The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 566 Redistribution of Benefits

Chapter 566 Redistribution of Benefits

Zhou Shideng and other local officials knew that crying children had milk, so they inevitably exaggerated when they reported the number of rogues to the court.

Although the court officials hated Huang Han, these people knew that the stunned young man had a bottom line, and they disdain to kill the good and pretend to be meritorious.

Being able to behead two or three thousand bandits every month is enough to prove that there are really countless thieves in Eastern Sichuan and Shu.

No one would have thought that this time Huang Han took action to kill dozens of bandit families in the eastern Sichuan region that had been kings since the Mongolian and Yuan dynasties.

Since the military dog ​​soldiers have been able to skillfully use the re-expanded military dogs to search, they have seized no less than one million taels of yellow and white objects in hundreds of bandits and bandit lairs, and seized a large amount of cloth, grain and grass.

Qin Liangyu had a personal experience, and her face was shocked. She never thought that with the "Red Banner Army" leading the suppression of bandits, fighting has become the most profitable way. Looking at the [-] white poles whose morale is like a rainbow because they win battles every day because of good pay Bing, she no longer feels aggrieved in her chest.

Because Qin Liangyu saw that the "Red Banner Army" not only did not kill the good and pretended to be meritorious, but even gave many real bandits and rogues a chance to reform themselves, and did not kill the heads of these rogues.

Instead, these people were given three to ten years of labor reform under the premise of being able to eat enough. Those who were beheaded were all those who had more than three innocent murders and bloody debts.

Huang Han and Qin Liangyu made a division of labor. He was responsible for negotiating with Zhou Shideng, the deputy envoy of the Sichuan procuratorate, Chen Hanxiang, the magistrate of Kuizhou Prefecture, Wang Shangyi, the general judge, Liu Yinghou, the pusher, and Tan Chuliang, the magistrate, and other scholar-bureaucrats who had already taken refuge.

In fact, these people are all their own people, and they are doing everything they can to resettle the officers and soldiers of Gu Zhun's garrison battalion. They are trying their best to recommend the low-level military attache of the "Red Banner Army" to be the local military attache of Kuizhou. Of course, the results are remarkable.

The dozen or so scholar-bureaucrats assigned to Qin Liangyu by the naughty Huang Han were all decent Sichuan local officials, and they were not controlled by the 'Red Banner Army'.

Qin Liangyu went in without knowing it, seeing that Huang Han was engaged in territory, recommending white-armed soldiers, and military attaches of the "Red Banner Army" to serve as garrison, patrol inspection, or regiment training. One hundred thousand mu was inspired to fight.

She finally began to put down her old face, using the pretext of wanting to settle down the white-armed soldier family, and asked the judge, the pusher, the county magistrate, and the county magistrate to ask for unowned acres.

The rogues have been making trouble for more than a year, breaking through the capital of Kuizhou and more than half of the county towns under its jurisdiction.

Qin Liangyu, who was awakened by Huang Han, knew that he would not ask for benefits for the white soldiers, and would not hand over the vast amount of land to the court, but would take advantage of the surviving local officials and powerful men.

When she first started doing such things, the upright old lady always felt feverish on her face. Later, she found that these scholar-bureaucrats basically gave in after some bargaining, so she calmed down.

The scholar-bureaucrats who did not take refuge in Huang Han were not stupid, they were not big enough to eat all the benefits after the war, Qin Liangyu came forward to ask for the deed of unowned land, of course the county magistrate would give up half of the benefits.

Qin Liangyu finally understood how stupid he was before. The chieftain who led white soldiers to bleed and sacrificed to defeat the rebellion didn't know that he left those land occupations to the small farmers under his command.

Gradually, Qin Liangyu learned the tricks, and she was used to splitting up the distribution of post-war benefits with magistrates.

She is also good at learning. After discovering that the scholar-bureaucrats would toast and refuse to eat fine wine, she would also threaten to withdraw from the fields and pay the white soldiers, allowing the place to be ravaged by rogues and bandits in turn.

This trick has been tried and tested repeatedly, because the scholar-bureaucrats know that the "red flag army" and white soldiers can do what they say, even if there are no rogues in the territory, as long as the "red flag army" and white soldiers deliberately drive them away, there will be rogues all over the territory immediately.

If you don’t obey obediently, you might even lose your life. Even if you abandon the city and escape, the court will inevitably be punished after the fall. Therefore, everyone chooses to keep the white soldiers or the personnel recommended by the "Red Banner Army" as guards and inspections Or group training.

In three or four months, Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin, Qin Gongming and other white-armed generals had 10,000+ mu of land under their names, and the amount of money seized was several 10 taels in silver. Just having no surplus doesn't seem to be enough to survive the autumn harvest.

Fortunately, there were [-] to [-] shi of Japanese polished rice in the completed "Wangchuan Fort" grain depot. Huang Han urgently allocated [-] shi to deliver it to Kuizhou Prefecture by a ship with a displacement of less than [-] tons.

The extra milled rice can help more than 30 people without food go through the most difficult two months.

The autumn grain in Kuizhou Mansion has been harvested, and winter wheat will be planted. The harvest in early summer next year will never be destroyed by bandits. Gradually, the grain will be self-sufficient, and there will be a lot of surplus grain in the next year.

The land stock of rogues transiting the border remains unchanged, and there will be more small watershed governance led by the "Red Banner Army". However, the population loss cannot be small, at least [-]% will be reduced, so it is not a fantasy to have surplus food.

The redistribution of benefits through war is effective, and at least the sharp land conflicts have been alleviated.

As long as the white-armed soldiers can defend Kuizhou Mansion, it will not be a problem to restore vitality in three years. All in all, it is too easy to destroy overnight, and how difficult it is to build.

From beginning to end, the imperial court was not informed of the memorial of the party inspector, and issued an official document ordering Zhou Shideng, the deputy inspector who was in Kuizhou Mansion, to inquire about his whereabouts.

Zhou Shideng, a veteran official in the officialdom, is best at kicking the ball, and the reply he gave was simple and clear.

No one discovered that the party inspectors appeared in Kuizhou. He stated that he had sent hundreds of people to investigate, and strictly ordered to see people and dead bodies. He estimated that he would be able to investigate clues in a few months.

There is no news of the censor of the Sichuan patrol, and the local officials in Kuizhou have reported success frequently. Now they have killed more than 30 vagrants and resettled more than [-] refugees.

The last time Zhou Shideng, Liu Yinghou and other local officials stuck to the Kuizhou mansion and waited for the "Red Banner Army" to rescue them, they had not been rewarded. heart of?
Ever since, the imperial court began to negotiate to give Zhou Shideng, Chen Hanxiang, Wang Shangyi, Liu Yinghou, Tan Chuliang, etc. a promotion.

There were leaks everywhere in the Ming Dynasty Hall, and the Beijing officials who had made good friends with Zhou Shideng, Wang Shangyi and others soon sent them news.

Taking refuge in Dongpinghou not only saved his life but also promoted him, which made Zhou Shideng and a dozen other scholar-bureaucrats very happy.

They already have confidence at this time, because they have a garrison camp that seems to be more powerful than the frontier army to stabilize the place, defend the city and no longer fear the bandits. After a few years of good management, it is very possible that Eastern Sichuan will become a paradise of kings.

(End of this chapter)

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