Chapter 559 Stone Pillars
The scholar-bureaucrats in Kuizhou Mansion were terrified by the rogues, and now that they have trouble with the "Red Banner Army", of course they have to rely on this big tree.

There are people from the Marquis of Dongping serving as guards here. If there is danger in the future, it is impossible for the "Red Banner Army" stationed near Jingzhou in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the white-armed soldiers at Shizhu in the upper reaches to sit idly by.

Gu Zhun is a well-educated general, and his son Gu Jixiang serves as a personal guard beside Huang Han. His future is limitless, and his loyalty to the "Red Banner Army" system is impeccable.

Huang Han left him five thousand shi of grain and 2 taels of silver. With these money and grain, Gu Zhun estimated that Gu Zhun would soon train one or two thousand mountain infantry and thousands of townspeople.

The "Sun Moon Shipping", "Sifang Express" and "Sifang Bank" who received the notice will move into Kuizhou City within a month.

This city is built along the river, and theoretically it is also an existence of immortality. In the future, there will be ships frequently coming and going on the Yangtze River in the "Sun and Moon Shipping", and the Shuiying Yangtze River Detachment can guarantee smooth flow.

Zhou Shideng and other local officials were frightened, and they must spare no effort to repair and strengthen the city.

This fortified city was attacked from the inside and the outside, and the damage was limited. I believe it will be restored to its majestic appearance in a month or two. With continuous support and supplies, Gu Zhun led thousands of people to guard here. The rogues really came One hundred thousand can't beat it.

The "Red Banner Army" held several summary meetings last year to study how to deal with the rogues. All the soldiers understood why the small town of Pingshun County, which basically had no regular troops stationed, could withstand the attack of tens of thousands of rogues for four days and three nights. , Zhoucheng will be blown down.

All the generals understood the truth that rogues and vagrants could not be distinguished. When guarding a city, they must first check their household registration and kill spies, and they would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go.

In the hands of Gu Zhun, who has always been cautious and prudent, the great city of Kuizhou is not far from being impenetrable!

Huang Han did not expect to be able to raise troops to enter Sichuan in the seventh year of Chongzhen. Once they come, they will be safe. It is necessary to show the demeanor of the "Red Banner Army" to millions of Sichuan soldiers and civilians. It is necessary to cooperate with the white-armed soldiers and the Sichuan army to eliminate many bandits. is the top priority.

In mid-March, Huang Han led the main force to Sichuan. Chengxuan’s Political Envoy Division governs the territory of Zhongzhou in Chongqing. The comfort envoy's Yamen is also located in Shilili.

The authority of the Xuanwei Division is greater than that of the Xuanfu Division. It is a local administrative agency with great authority. It manages both the army and the people. It is probably more powerful than the medium-sized duchies in Europe.

Ma Xianglin is the hereditary consolation envoy. This hereditary official position has more functions in managing the people than the governor of Zhongzhou, and in managing the army than the generals along the way. He is a veritable emperor of the land.

Zhang Fengyi, Qin Yuyi and more than [-] female soldiers who entered Sichuan by water had already arrived ten days ago.

Water transportation is really the most efficient existence in this era. Even if a large number of trackers are hired along the river to make the fleet pass through the fast-flowing mountain gorge, the speed is faster than the main force that maintains a speed of forty or fifty miles a day.

Anxious Qin Liangyu didn't see the main force of the white-armed soldiers led by his expected son and nephew, but unexpectedly saw his adopted daughter and daughter-in-law, and was overjoyed to learn that his son-in-law's "Red Banner Army" had several thousands more to kill overland.

She knows Sichuan is worry-free!Looking at Qin Yuyi's bulging stomach and happy face, Qin Liangyu was a little at a loss, and hurriedly sent someone to invite his younger sister-in-law, Qin Yuyi's biological mother, who had more experience in raising children, to come quickly.

The head of the Qin family is Qin Bangping's widow, and Huang Han's real mother-in-law. She is ordered by the court. Of course, she is happy to see her daughter return to her mother's house. She has never seen her son-in-law who is a marquis.

In order to welcome the arrival of the new son-in-law, the Qin family and the Ma family were extremely busy.

The news that Zhang Fengyi was in danger at Houjiazhuang was saved by the timely arrival of Dongpinghou's soldiers. The news has been spread in Shizhu. Before seeing the son-in-law of this white soldier, most of Shizhu people have a good impression of him. .

In the midst of much anticipation, the legendary "Red Banner Army" made its debut. The gorgeous military uniforms and uniform steps made the people in Shizhu gasp in amazement. Qin Yuyi, who had a slightly bulging stomach, felt extremely proud when she saw the enthusiastic villagers.

In fact, Qin Yuyi's identity as a flat wife was ignored by all the Shizhu people. In their hearts, Qin Yuyi, the daughter of the hero Qin Bangping, was not only the beloved wife of the Marquis of Dongping, but also an actual general appointed by the imperial court.

Huang Han seized a lot of rare treasures. In his eyes, these things are cumbersome. At this time, it is the most suitable gift for elders and Qin Yuyi's relatives and friends.

Not only did Dongping Hou not put on airs, he was courteous and thoughtful, and he won the favor of the generals of the white soldiers. The two mothers-in-law were so happy that they forgot the regret that their daughter was not the wife of the Huang family.

Three days later, the "Red Banner Army" and the Baigan soldiers joined forces to suppress the bandits and stabilize the area.

Thanks to the easy-to-transport Fran cannon and the three-pound light red cannon that can adapt to mountain warfare, it is no longer necessary to launch a sea battle with white soldiers to attack mountain strongholds entrenched by bandits and bandits.

Shelling the cottage, the Minnie gunmen shot accurately to cover the steel-wrapped swords and shields attacking forward, and the white soldiers then covered and killed the hills that could not be captured at all. The bandits and bandits who fled and hid had nowhere to go under the search of more than 200 military dogs Hide away.

The "Red Banner Army" and the white-armed soldiers jointly divided their troops into a nine-way attack for more than a month, and the results were brilliant. All the bandits and bandits within a radius of [-] miles from the stone pillar were wiped out.

A few bandits even belonged to a family of bandits that had been passed down for several generations, but they failed to survive the fierce attack of the "Red Banner Army" and the search and hunt of a hundred soldiers.

At this time, the white-armed soldiers led by Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin also returned home. Their number was down to [-], and more than [-] people died in more than a dozen battles.

Huang Han did not regard himself as an outsider in Shizhu. He spent money and food to mobilize the Sichuan people to build water conservancy facilities, and allocated the acres obtained from the bandit-inhabited area to the white pole soldiers for small farming. Plant maize.

Qin Liangyu and Mrs. Qin were the happiest during this time. The two old people saw Huang Han's actions and were happy in their hearts. They were all grateful that their daughter was able to marry this talented young man.

During this period of time, with the strong support of the Qin family and the Ma family, Huang Han selected trackers and mountain people to expand the mountain infantry team, and now the number has reached more than [-], divided into seven generals.

In order to solve the worries of these reserve soldiers from Sichuan, each family reclaimed [-] acres of paddy fields.

Huang Han, who is good at making money, broadened the sources of income for the Ma family and the Qin family, entrusting them to purchase raw silk, Shu brocade, medicinal materials, mushrooms, fungus, animal skins and other mountain products, and also set up a fleet to travel to Huguang, Jiangxi, and Nanzhili to earn money. freight.

(End of this chapter)

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