Chapter 567

The "Red Banner Army" and the white-armed soldiers fought well in the east of Sichuan, in fact, they better responded to Chen Qiyu's arrangement, at least he didn't have to worry about the bandits fleeing to the border of Kuizhou Prefecture.

I don't know if it was Chen Qiyu's luck, or Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Ma Shouying, Zhang Xianzhong, etc. were in a daze. They actually led tens of thousands of horses into the carriage gorge sixty or seventy miles south of Xing'an Prefecture, Hanzhong Prefecture, Shaanxi Province.

This canyon was originally an ancient plank road, with a total length of forty to fifty miles. The terrain is difficult to enter and exit. Chen Qiyu led the Ming army to block the entrance and exit of the carriage gorge, blocking more than [-]% of the famous bandit leaders in the past two years. Inside.

Seeing that as long as the officers and soldiers strictly guard the entrance of the carriage, the tens of thousands of old battalion bandits headed by Gao Yingxiang, Ma Shouying, and Zhang Xianzhong will soon face the dilemma of killing each other.

Don't worry about all these people starving to death, there is no such possibility, because they can all eat people.

There is no need to worry that they have no firewood. The vegetation in the mountains is lush, and hunting and firewood can be done. It's just that the limited prey is a drop in the bucket compared to tens of thousands of horses.

The rogues trapped in the carriage gorge are like beasts caught in a trap. Of course, the officers and soldiers dare not enter the gorge to kill them.

Chen Qiyu judged the situation and decided to starve to death of most of the rogues before launching an attack, so as to prevent the rogues who were desperate to kill the Ming army in large numbers.

Seeing that the fruits of victory in suppressing the bandits were about to come in hand, Jiannu made a move, which was really timely.

In fact, this is not a coincidence at all, but Nu Chief listened to the suggestions of Ning Wanwo, Bao Chengxian, Fan Wencheng and other traitors and seized the time to harass Daming.

The spies arranged by Hou Jin sent back a lot of information. They learned that Huang Han is now in a stalemate with the bandits in Sichuan. Sent to the imperial court, the number of beheadings ranged from one thousand to three thousand.

Many traitors couldn't sit still after confirming the good news. They jointly knelt down and begged their master to clarify again. Hong is calling the military nobles of the Eight Banners and the traitors in Shengjing to discuss important matters.

Daishan excused his illness and refused to attend the court meeting, and Mangurtai and Amin died. Since then, Hong has fallen in love with holding court meetings to discuss state affairs that he hated most.

Because the three old guys who often sing the opposite tune are missing, the slave chief can enjoy the pleasure of being in power at this time.

Every time he saw dozens of traitors bowing respectfully and respectfully, the slave chief felt a little elated, and he always wanted to let the civil servants and generals of the Eight Banners follow suit.

Therefore, he convened as many court meetings as possible, hoping that the behavior of the traitors would affect the ministers of the Eight Banners. He believed that they were often influenced by what he saw and heard, and if the Han ministers contributed to the flames, all civil servants and generals would kneel at his feet in the near future.

Traitors such as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming fought well in North Korea. Houjin not only got food and gold and silver treasures, but also got 10,000+ Koryo Aha to farm land for various Niulu armored people, so that more Jian slaves could be out of production.

The slave chief is very talented, and he knows that Dajin builds a country by force, and the Eight Banners must not slack off and must continue to attack in order to maintain force deterrence.

North Korea in the east has been subjugated, and now it is only targeting some insignificant resistance forces, and the troops cannot be transferred back for the time being. Such a large new territory requires the army to suppress possible riots at any time.

The Mongols in the west are too wild and often attack the Mongolian tribes that have taken refuge in Dajin. Now that there is enough food to support a big war, it is time to teach Huduntu a lesson.

Hong Xie set the tone as soon as he opened his mouth during the court meeting, he said: "Dear dear ministers, I intend to go west to investigate Hal again and detour to Faming again. I wonder if you think it is feasible?"

The slave chiefs are politically sophisticated, and they know that the Eight Banners don't like to fight the poor Mongols the most.

Therefore, he stated that this time the Western Expedition will not only beat Chahar Mongolia severely, but also lead the Eight Banners into the Daming Dacao Valley.

After Ning Wan, I was the first to jump out and kowtow flatteringly: "My lord Shengming, Chahar is already vulnerable like a frightened bird, my Golden Army can completely defeat Lin Danhan and accept all his troops with a smile.

The Ming country is now full of bandits and weak. At this time, a sharp blow from our Da Jin army will make Ming country worse, and let the bandits get respite. One will ebb and flow. It is only natural that the strength of our Da Jin country will rise to a higher level.

The minister believes that at this time, the Dajin Kingdom has the right time and people to send troops, and it is completely feasible to send troops to crusade! "

Dorgon went out to salute and said: "Khan, there are quite a few Ming troops in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, Jinzhou, and North Korea's Yizhou. How many troops are appropriate for our army? During the expedition, we split the attack, how will our Dajin Kingdom deal with it?"

Seeing that this fourteenth brother disobeyed him again, Hongxie frowned, and looked at Fan Wencheng.

The traitor immediately understood the master's intentions, and quickly kowtowed: "I have collected a lot of information about the Ming Dynasty during this time, and I can confirm that Huang Han is not in the south of Liaoning nor in the west of Liaoning. stalled.

Given Huang Han's time, with his ability, those rogue bandits of Ming Dynasty would be wiped out sooner or later, so it was time for the Great Khan to send troops to attack Ming Dynasty.

If the Ming Dynasty wants to divide its troops to deal with our army, it will inevitably lead to insufficient troops to suppress the bandits, and those scattered bandits will make a comeback, and the Ming Dynasty is destined to be overwhelmed. "

Seeing that Fan Wencheng dared to go out to argue with Fourteenth Brother, Duoduo said angrily:

"Information? Your information is useless. The year before last, the information was sent back saying that Huang Han was happy and happy in the Yichun Academy of the capital. Who would have thought that he would silently beat up the right wing of Harqin and take down Qingcheng.

The year before last, it was said that the number of Huang Han troops was too small to be a cause for concern. Who would have thought that after they raided Fuzhou and besieged Jinzhou, I suffered heavy losses in Dajin.If you make a mistake again this time, how many warriors in my Daikin will die in vain because of your incompetence? "

The past was vividly remembered, and many nobles from the Eight Banners began to discuss in low voices. Baylor, such as Duduo, Dorgon, Dege, etc., simply opened their mouths to scold Fan Wencheng, Bao Chengxian, Ning Wanwo and other traitors.

Seeing that he didn't convince everyone, but made his master unhappy, Fan Wencheng's forehead was sweating, and he knelt down again with a plop and said:

"The information I received is absolutely true, that Huang Han sent troops last spring, we have personally witnessed the detailed work.

During the recent period of time, the official documents between Huang Han and the imperial court have been witnessed by the ministers of the Ming Dynasty whom we bribed.

Moreover, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty issued decrees to Huang Han many times, which was also confirmed by the Minister of the Ming Dynasty whom we bribed.

What's more, last year and this year's "Red Banner Army" uncharacteristically did not take the initiative to provoke our army at all. This shows that Liaonan and Ningyuan are taking a defensive position and waiting for Huang Han to come back before making a fuss!

To sum up, Weichen can assert that Huang Han is thousands of miles away, and if the information is inaccurate, Weichen is willing to be punished. "

(End of this chapter)

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