Chapter 557
Hongxie is the slave chief who thinks that the seventh year of Tiancong is his most proud year, and everything goes well.

Because two of the other three Baylors died, and one of them stayed away for many years due to illness, he was able to act arbitrarily.

The Han army headed by Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming broke into North Korea, crossed the Han River, captured Seoul, captured Ganghwa Island and beheaded the North Korean ruler and hundreds of Korean civilians and generals, making North Korea nominally subjugated.

At the end of the year, Azige sent people to escort [-] shi of North Korean milled rice to Shengjing, and each family of the Eight Banners would get at least one shi, which would allow the clansmen to eat white rice in the middle of winter, and Hong Jie's prestige was further enhanced.

Generals of the Han army such as Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Zhang Cunren, Ma Guangyuan, etc. said that after spring, at the latest in summer, the entire North Korean resistance armed forces will be wiped out, and all counties and roads will be completely controlled by the Dajin Kingdom. The land was formally incorporated into the territory of the Kingdom of Jin.

Hong Jie decreed to reward the civilian and military generals who went east to North Korea, "Marshal Du" Kong Youde became the first-class general officer, Geng Zhongming was the second-class general officer, and the rest were promoted to one level.

Gao Hongzhong, Fan Wencheng, Ning Wan, and other traitor civil officials saw the outstanding achievements of the Han army generals, envied, envied and hated them, and also tried their best to please their masters. information can be obtained in a timely manner.

However, the situation in Daming has not changed fundamentally since it entered Chongzhen for seven years, and it is getting worse and worse.

Since many places in Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan encountered the scourge of bandits for the first time, it was easier for the thieves to obtain food supplements.

Laohuihui, Guotianxing, Mantianxing, Chuangshatian, and Hunshiwang's five battalions of thieves did not dare to compete with the "Red Banner Army" after being defeated in the city of Xiangyang. , Xingshan and other county towns actually captured Kuizhou Mansion.

Because of Huduntu's frequent violations by the imperial court, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the three sides, really had no time for him. Chen Qiyu, the governor of Yansui, was promoted and became the right servant of the Ministry of war and the censor of the right capital, the governor of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan military affairs. , specializing in the encirclement and suppression of thieves.

Chen Qiyu, who was in power, was in high spirits. He ordered the generals from all over Shanzhou to discuss the plan to suppress the bandits, but he did not order to dispatch the Marquis of Dongping who was in charge of the safety of several vassal kings and dozens of county kings.

It may be that the imperial court has not yet made it clear which civilian commander Huang Han belongs to, and it is also because the Ming Dynasty has not had the current marquis to command the army for a long time, and the civil servant who commands the army does not know how to get along.

How embarrassing is it that Chen Qiyu, who has a lot of authority but is of the third rank, can't see Dongping Hou who is under his command and has to kneel down?
Therefore, even though the "Red Banner Army" could fight, Chen Qiyu was unwilling to command a great master like Marquis Dongping. It might also be because Huang Han's orders had always been given by the emperor himself.

Chen Qiyu killed decisively and ordered Shaanxi Governor Lian State Affairs to garrison Shangnan to prevent the rogues from fleeing to the northwest. Arranged Henan governor Xuanmo to station in Lushi County to prevent the rogues from fleeing to the northeast. Arranged Huguang governor Tang Hui to garrison Nanzhang to stop the rogues from fleeing to the southeast possibility.

He led his troops to cooperate with Yunyang Governor Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong Army to attack along the line from Zhuxi Valley to Wulin Pass in Pingli.

Because the white soldiers of Ma Xianglin and Qin Yiming did not return to Sichuan, Deng Qi, who had lost 7000 troops, returned to Sichuan to transfer troops. This time he brought out [-] Sichuan troops to follow Chen Qiyu to encircle and suppress the bandits, which directly led to the emptiness of Sichuan troops.

Fortunately, Qin Liangyu personally raised troops to guard against the danger, temporarily curbing the attacking momentum of Lao Huihui, Chuangtatian and other thieves.

The main generals under Qin Liangyu's command are not there, and nearly [-] white soldiers are not in Sichuan.

Therefore, she wanted to kill thieves, but she could only take a defensive position and was unable to launch an attack. She was really ashamed to face the tens of thousands of refugees from eastern Sichuan who were fleeing westward.

There is a vassal king in Sichuan who is Zhu Zhishu, the king of Shu. This lineage has been passed down for more than 200 years, and now 21 county kings have been derived.

When the rogue bandits invaded Sichuan at the end of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the county kings kept writing to ask Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin's [-] white-armed soldiers to return to Sichuan, asking the court to dispatch troops to protect the royal family.

Later, the king of Shu and many county kings learned that the Marquis of Dongping was stationed near Jingzhou, which was a short distance from Sichuan. The "Red Banner Army" he led was the most capable of fighting, and was sent by the emperor many times to protect the vassals. face.

In the following memorials, more than [-] Sichuan princes began to name and ask the Marquis of Dongping to protect the safety of the feudal kingdom.

Their reason is very good. The "Red Banner Army" that entered Henan and Huguang to suppress bandits has basically wiped out the bandits near Jingzhou. Such a strong army is only [-] miles away in the east of Sichuan. There is nothing good about entering Sichuan.

At a time when Sichuan was in danger, Chen Qiyu commanded the suppression of the bandits, and the pressing government army had already formed a trend of closing their doors and beating dogs in Henan and Huguang. At the end of February, Huang Han received the imperial edict to go to Sichuan to suppress the bandits.

Seeing that the situation in Huguang and Henan began to improve, Chen Qiyu's four-party arrangement to perform their duties showed the effect, and a huge encirclement circle had been formed.

The civilian and military generals who participated in the suppression of bandits were even more unwilling to see the "Red Banner Army" that could fight again make new achievements and dim their achievements. Many generals were unwilling to miss the achievements that were about to be obtained. Hou went to defend the king of Shu and more than two dozen county kings.

Huang Han never naively thought that Chen Qiyu could completely solve the rogues in Chexiang Gorge. It was both accidental and inevitable that he fell into the rogue's false surrender.

Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and his ilk encountered so many dangers. Later, Li Zicheng was beaten by Sun Chuanting in Shangluo Mountain to only eighteen riders, so he made a comeback as usual, and even more powerful.

The officers and soldiers who besieged and suppressed the rogues actually had their own ulterior motives, and they might not be able to kill these thieves if they really entered the chariot gorge and fought fiercely.

How cruel is the hand-to-hand combat in mountain warfare? How can the officers and soldiers who fight for the sake of the army's salary go to the sword with the thieves who have been "driven into a poor alley"?

It may not be possible to starve to death tens of thousands of thieves, those old thieves are masters who dare to eat people.

Even if Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong are dead, if the general environment of the late Ming Dynasty does not change fundamentally, other thieves will stand out.

Originally, Huang Han planned to rush to the vicinity of Chexiang Gorge in time when the rogue bandits pretended to surrender. At that time, he would grandly take over [-] to [-] bandits from Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Liu Guoneng, etc. on the grounds that they could accommodate these surrendered troops.

(End of this chapter)

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