Chapter 561 Feudal Dogma
Qin Gong said righteously: "The white-armed soldiers are loyal to the emperor and patriotic. The emperor has a call, and they have to go even in water and fire. Why are you afraid of sacrificing your life? How can you give up everyone for a small family?"

Huang Han sighed in his heart, no wonder Ma Xianglin, a white-armed soldier, died in a foreign country, and finally died in Xiangyang. If he had stayed with his troops and horses to stay at the stone pillars of the base camp with favorable geographical location and harmonious people, it would be impossible for him to become a tragic hero.

And the second uncle, Qin Gongming, is even more innocent and cute. If he hadn't been born out of nowhere and affected history, he had been stationed in Shanhaiguan with Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin, and he would have died in a fierce battle with the rebellious chieftain the year before last.

Huang Han continued to patiently enlighten several elder uncles who were poisoned by the feudal dogma that "the king must die, the minister must die, and the father must die, the son must die".

He said: "The rampant bandits in Henan, Shanxi and Shanxi cannot be solved by an army that can fight hard. Only with painstaking efforts like mine can the trend of the spread of bandits be curbed and the situation changed for the better.

You have all seen the tragic situation of the common people in Shanshan and Chidi, Henan, who exchanged children for thousands of miles. When a woman may kill for half a piece of grain cake, it is no longer war but cannibalism.

How to change all this?I would like to hear the opinions of those who still insist on going out of Sichuan to suppress bandits? "

Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, etc. were all silent. They fought back to Sichuan along the way, and they were indeed starving. They really saw many tragedies in the world.

After a while, Qin Yiming asked: "The Marquis of Dongping must have an idea in his heart, we are all brothers in the same spirit, please tell me, we will listen to you!"

Huang Han cleared his throat and said, "It's actually not a difficult problem to solve the situation that the bandits in Henan and Shanxi have been suppressed repeatedly. The simplest and most effective way is to calculate how many people have enough food to feed them, and keep those who can eat food." people.

Then kill all other people who can see, because in the absence of food, people who have already started eating people will no longer have awe, they are all rogues, kill them all, and kill them all.

Otherwise, this area would not be able to be reclaimed, and no one would dare to reclaim it, because the surviving bandits would come to grab food, and even rob women and children, kill them for meat. "

Ma Xianglin exclaimed: "Nonsense, as you said, don't you want to kill millions of people? Not only can we not do it, but we don't have the ability to do it."

Zhang Fengyi pulled Ma Xianglin and said with a smile: "The Marquis of Dongping sympathizes with the common people in Shengdou the most. It is obvious to all. He is just talking. Why is your husband so restless?"

Ma Xianglin still stared at Huang Han with one eye, and said angrily: "He did save a lot of people, but he also killed tens of thousands of people, maybe he can really do this when there is no food. .”

Huang Han wasn't angry at all, he still smiled and said:

"The method I just mentioned is indeed effective, and someone has verified it.

In the year of the apocalypse, Liaodong suffered a food shortage. In order to prevent the hungry people from changing their lives, the old slave Nurhachi took the method of massacring all the Han people who had no rations. Jiannu probably killed more than one million Liaodong Han people before overcoming the food crisis. "

Qin Yiming said: "The old slave is cruel and inhuman, how can we do such evil things?"

"You brothers can't make such a move, so why rush to a place thousands of miles away?
As long as those places are not Zhuangzi who have already entered the village to protect themselves like a city, or people hiding in the county capital, they are theoretically all rogues. If you don’t start massacring, are you going to let your troops waste time and eventually starve to death? "

Qin Gongming blushed, with his insight and knowledge, how could he argue against Huang Han, a college student of later generations and a scholar in this life.

He muttered: "Is it true that killing people at sight without distinction is the only way to solve the refugees in Shanshan? This doesn't seem right!"

Huang Han said with a smile: "It's really wrong, so everyone should understand the reason why a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall. If you don't go to places where there is nothing you can do, you will naturally not look for trouble."

Qin Gongming was discouraged, and said depressedly: "If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, Dongpinghou still wants me to stay in Sichuan and not go to Shanshan and Henan, right?"

"It's not so absolute, because besides the massacre, there is a second way, that is, the army brings a large amount of food into the army.

After defeating the rogue bandits, enclosing a piece of land for military control, and ensuring that the people in the fields can get a harvest in the field can be effective, but there is a big problem of where the food comes from. "

Ma Xianglin said: "Food? How many families can have surplus food in bad times? Even if they have, they still want to prevent the famine and refuse to take it out!"

"That's why I think it's a waste of time for you brothers to lead troops to suppress bandits. Instead of letting white soldiers die in Henan and Shanshan, it's better to guard Sichuan and build water conservancy facilities, and adopt the method of implementing military settlements to ensure food production.

When the surplus grain can be obtained, gradually occupy some places that have been plagued by bandits in a planned way according to the grain stock in hand, and take in the refugees and give them food to organize them to cultivate.

Carrying out cannibalization year after year to ensure that winning a land can not only make the villagers have enough food and clothing, but also have surplus food for the next land expansion. "

Zhang Fengyi said: "I have been with Dongpinghou for a year, and I have seen with my own eyes that the 'Red Banner Army' has done this and it has achieved great results. Now there are probably more than hundreds of thousands of living people."

Ma Xianglin breathed a sigh of relief: "In this way, the primary task of the white soldiers in the future is to stick to Sichuan to obtain as much food as possible, even if Henan, Shanshan and Shaanxi are bloody, they will stay still."

Huang Han replied in the affirmative: "Yes, white soldiers can't go anywhere without food. In case of death, you may all be reduced to killing and eating."

Zhang Fengyi frowned, and felt uncomfortable in her stomach, but she had seen hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees, and knew that Huang Han's fable was not groundless.

Huang Han then changed the subject: "Of course, I'm not asking everyone to resist the order, but you should pretend to do it, right?

It is normal to slowly pull the team out, and then report to the court that there are a few gangsters in Sichuan who are making trouble. You really can't do it by taking advantage of the fire in the backyard to bring the troops back to Sichuan? "

This is the crime of bullying the king!The older uncles didn't say a word, Qin Gongming was extremely depressed, just immersed himself in drinking, and passed out after a while.

In the evening, Zhang Fengyi and Ma Xianglin told their mother about Huang Han's remarks. Although Qin Liangyu frowned, she didn't attack.

She let out a long sigh and said, "Take advantage and avoid disadvantage, my son-in-law is a real villain! But there are many gentlemen in the court who think they are magnanimous, how can they have the feat of Huang Han saving hundreds of thousands of ordinary people? Daming has this Misfortunes and blessings?"

(End of this chapter)

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