Chapter 562
Zhang Fengyi said affirmatively: "Mother, my daughter-in-law thinks Dongping Hou Aimin's love is sincere and he is definitely not a fake. He doesn't need to dress up for anyone to see. Only by doing what he can do can he go far.

He is also responsible for the tens of millions of people he follows, and it should be a blessing for Daming to have such a hero. "

Qin Liangyu looked at his son and daughter-in-law and said seriously: "The development of the 'Red Banner Army' is too scary, and the court will not be able to tolerate it in a short time. If one day Huang Han turns against the court, how will the Qin and Ma families deal with it?"

Ma Xianglin said in astonishment: "Mother, this shouldn't be the case! Huang Han has never done any bad things, and everything he did with the 'Red Banner Army' was a good thing for Wanjia to become a Buddha! How can the court be indiscriminate? bad?"

Qin Liangyu sighed and said: "Oh! The crime of Huaibi can punish the nine families! The court's suspicion is good or bad? The better the reputation, the more terrible it is!"

Ma Xianglin said: "This, this, really faced with this situation, mother, are you going to kill relatives righteously?"

Qin Liangyu firmly said: "No, as long as Huang Han doesn't rebel, mother will do everything possible to save the lives of the Huang family, even if the Qin family and Ma family are implicated, there will be no regrets."

Ma Xianglin said: "I'm relieved now, Huang Han does everything without leaking, how could he rebel against the imperial court, most likely the imperial court felt sorry for him."

Qin Liangyu said: "You also have to persuade him to be more careful, don't let the imperial court think of dealing with him."


After a long conversation, the mother, son and daughter-in-law seemed to have a knot in their hearts. When they saw the fierce "Red Banner Army", they felt even more that this outstanding force was a disaster or a blessing for Huang Han.

Kuizhou prefecture directly leads ten counties including Fengjie, Wushan, Dachang, Daning, Wanxian, and Yunyang, plus Dazhou, which leads Dongxiang and Taiping counties.

Because the "Red Banner Army" and the white-armed soldiers joined forces to clear the bandits, bandits, and rogues around the stone pillars, too many thieves fled eastward into the territory of Kuizhou Prefecture.

The order of Kuizhou Mansion, which had already been breached by Zhang Xianzhong, Lao Huihui and other big thieves in the prefecture and several counties, is now even more chaotic.

Prudent Gu Zhun did what he could. During this period of time, he spent money and food to mobilize 5000 strong laborers to do handyman. Every day, 5000 people reinforced the city, and [-] people trained for stabbing, which was rotated every three days.

He was not passive either, and often led four to five hundred people to search the surrounding area of ​​thirty miles. The tactic he adopted was to fight steadily, resolutely not to pursue the bandits and go deep into the wild mountains, and he had captured more than a thousand in more than two months.

When the memorials of Zhou Shideng, the general judge Wang Shangyi, the Tuiguan Liu Yinghou, the magistrate Tan Chuliang, etc. were delivered to the court, there were different opinions. After all, there is no impenetrable wall.

But they had a real number of beheadings in their hands, and they still organized people in Kuizhou City to repair the city destroyed by the rogues. What was the truth became an unsolved case. In the end, the court did not reward or punish them.

These scholar-bureaucrats who were able to escape the catastrophe have already celebrated with each other. They are all very well-behaved, showing their dedication to state affairs as much as possible, and even personally participating in the construction of the city wall.

The original garrison general in Kuizhou City is missing, and it is not known whether he died in the rebellion or surrendered to the rogues. It is known that the original garrison and Tongzhi died in battle together, so compensation and posthumous awards are essential.

Gu Zhun was recommended as the new garrison basically without encountering obstacles. All the civil servants and generals of the imperial court knew that there were many thieves hiding in the high mountains and deep waters near Kuizhou.

Zhou Shideng, deputy envoy of the Sichuan Procuratorate, and a group of civil officials fell in love with a general of the "Red Banner Army" who holds the rank of the fourth rank, and they all recognized that he had made great contributions to the rescue, and recommended him to serve as the third rank defense of Kuizhou.

The situation in Kuizhou is still very serious. The generals are either killed or lost contact. At this time, troops must be ordered, but the Ministry of War has no candidates at all.

Nowadays, the imperial court’s generals along the Grand Canal are the fattest ones, so I don’t know how many people spend a lot of money to fight for it. Although Kuizhou is by the Yangtze River, it is a mountain city that has just been ravaged by bandits. people care about.

Of course, the Ministry of War can’t argue about the appointment of the guard at this time, so the efficiency is very high. The appointment came two months later, and Gu Zhun was not required to go to the Ministry of War to report on his work, get a report, and seal the letter. .

As the bandits in eastern Sichuan became more and more violent, the Ministry of War issued an order to dispatch Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin who had returned to Sichuan to attack, and Dongping Hou wrote a letter because the "Red Banner Army" moved to Wanli Division.

Emperor Chongzhen personally issued a decree, ordering Dongping Hou to lead the "Red Banner Army" to station in Kuizhou City and cooperate with the Baigan soldiers to suppress and kill the Shu thieves in eastern Sichuan.

There were different opinions on the merits and demerits of local officials in Kuizhou, the emperor was confused about the situation, and the ministers had mixed opinions. Finally, the imperial court appointed a new Sichuan inspector censor to take office immediately.

Don't underestimate that the inspector censor of the imperial court is just a seventh-rank official, and it will be a big deal when he comes to the local area, because the inspector is a patrol on behalf of the emperor. , The big things are judged, and the small things are decisive.

The new official who took office in Sichuan is Dang Chongya, a censor named Dang Chongya, from Panlong, Baoji County. He is 50 years old this year.

Because this old boy is a full-fledged family slave with three surnames who lived more than 80 years old. When the Ming Dynasty fell, he first surrendered to Li Zicheng and then to the Manchu Qing. Finally, he became a scholar of the Hanlin Academy of National History in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The salary was given to the official Shaobao and the prince Taibao.

The party inspector had just been appointed and hadn't left the capital. Beijing officials who had good friends with Zhou Shideng, Wang Shangyi, Liu Yinghou, etc. wrote letters one after another and sent them to Kuizhou urgently using the six hundred miles sent by the imperial court to send military information.

A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is long-suffering.The local officials in Kuizhou have already done something like a villain. Of course, they are always worried about the incident, so they did not hesitate to use all their networks to clear it up.

Knowing that the imperial court sent Dang Chongya, a villain who tried his best to get ahead, to patrol Sichuan, the first stop was Kuizhou Mansion. Zhou Shideng, Wang Shangyi, etc. were shocked, and hurriedly informed the relevant officials to go to the mansion to discuss matters.

If the inspector censor wants to climb up, of course he will step down many officials. The censor relies on catching wind and shadows to make a living. The filth of Kuizhou is simply obvious. There are thousands of people who know it. The truth is revealed overnight.

In the back hall of the Yamen in Kuizhou Mansion, more than a dozen scholar-bureaucrats who were lucky enough to keep their official positions sighed. Zhou Shideng asked several times in a row, but no one expressed his opinion, and each of them seemed to be in a catastrophe.

Seeing that no one spoke, Zhou Shideng had no choice but to say: "Being an official for thousands of miles is only for money. I think that I can't bear children and can't catch wolves. Let's all pool more money and send tens of thousands of taels to the party inspector. I don't believe him." It will make it difficult for me to wait."

(End of this chapter)

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