Chapter 558 Kuizhou City

Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong and other old thieves fell into the hands of the "Red Banner Army" with [-] to [-] soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and handymen. They couldn't do tricks if they wanted to play tricks.

Not only because Huang Han was a prophet, but also because the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army" was not something that mere rogues could compete with. Moreover, these rogues were partially disarmed and had no hot weapons.

Huang Han knows who is the worst among the rogues, and he will definitely kill Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Ma Shouying and other thieves immediately, leaving Liu Guoneng, Hui Dengxiang and others to serve Daming.

How to identify the rogue "Red Banner Army" teenagers has already mastered the game, Huang Han is going to kill all the old bandits and big bosses who have been identified, and he does not hesitate to kill [-] to [-] at a time.

It's a pity that this good wish was disturbed by the emperor's decree to enter Sichuan, which made Huang Han secretly sigh that there seemed to be God's will in the dark, and it might be that Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong should not die.

Huang Han did not bargain with the emperor, but chose to obey the orders.

At the end of February, the "Red Banner Army" troops left Jingzhou Fenshui and went to Sichuan along the Luliang Road. All the female soldiers of Zhang Fengyi and Qin Yuyi and Qin Yin and Qin Yue who had just arrived took a boat directly to Shizhu Linjiang Wharf.

Xu Miaoyan, Xu Miaoru and one or two hundred female nurses also took the water route, and those who marched across the mountains and mountains by land were all men.

Huang Han left behind Zhao Kun to lead his Qian Zong and the corresponding guard army, a general engineer and a general artillery to garrison the unfinished "Wangchuan Fort".

There are more than 2000 people here, and there are more than [-] households who have allocated [-] acres of paddy fields, and [-] households who are building flour mills, cloth factories, and water conservancy facilities. After the construction of water conservancy facilities, they will become industrial workers.

Thoughtful Zhao Kun has such strength, "Wangchuan Fort" has the natural danger of the Yangtze River to rely on, and the rogues have no ability to attack.

The "Red Banner Army" has already gained a reputation, and the "Red Devils" have overshadowed the big and small Cao and Hong Shaved their heads. On the way to Sichuan, they hardly encountered a large-scale battle, and the rogues chose to avoid it far away.

Due to the rugged mountain road, Huang Han only opened up the point line of his march. The cavalry, army dog ​​soldiers, and mountain infantry searched the marching route for a radius of [-] miles. .

Ma Xiang and this loyal county general have emerged in previous mountain chases.

Because he is a local, most of the [-] new white soldiers under his command are mountain people, and walking on mountain roads is like walking on flat ground.

Now this puny man is well fed, warmly clothed, fully paid, and has a high will to fight. When he launches an attack, he is covered by the "Red Banner Army" Mini gunners and self-born gunners. Basically, he is invincible. .

In Fengjie County, the seat of Kuizhou Prefecture, Kuizhou City sits at the mouth of Qutang Gorge in the upper reaches of Jingchu and controls the east gate of Bashu.

But no matter how dangerous the terrain and how strong the city is, it must be guarded by responsible people. In early February, Zhou Shideng, the deputy envoy of the Sichuan Press and Inspection in Kuizhou, was playing tricks.

When he learned that there were 20 rebel soldiers, he immediately found an excuse to go to Fuzhou to check the military equipment, which was equivalent to running away.

The general judge Wang Shangyi in Kuizhou city, the pusher Liu Yinghou, and the magistrate Tan Chuliang of Fengjie county were willing to stay in this dangerous place when they saw that the biggest official had sneaked away under a clever name.

However, not all civil servants are soft-boned. He Chengguang, the fellow of Kuizhou, took the initiative to organize the military and civilians to strengthen the defense. Unfortunately, this scholar-bureaucrat was not as decisive as Xu Mingyang. In the end, Kuizhou City was attacked by rogues in the midst of cooperation from inside to outside.

He Chengguang was also a loyal family. None of the seventeen members of his family surrendered to bandits, and all of them were killed by bandits. He Chengguang's body was thrown into the rolling waves of the Yangtze River after being ruined.

When Huang Han led his men and horses to kill Kuizhou City, it had already been ransacked by the rogues who got the news and then voluntarily gave up. There was no brutal siege battle.

Without any loss of troops, the "Red Banner Army" recaptured the largest city in eastern Sichuan.

Many of the rogues who fled to the mountains were unable to escape. One or two thousand were intercepted and killed, most of the food and supplies were seized, and two to three thousand women who were left behind were also captured.

The city of Kuizhou, which had been ravaged by bandits, was full of broken walls and charred corpses. The tens of thousands of refugees rescued by the "Red Banner Army" took three days to clean up.

Knowing that the most capable "Red Banner Army" had recaptured Kuizhou City, Zhou Shideng, the deputy envoy of the Sichuan Provincial Police, Wang Shangyi, the general judge, Liu Yinghou, the Tuiguan, and Tan Chuliang, the magistrate of Fengjie County, and other scholar-bureaucrats all rushed to the city one after another.

These people don't know that abandoning the city and fleeing is a crime of beheading. They came to beg Dongpinghou for help.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, there were countless civilian and military generals who did not take responsibility. Huang Han did not have the consciousness to rectify the administration of officials for Chongzhen. What he wanted was profit.

The last group of scholar-bureaucrats who escaped knelt and reached an agreement with Dongping Hou. They were extorted by Huang Han for nearly 10 taels of snowflake silver and more than [-] acres of paddy fields.

Then Zhou Shideng and a group of soft bones became iron-boned ministers who defended the city together with the martyr He Chengguang.

The literati headed by Zhou Shideng reported to the imperial court that they held fast to Kuizhou City for more than ten days.

It's a pity that the fellow-knowledge He Chengguang died gloriously for his country, all the families were slaughtered by the frenzied bandits, and more than [-] soldiers and civilians in Kuizhou City were killed.

Five days after Huang Han captured Kuizhou City, he was going to lead his troops to continue west along the river to the stone pillars to join the white-armed soldiers.

Seeing that Marquis Dongping was about to leave, Zhou Shideng and other scholar-bureaucrats were terrified. The "Red Banner Army" left, and the bandit soldiers who fled into the mountains came again.

These officials once again knelt down and begged the Marquis of Dongping for mercy, and no matter what, they had to leave a force to garrison Kuizhou City.

Nine times out of ten, the rogues attack prefectures and counties for the purpose of looting. This place has just been looted. It stands to reason that the rogues should not attack again in a short time. After thinking about it, Huang Han decided to leave a general infantry and a general led directly by Gu Zhun. General Guard Army.

The "Red Banner Army" would leave Sichuan sooner or later, and even Huguang and Henan could not stay for a long time. The name of an important place to leave troops to garrison Kuizhou City is not justified.

Huang Han was outspoken and told Zhou Shideng his thoughts to several magistrates who had already been caught.

Zhou Shideng's ability to fight does not mean that he will not be an official. The reason why he was able to become a regular fourth-rank civil servant is the result of his ability to exploit.

He stated on the spot that he recommended Gu Zhun to serve as the garrison of Kuizhou Mansion and garrison the state city. Zhou Shideng was very smart, and he was capable of recommending Gu Zhun, who already had a false rank from the fourth rank, to be a guerrilla or even a general, but he did not do so.

Because often when the imperial court mobilizes troops, guerrillas and generals are the first ranks, and the main task of the garrison is to defend the place, and the possibility of being mobilized is much smaller.

(End of this chapter)

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