Chapter 568
After Ning, I saw that Dorgon and Duoduo might have something bad to do, so I went out of work immediately and kowtowed loudly:
"The opportunity must not be missed, my Dajin absolutely cannot let the Ming Dynasty have time to deal with the rogues and then attack Liaodong.

Our Dajin Army is used to quick battles and quick decisions. By suddenly entering the Daming Pass, it can not only plunder a large number of people and supplies, but also give those rebellious rogues a chance to breathe. It kills two birds with one stone. "

How could Gao Hongzhong be willing to be left behind? He knelt down and played: "Khan, I have contacted Zu Dashou of Jinzhou many times during this period. Our army made an exception last autumn by not going to harvest wheat outside Jinzhou City, which made Zu Dashou He received tens of thousands of stone grains, and he wrote to express his gratitude.

Although he didn't express his stance to join us in the Kingdom of Jin, he shrunk the line of defense by [-] miles to the west, which was enough to show that the ancestral army did not want to be an enemy of our army.

Now the Ancestral Army is withdrawing troops on the eastern front of Jinzhou, but increasing troops on the western front. It can be seen that Zu Dashou's attitude of guarding against the "Red Banner Army" is better than guarding against our Dajin Kingdom. "

Bao Chengxian said: "It seems that the soldiers of Jinzhou can no longer be counted as the Ming army, they can completely contain the 'Red Banner Army' who are stationed on the front line of Ningyuan.

The Dongjiang soldiers in North Korea's Uiju are even less of a concern. After the autumn, the "Marshal Dou" will free up his hands and coerce tens of thousands of Koryo troops to drive the three brothers Huanglong and Shang Keyi into the sea.

The number of "Red Banner Army" stationed in Jinzhou is very small, and there are even fewer cavalry. They can only engage in small-scale battles in the mountains, and are unable to launch large-scale attacks.

The situation in Dajin is very good, and the ministers and others believe that it is the right time for the expedition to Huduntu to completely defeat Chahar, and the surprise attack on Daming when returning to the army should be a win-win strategy, strategy, and both political and practical benefits. "

Fan Wencheng said: "Once our army defeats Chahar and opens the channel for the Western Expedition, the arrangement of the Ming Dynasty will become a joke. The Great Khan led the troops to enter the Ming Dynasty Pass again and bring the population and supplies back to the division. You might as well pass by Jinzhou again. Persuade the ancestors to surrender.

I thought that Zu Dashou, who knew how to weigh the pros and cons at that time, might directly donate Jinzhou City to me. "

Hong Xie said: "Good, dear friends, what you say is reasonable. At this time, my Dajin has the right time and the right people. Entering into the customs of the Ming Dynasty can greatly weaken them.

This time we did not kill one person in vain, looted all the food and supplies, and left all the Ming people who could not be brought back. I believe that many of these poor people will become rogues, and it will be more difficult for Ming to quell civil strife in the future. . "

Dorgon saw that the starling had already made up his mind, and the so-called joint discussion was just a formality. He didn't dare to disobey any more, and saluted: "The great sweat has great insight, and my younger brother admires him so much. My younger brother invites you to fight and is willing to be a pioneer."

Duoduo actually likes fighting, especially the Ming Dynasty, because every time he fights Ming, he can grab a lot of good things and beauties.

He yelled: "It's been a long time since I've fought a war, and I'm so bored. Please make a decree, and my Eight Banners will be invincible."

When the ice and snow had just started to melt, Hong Zhe led the Eight Banners cavalry to prepare for a surprise attack. This was against common sense, because the former Houjin army had to farm the land, and it was impossible to send troops when the spring plowing was about to begin.

The strategist Hong Jie is far-sighted. How could he let Lin Danhan guess the time of action of the Dajin Army? This is of course due to the fact that there are 10,000+ Koryo slaves farming this year. pier rabbit.

In fact, the Hou Jin army likes to kill and rob, and they don't like farming the most. They are so happy to see their masters swearing in their teachers.

The slave chief decided to conquest again. He ordered [-] soldiers in a high-profile manner, but the actual number of departure exceeded [-], because many Yu Ding took the initiative to ride horses with weapons and armor, and many regular soldiers brought coated slaves to grab more things. .

The Jian slaves all knew the master's intentions. This time the war was prepared to be bitter and sweet. The first was to launch a surprise attack against Lin Dan Khan. The Mongols were so poor that basically they could not seize much gold, silver, treasures, armor, and weapons. Only war horses are good things.

After defeating the Mongols, the master will let everyone taste the sweetness, because they want to rob Daming again.

Not only the children of the Eight Banners participated in the attack, but also the Mongolian tribes found along the way would follow, capture or surrender Lin Danhan's troops, and the children of the Eight Banners would also take them with them to rob Daming.

Too many Jiannu vests and infantry are thinking, if they take the lead in snatching one or two Mongol horses, and then enter the Ming Dynasty to try to bring the horses back full of gold, silver, treasures and cloth to go home, they will definitely gain a lot.

The flower girls of Ming Dynasty are very fragrant, and they are much more attractive than the stinky women of Sao Tarzi, and they are also more beautiful than the Korean women with big flat faces. Is it possible to get two official ladies and bring them back to Liaodong.

The surprise attack launched by the Jin army later received miraculous effects. Lin Danhan, who was unprepared, was caught off guard. At the end of May, the complacent slave chieftain easily occupied Guihua City.

It took fifty days to circumvent Yanshan Mountain and attack for three or four thousand miles, killing Lin Danhan and fleeing all the way west. Most of the Jiannu chased after a thousand miles southwest of Guihua City before stopping.

Hong, who was already sitting in Guihua City, calculated the attack distance. This time, the two white flags who performed the most actively ran a total of more than [-] miles, and the average daily movement was more than [-] miles.

June is the hottest month on the grassland, so Hong Jie decided to stay in Guihua City for half a month to recuperate. During this period, he sent two yellow flags to recruit small Mongolian tribes within a radius of [-] miles.

Lin Danhan, like Li Zicheng, was an idiot who made wedding dresses for others. At this time, he only took more than [-] people across the Yellow River to flee to Qinghai to gain a foothold. In this battle, [-] to [-] Mongolian string control people surrendered Jiannu.

After the golden army's tactical task of defeating Chahar was completed, the strategic deployment of opening up the western expedition channel was completed. Now even Yu Ding has a Mongolian horse for transfer, and his mobility has been strengthened again.

Fan Wencheng, Ning Wan, and other traitors who came to Guihua City with the army have been collecting information on Ming Dynasty. Zhangjiakou has a stronghold they have set up for more than ten years, and even some of them will be bribed to directly provide the imperial palace report to the Jiannu spy .

Soon the slave chieftain learned that some of the Ming army that might be encountered by breaching the western border of Daming Shan should be part of the original Guanning army, and the generals were Uncle Cao Wenzhao, Wu Sangui and his son, Zu Dabi, and Zu Kuan. Wait for an old acquaintance.

In addition, the Qin soldiers led by You Shiwei and You Shilu, who were defeated in the second year of Chongzhen, may be stronger than other Ming troops.

All the information shows that there is no "Red Banner Army" in Shanxi, which the Jin army has begun to fear. The latest issue of the Ming Dynasty Mansion News also commended the achievements of Sichuan's Kuizhou Mansion in suppressing bandits, highlighting the role of the "Red Banner Army" as the mainstay in eastern Sichuan. great effect.

Not only did Jiannu get accurate information, the secret agents lurking in Zhangjiakou had already prepared dozens of guides for the army. These people were not only familiar with the roads but also the defense of Shanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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