.

They secretly swore that as long as they had the chance to meet Dong Ping Hou, they would try their best to become his man.

People with good deeds also studied the marriage relationship between Chu Chu and Dong Pinghou, and concluded what kind of woman Huang Han likes. Many people cheated how many banquets of red-card Qing court ladies in well-known courtyards by relying on nonsense.

Such news reached Chu Chu's ears through the mouths of Haitang, Xiao Taohong and other sisters, which made her feel regretful.

It seems that the entire Qing courtiers in Ming Dynasty have taken aim at their Lord Hou, and they really shouldn’t get carried away. If Lord Hou is really fooled and brings a few young, beautiful and talented sisters back to compete for favor, I’m afraid life will be difficult in the future .

(End of this chapter)

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