Chapter 560
Another two months later, due to the increase of Ma Xianglin's return to Sichuan to participate in the extermination of bandits and bandits, the safe zone centered on Shizhu expanded to a radius of five or six hundred miles.

When Huang Han went to Sichuan to suppress the bandits, he took the method of taking a place and cleaning up the area. I don't know how many old bandits have been killed in one pot.

Grain and property can be seized by seizing the bandit's old lair, and Ge Daben took Ge Erben and more than 200 military dogs to participate in the search for the old bandit's treasure, so the property captured is not only enough for Bai who participated in the war There is still a surplus in the payment of salaries and head rewards for the soldiers.

The soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" are well paid and have a bright future. Those who have no bad records at the time of retirement will get good jobs, earn a lot of money and be respected.

The seizure and return to the public has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the past two years, it was discovered many times that there were soldiers hiding gold and silver treasures privately, but these people were cleared out of the "Red Banner Army" without exception and became prisoners of reform through labor.

These people are full of regrets now, because not only their lives are ruined, their family members can't hold their heads up, but also their nephews and nephews are basically tainted people who are basically difficult to be promoted.

If miscellaneous servants and guards without military merits were found to have hidden property, the punishment would be more severe, and they would be beheaded directly, because nine out of ten soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" have military merits in their hands. These people have fought for the country, so there is room for them.

Huang Han made good use of this big killer, and a few privately seized models became negative teaching materials. The soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" knew that if these regular soldiers hadn't become greedy, they must be mid-level military officers now. It is very possible to become a general after working hard for a few years.

Moreover, there are no poor people in the "Red Banner Army". Military pay, subsidies, benefits, and military merit awards alone are enough for a large family to live comfortably. Moreover, their small families will give priority to getting good jobs and guaranteed income.

Both the propaganda team and the young soldiers participated in the propaganda, and they were able to tell how beautiful the few soldiers who were sentenced to labor reform because of their private possession were seized before, and how happy their family life was. Not willing to go out.

The handymen who were beheaded due to lack of greed are even more insignificant, because their family members were expelled, and it is unknown whether they have become bandits or refugees, and it is very likely that they died on the way to exile.

Thunderbolt means must be available. The "Red Banner Army" has adapted to confiscating and returning to the public. They not only supervise and educate the new handymen, but also conduct frequent searches.

Following Huang Hangan, Ma Xianglin finally understood the benefits of capturing everything and returning it to the public, and discovered the secret of the "Red Banner Army" being able to make a fortune through fighting, but it looked easy, but it was more difficult to learn.

Because he couldn't understand why the youngsters of the "Red Banner Army" really ignored the gold and silver treasures and really didn't hide them in their arms?

What he is used to is that the Ming army swarmed forward to grab and seize, and even fought with the National People's Congress to grab things. Not only could the officers not control them, but they were also unwilling to suppress them. Instead, they took their servants to participate in the robbery.

The military discipline of the white pole soldiers is good, but they can't capture everything and return it to the public.

It is very important to give both kindness and strength. The reason why it is implemented so well now is not only the result of the white soldiers getting full pay and eating three meals during this period, and the casualties are controllable.

It is still the "Red Banner Army"'s strict supervision under the premise of leading by example, which has played a role, and those military dogs have also played a big role.

Often some gold and silver treasures that were quietly buried can be found, and military dogs can also distinguish the smell to find the soldiers who buried the treasures.

Now Ge Erben, this military dog ​​has made outstanding achievements and was dubbed the "loyal dog" by Huang Han. He not only guided the soldiers to capture and kill more than a dozen bandits and bandit leaders, but also found dozens of private possessions white soldiers.

Huang Han did not kill those white soldiers, but held a public trial meeting, took off their military uniforms under the watchful eyes of thousands of white soldiers, sentenced them to three to ten years in prison, and sent them to the quarry to do coolie labor reform.

With the violent temper of Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin, of course they killed these people with a knife. Huang Han didn't want to leave a psychological shadow on the white soldiers, and he didn't think that the effect of killing could go beyond holding a public trial meeting for a fair judgment. Besides, these people were serving their sentences It can also create labor value.

Huang Han brought capital, technology, and more than [-] people. This spring in Shizhu is even more vibrant. There are people from Sichuan who are building water conservancy facilities for small watershed management.

Ensuring a surplus of food in the Baiganbing system was Huang Han's first goal for Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, Qin Zuoming, Qin Zuoming, Ma Xianglin, Zhang Fengyi, Ma Xianghe and other generals.

Qin Liangyu strongly supported and tried her best to help win over the farmland. She didn't know how the soldiers could be disciplined when they couldn't even eat enough.

In private, Huang Han, who had plenty of food and money, often invited several uncles and white-armed generals to drink and pour out his heart.

Even though Huang Han may be the richest man in Ming Dynasty, he doesn't engage in ostentation at all, and treats guests to drink wine and drink. Even so, being able to drink the "General Triumph" series, the number one best-selling wine brand in Ming Dynasty, made the generals flock to it.

Huang Han hoped to influence the generals of the Baigan soldiers. Apart from drinking and chatting happily, he asked them to take the stability of Sichuan as their top priority. Only under the premise can dispatch troops.

The uncles are all political novices, they don't understand, but Zhang Fengyi who has been with Huang Han for nearly a year is deeply touched.

At the Dragon Boat Festival banquet, Huang Han talked about how to stick to Sichuan after drinking for three rounds, because he could not tolerate this pure land being harmed by bandits.

He believes that making Sichuan people live and work in peace is the top priority of the white-armed soldiers. If they can't keep their homeland and manage it poorly, how can they have the confidence to help the world?

It was another long speech, and the generals headed by Ma Xianglin and Qin Yiming all frowned, and they might not take it seriously.

Seeing that her husband didn't seem to listen to her brother-in-law's happy marriage, Zhang Fengyi looked at Ma Xianglin and said with a smile:
"The Marquis of Dongping made great achievements in fighting the Tartars, fighting against the slaves, and exterminating the bandits. He managed the army and the people and stabilized the countless living people in the area. Of course, the ideas he gave us are for everyone's benefit.

If it wasn't for me and you who took away [-] small white soldiers, and if it wasn't for the commander-in-chief Deng Qi who took away [-] Sichuan troops, how could Sichuan be destroyed by bandits and many counties and cities were taken away? ?

If it hadn't been for Dongpinghou to lead troops into Sichuan in time to recover the lost land, it is unknown how many people in Sichuan would have died. "

Ma Xianglin wondered: "That's the reason! But how can the emperor summon white soldiers to stand still? Isn't this a disregard for the king's kindness? Isn't it disloyal and unrighteous?"

(End of this chapter)

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