Chapter 565

What Huang Han said was reasonable and righteous, very provocative, Qin Liangyu was finally moved.She sighed:
"Young people are awesome. I'm really old. I have to listen to Dongping Hou's advice on what to do in the future. I will try to manage the Kuizhou Mansion. As long as it is for the well-being of the army and the people, I will spare no effort. Get some acres of land to raise soldiers."

Finally reached a consensus with the general of the Baigan army that Huang Han was the general officer of Ji Town who had been sealed by the general of Liao Dynasty, and he did his part to gain the command.

This is not because Huang Han seized power, but because of the court system. With Huang Han's title and official position, it stands to reason that as long as he cooperates with other Ming armies, he can command the generals who do not have the seal of the general, as well as generals, guerrillas, Defensive, capital division.

In the past, the reason why Huang Han was unwilling to get involved with the troops of other Ming generals was because he looked down on those pig-like teammates and had no objection to commanding white soldiers.

The next day, nearly [-] regular soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and conscripts led by Qin Liangyu personally led the white-armed soldiers and the "Red Banner Army" to Kuizhou Mansion in three ways.

Huang Han, Qin Liangyu, and Zhang Fengyi took a boat and led more than [-] troops, most of whom were female soldiers, into Kuizhou City to sit in town.

It was impossible to arrange for Qin Yuyi, who was pregnant in Liujia, to participate in the war. She returned to her natal home happily, with her biological mother, Mrs. Qin, taking care of food and daily life, Qin Rong and Ma Lanhua leading a female soldier in charge of security, and Qin Yin and Qin Yue, two careful The personal servants are always around.

Ma Xianglin, Ma Xianghe and other white-armed generals, as well as Sang Yu, Wang Gensheng and other "Red Banner Army" generals led more than [-] troops along the north of the river to attack Kuizhou. Give the rogues a devastating blow.

Qin Yiming, Qin Gongming, etc., together with Liu Fenyong and Yuan Siming and several "Red Banner Army" generals led 2000 troops along the south of the Yangtze River to attack the city and march towards Kuizhou Fucheng, ensuring that there would never be any place where they passed. Armed with hundreds of bandits or bandits.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, Qin Liangyu came to Kuizhou Mansion and saw a group of well-mannered scholar-bureaucrats, already felt that Huang Han really did what he said.

Seeing that the two thousand Xiangyong under Gu Zhun's command who were training with white wax spears were full of energy, they immediately understood that this is the only way to go in the future.

Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang and other Kuizhou local officials chose to rely on Dongping Hou. Of course, they relied on Gu Zhun in the military. They have deepened their understanding of each other through working together in the past few months.

The Kuizhou prefecture city included within [-] miles of the suburbs. During this period of time, under the assistance of officials at all levels and Gu Zhun's "Red Banner Army", earth-shaking changes took place, and all the fields and mountains were planted with crops.

At this time, Gu Zhun had already organized the resettled villagers to start building ditches and water supply and drainage systems.

Obviously, this year's harvest can be guaranteed, and a lot of corn and potatoes are planted in the mountainous areas. The local officials in Kuizhou cannot estimate the yield due to lack of planting experience, but they estimate that 40 mu of rice will be able to ensure that 40 people will survive until next summer's harvest.

Seeing that the situation has been stabilized, Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang and other scholar-bureaucrats celebrate with each other.

They believed that with Gu Zhun as the garrison of Kuizhou, with Kuizhou City's established structure of protecting the armor and defense and assigning responsibilities to people, they would no longer lose sight of one thing and lose another when dealing with rogue attacks, and it was absolutely impossible to suffer a combination of internal and external forces to destroy the city.

Originally, Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang, etc. had no choice but to seek refuge with Dongpinghou. Now they feel that being Dongpinghou has a lot of benefits.

From this point of view, not only can they pass the test safely, but they may also be able to get promoted because of their outstanding political achievements.

Dressing up as bandits to intercept and kill the censors has been successful. Zhou Shideng, deputy envoy of the Sichuan Provincial Police, took the lead. More than a dozen scholar-bureaucrats were not allowed to stay out of the matter. Their family had three children and formed a team of nearly 50 people, under the unified command of Chen Hanxiang.

It is also known that Chen Hanxiang was born as a Jinshi, and where did he do assassination work, even though the assassination team members formed are all family members who have force value and are loyal to the patriarch, it doesn't help, because these people don't know how.

Of course, he was asking Ji Yu Wei Sijing and Shi Yicheng, the two banner guard leaders who used the identity of "Sifang Express" bodyguards as cover.

Wei Sijing and Shi Yicheng are wounded veterans who have followed Huang Han for three years in Chongzhen. They were excited and excited to get the task assigned by the Patriarch himself, and they did their best to do things beautifully.

After they got Dang Chongya's exact whereabouts provided by Qiwei, they deliberately drove two to three hundred bandits under the leadership of Chen Hanxiang to attack Dang Chongya's team of more than a dozen people.

The final result was that Dang Chongya's servants, maidservants, and servants were killed and scattered, and in the chaos, Mr. Xunyan was really killed and injured by refugees and bandits.

When Wei Sijing and Shi Yicheng showed up with dozens of people in time to strike, they found that Dang Chongya was dying. The old man even called for help, telling him that he was the inspector censor of the imperial court. If his life could be saved, the imperial court would Will be rewarded generously.

There was no need for Shi Yicheng to do anything, the traitor kicked his legs, and the dozens of people who were about to assassinate just drove and killed a few rogues, and handed over the confiscated seals and confessions to Chen Hanxiang.

Zhou Shideng and others did not expect that things would go so smoothly. His confidant servants were not stained with the blood of the court scholar-bureaucrats, but participated in the attack and killing of bandits.

There are rogues everywhere, who can imagine that those rogues were deliberately driven by the local officials of Kuizhou to meet the patrolling lords?
When Zhou Shideng saw Huang Han, he hinted to his face that there would probably be no more censors in the short term, and now he could calmly wipe out the eastern Sichuan and Shu thieves and make new achievements.

The support of local officials in Kuizhou gave Huang Han the unexpected joy of inadvertently planting willows and willows. Of course, at this time, we must spare no effort to manage the east gate of Sichuan. Internal turmoil hurts muscles and bones.

Fighting the bandits and the bandits who use the mountains and valleys to flee cannot be achieved overnight. Huang Han first used the concentrated force to inflict large-scale bandits and bandits, causing them to fall apart and flee and hide separately.

Next, 3 horses, together with Gu Zhun's Zhengbing and Xiangyong, were divided into eleven battalions for a dragnet-like siege. During this period, many generations of old thieves were taken to their lairs and landed.

Every month, two or three thousand heads will be reserved for Zhou Shideng and other local officials to report victory to the court. The Ministry of War and the emperor saw that the white-armed soldiers and the "Red Banner Army" were inextricably fighting against the rogues in eastern Sichuan. What situation.

They can only judge the authenticity by waiting for the Sichuan patrol censor Dang Chongya to send back the secret report after he takes office, but the Dang master is nowhere to be found.

(End of this chapter)

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