Chapter 563
Liu Yinghou, the Tutor of the Kuizhou Mansion, said with a mournful face: "It would be best if you could spend money to eliminate the disaster, but the surnamed party is not easy to get along with. He is an official fan and has been trying to find ways to climb up. He always wants to do something earth-shattering Jane is in the heart of the emperor."

The judge, Wang Shangyi, said bitterly: "I'm afraid of this kind of people. They are often still picking bones. Now that such a big case is being spread in Kuizhou, the party surnamed must be crazy with joy. He should hope that the people implicated The more the better, how could they be willing to ask for bribes to collude with us."

Tan Chuliang, the magistrate of Fengjie County, wept and said: "My lords, is it doomed for me this time? We can even explain the murderous Marquis Dongping, why can't we explain a seventh-rank censor?"

Zhou Shideng said: "The Marquis of Dongping is incomparable to someone with the surname Dang. Now that he is a marquis and a high-ranking official with a generous salary, what room can he have for improvement? Therefore, he is willing to help us get rid of the crime with money and land.

That person surnamed Dang is only seventh-rank, and there is still a long way to go. Of course, he can weigh the pros and cons, and he can't take the risk to excuse me. "

Chen Hanxiang, the magistrate of Kuizhou Mansion, said: "One guest doesn't bother two masters, the Marquis of Dongping is equivalent to saving our lives, from now on we just follow orders.

Anyway, we have the cause of being beheaded by the imperial court in Dongpinghou's hands, and I don't mind having more clues. I am going to take a boat to Shizhu immediately to meet Dongpinghou, and say that we will be his people from now on, please. He tried to save us one more time. "

Zhou Shideng clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Master Chen is the real insight. We are indeed Dongpinghou people. If we encounter difficulties at this time, we can ask Dongpinghou to solve them."

Chen Hanxiang said: "Dongping Hou Zhicun's lofty strength is obvious to all, we will definitely not be rejected if we take a clear stand and take refuge in him.

I am willing to ask Dongpinghou in person, but everyone has to show their attitudes. Empty words are not enough. Today, I have to write down the signature and pledge of the documents to serve Dongpinghou. When I see Dongpinghou begging him for help, I will submit it. This document demonstrates sincerity. "

Zhou Shideng said: "Your Majesty Chen is right. The situation in Daming is going from bad to worse today. It's not because we don't want to be loyal to the country, but because we have no soldiers and no food in our hands. If we really choose to live and die with Kuizhou City, I'm afraid the whole family will know nothing about it." follow suit.

At this time, I am afraid that the only way to escape this catastrophe is to follow Dongpinghou with determination. This official wrote a document on paper and deliberately asked Dongpinghou to take advantage of it to show his sincerity. "

These dozen or so scholar-bureaucrats had already committed the serious crime of beheading when they fled the battle, but now they have also committed the crime of deceiving the emperor. The combination of the two crimes will not punish the nine clans, because such punishments are rare in the late Ming Dynasty.

But the prisoner and the eldest son were beheaded, their property was confiscated, and the whole family was exiled in all likelihood.

In order to save his life, official position and property, Zhou Shideng has no choice but to bear it to death. Zhou Shideng personally wrote down the documents of allegiance to Huang Han from now on, and wrote his name first.

None of the more than a dozen scholar-officials hesitated. They knew that the only life-saving straw was this document, and they all signed and pledged according to their current official positions.

After Huang Han received the imperial decree to be stationed in Kuizhou City, he specially invited Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, Zhang Fengyi and other main generals of the White Army to hold a meeting.

At the meeting, Huang Han once again clarified his point of view, telling everyone that troops should not be sent blindly, but with a purpose, and to win a land, they must ensure that the people can carry out production and save themselves. If it is impossible, they would rather slowly You can't eat more than you can chew.

Qin Liangyu is a pure soldier who only knows blind loyalty. After hearing Huang Han's generous speech, he asked:

"We are all generals, and it is our duty to fight wars. It should be the job of local officials to organize the production of ordinary people. How can we win a place and ensure that ordinary people can produce for themselves?"

Huang Han said: "There is a reason for the rogues to cause chaos, most of them are farmers who have lost their food and land, as long as these people exist, the rogues will never be wiped out.

Therefore, the focus of suppressing bandits is not military, but civil affairs. It must be achieved that the tiller has land, so that the common people can obtain food to maintain the minimum living conditions, in order to be effective.

I think that going to Kuizhou Mansion will take a step-by-step approach of military and civil affairs.We can't count on those scholar-bureaucrats. Our army must implement military control when we drive away the rogues and old thieves and intercept a large number of kidnapped refugees. "

Qin Liangyu said: "What the Marquis of Dongping said is reasonable, but if we get involved in the name of Kuizhou Mansion, it's not fair!"

Huang Han earnestly induced Qin Liangyu and the generals of the white-armed soldiers to understand how to support war by fighting, saying: "It's not difficult to get a name. Kuizhou's mansion has been corrupted for hundreds of miles, and there are countless officers and soldiers who follow thieves. There are military officers who can fight and are loyal to the court." Scarce shortage.

There is no doubt that the white soldiers and the 'Red Banner Army' joined forces to suppress the bandits and beat the bandits to the bone, but our troops cannot stay for long. Maybe we have just been transferred by the court, and the bandits will come back again. The common people can't stand it Years of tug-of-war.

Therefore, it is necessary to adopt the method of recommending white-armed soldiers and generals to serve as garrisons and patrols, and leave troops in the county capital as seeds and officers. joint defense.

During the slack season, the county guards will jointly dispatch troops to select sites where bandits are entrenched for fixed-point suppression, and completely remove the bandits' lairs. Only in this way can long-term peace and stability be possible. "

Qin Liangyu said: "Wouldn't this make the power of the Shizhu Xuanwei Division expand to the entire Kuizhou prefecture and twelve counties? Our white soldiers don't have so many troops to guard such a large area!"

Huang Han said: "This is why I emphasize the necessity of military and civil affairs. In places where rogues have scourges, it is not uncommon for families to be destroyed. At this time, we must put our face down and fight for the fertile land without owners.

Then, under the guarantee of a certain amount of force, the refugees were organized on the spot to settle the land, and the young and middle-aged were recruited on the spot to train into the army. The white-armed soldiers and the "Red Banner Army" only needed to provide a team of officers and they would see immediate results.

I believe that under the premise that the invaded farmland has a harvest, it is still possible for a county to support one or two thousand townspeople. During the joint operation, 2 or [-] people are at your fingertips.

At that time, the old lady will send an elder brother as the main general. As long as thousands of white soldiers are dispatched, they can launch a general attack with a force of [-] to [-] troops. Just ask me what rogues in the world can resist more than [-] white soldiers and the "Red Banner Army" A fight between men and horses?

At that time, it will naturally be included in many counties and towns to raise soldiers, and after a virtuous circle is formed, the white-armed soldiers will become stronger and stronger. "

(End of this chapter)

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