Chapter 564 Assassination
Zhang Fengyi said: "Mother, Marquis Dongping's words are good words, he should pass on the experience of how the 'Red Banner Army' developed to us.

The 'Red Banner Army' fought all the way from the capital, and moved thousands of miles to Sichuan. Not only did the troops not suffer heavy losses, but they also doubled. That's what they did. "

Huang Han really didn't want to see the tragedy unfold, so he spared no effort to instill in the main generals of the white soldiers the theory of fighting less wars of attrition, more wars of annihilation, and supporting wars with wars.

Lest the white-armed soldiers get weaker and weaker, and even Ma Xianglin ends up dying in a foreign country.

Because step by step and step by step is the golden idea for development. The white-armed soldiers can well guard the unique base of the Land of Abundance, and this force can turn the world around in the future.

Because Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, etc. were often indoctrinated during this period of time, they all had more or less awareness at this time, so they didn't say anything, but looked at Qin Liangyu's attitude.

Qin Liangyu asked: "Is it really possible to do this? Can those local officials tolerate military meddling in politics?"

Huang Han said: "You can rest assured, I will accompany you by boat to Kuizhou Mansion tomorrow, where the former "Red Banner Army" General Gu Zhun was recommended by Deputy Procurator Zhou Shideng and several local officials. For defense.

I only left one general infantry and one general guard army in Kuizhou. I believe that after more than three months, Gu Zhun probably has more than two thousand soldiers in training in his hands, and the land he has obtained may have broken through Thirty thousand. "

Qin Liangyu knew the local bureaucrats quite well, and he didn't believe such a good thing at all. He asked, "I knew Deputy Envoy Zhou, and he was kind to me. He usually dismissed other warriors. How could he be so talkative?"

Just this morning, Huang Han met Chen Hanxiang, the co-prefect of Kuizhou Prefecture who came to declare his refuge in makeup, and read the documents signed by more than a dozen scholar-bureaucrats.

Anxious, Chen Hanxiang knelt down and begged Huang Han for help, because the party patrol had been on the road for a month, and it was estimated that he would arrive in Kuizhou in a few days, and there was no way to deal with it.

Dang Chongya is an old man in history, and Huang Han has no good idea. He can only let this old guy die early, and instruct Chen Hanxiang to send a dead man dressed as a bandit to intercept and kill the Sichuan patrol censor on the road.

The "Red Banner Army" is a pure soldier, and it is impossible to do such dirty things. In order to make more than a dozen local officials in Kuizhou fall into a deeper trap, Huang Han is only willing to send banner guards to provide Dang Chongya's whereabouts to Chen Hanxiang and others.

The murder must be done by a dozen confidantes of the scholar-bureaucrats, and the banner guards can secretly guard against the fish that slipped through the net, assist in destroying the traces of the murder, and turn this public case into a no-nonsense case.

For his own life and the happiness of the whole family, how could Chen Hanxiang have the right to choose?He believed that more than a dozen colleagues would also agree to kill one Daoist friend Chongya and save many poor Daoists.

Chen Hanxiang, who was instructed, did not stop for a moment, and went directly down the river to Kuizhou by boat.

Two "Sifang Express" bodyguards, Wei Sijing and Shi Yicheng, accompanied him back. Of course, these two were the banner guards, and they were responsible for providing information to support the assassination of the scholar-bureaucrats.

The news of this era spreads very slowly, and Sichuan is so high that the emperor is far away. The banner guards deliberately let Dang Chongya disappear in the mountains. The court may not be able to notice it until the end of the year. I'm afraid it will be gone in a year.

For more than a year, under the joint management of the civil servants and military generals of the Kuizhou government, the boundaries of Kuizhou could not be said to have become a place with ample food and clothing, but there should be no bandits, and people's hearts are stable.

Once the achievements have been made, it will be less convincing if the inspector censor comes to find fault again. For the sake of local stability, the imperial court will definitely not entangle with the old things anymore, and it will definitely let it go.

What's more, the next inspector may not be an old man like Dang Chongya who is eager to be promoted and deliberately punishes people. Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang, Wang Shangyi, etc. who are related to the scholar-bureaucrats sent here are not sure.

Even if there is still a censor who refuses to cooperate, what's the problem?Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang, etc. have already murdered one inspector, why can't they murder the second one?
With the secret help of the banner guards, it is easy to do such a thing in eastern Sichuan, where the emperor is far away.

Of course, it is impossible for Huang Han to reveal the truth that he exonerated Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang, etc. and blackmailed them to Qin Liangyu, who can't rub the sand in his eyes. Assassination.

He explained: "Nothing else, it's just forced by the situation! It's hard to distinguish the vagrants from the rogues in Kuizhou prefecture, and the number may be hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, Gu Zhun led hundreds of troops to stay behind, and there were no civil officials to restrict the selection of young and strong men for training. Gu Zhun also proposed that in order to improve the loyalty of the young and strong men who will soon be transferred to the garrison battalion, he also supported them by giving them acres of land to cultivate.

After all, many of the families who owned land were extinct as the rogues crossed the border, and there were many unclaimed lands in the hands of local officials. "

Qin Liangyu was already a little moved, she hesitated and said: "This seems to be suspected of embracing the military and blackmailing the magistrate, it's not what a gentleman does!"

Huang Han said indifferently: "I also want to be simple, and I also want a gentleman to be magnanimous, but this can't be eaten. The soldiers don't get the food and pay to support their families, and they are likely to rebel. A gentleman who is full of morality, courtesy, righteousness and shame It is very likely to be killed by rogues and rebels."

If Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, etc. spoke like this, they would have been reprimanded. Although Huang Han is her son-in-law, he is also a marquis of super rank. Qin Liangyu, who strictly abides by his duty, cannot exceed his etiquette.

Ma Xianglin had heard Huang Han's arguments many times, and at the beginning he felt oppressed in his chest. After listening too much and gradually realizing it, he felt that the only way to make the white-armed soldiers expand their victories while protecting themselves was by doing so.

Seeing that his mother might have a fit, he persuaded him: "Mother, the Marquis of Dongping is from his own family. Please speak more straightforwardly. Don't be angry, but if you think about it carefully, the white soldiers can only do this in the future to be able to defend Sichuan. People are also displaced.”

Qin Liangyu let out a long sigh, and said, "How did my Ming come to such a point? Could it be that being loyal to the emperor and loving the country has become a dead end?"

Huang Han said disapprovingly: "Madam's words are wrong. Could it be that I and the soldiers of the 'Red Banner Army' are not loyal to the emperor and patriotic? I think I love this country and love it deeply!

The reason why the "Red Banner Army" was able to seek development while fighting was because there were Jian slaves in Liaodong, and Tartars in Monan and Northwest repeatedly violated the frontier.

There are rogue bandits in Shanshan, Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan who have been suppressed repeatedly, and the remnants of the Anshe Rebellion in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Guangxi are still around the corner. "

(End of this chapter)

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