Chapter 570

The same is the Ming army, Zu Dashou did not openly rebel, and it is not enough to persuade them to surrender.

These dozen or so veterans of the Guanning Army were just talking about how many acres of farmland they have married now that they have married their wives, and how prosperous they will be in the future.

That's all, the effect has exceeded expectations. More Ming troops sneaked across the line of defense and defected to Ningyuan.

For a long time, without the need to fight, Zu Dashou would lose troops every day. The number of auxiliary soldiers and handymen in the "Red Banner Army" increased every day, and a small number of former Guanning Army who were skilled in bows and horses were absorbed as reserve soldiers.

Zu Dashou often received news that his subordinates had defected to Ningyuan, so he had to send a family team to focus on prevention and control.

Aggrieved!Zu Dashou roared with anger at being played by the "Red Banner Army" many times, and Gao Qiqian wrote memorials and complaints many times, but nothing happened.

Because the messengers they sent had to go through the Liaoxi Corridor, which is generally not allowed to enter and not to leave, the messengers are now being detained to do coolies in the mining area.

After entering Chongzhen for seven years, Zu Dashou's life became more and more difficult, because it was almost half a year, and Jinzhou's food and payment did not see a tael of silver or a grain of millet. Not to starve to death.

After receiving Gao Hongzhong's persuasion letter again, Zu Dashou heaved a long sigh. Now Gao Qiqian also recognized the situation and knew that he had miscalculated the holy will. He should not earn profits for Zu Dashou but should monitor and contain the ancestors' army.

It was too late to figure it out now, it was obvious that the emperor would never trust him again, and now he could only choose to follow Zu Dashou.

Gao Qiqian has long discovered that Zu Dashou has connections with Jiannu, and they communicate frequently. Zu Dashou doesn't deliberately hide anything, and he has the spirit of a rascal.

Zu Dashou, who was drowning his sorrows with a drink, found that the eunuch Gao Qiqian came again, so he simply threw Gao Hongzhong's letter of persuading him to surrender, and roared: "My men and horses have not been paid for half a year. The imperial court is planning to force me to surrender to Jinzhou!" Dajin Kingdom?
Don't think that I can't do such a thing. If I don't see my salary for another month, I will surrender immediately. "

Gao Qiqian didn't care whether Zu Dashou surrendered or not, and he had no ability to interfere with Zu Dashou's choice. He was just angry at being played like a monkey. It was obvious that Huang Han, Marquis of Dongping, was playing with Zu Dashou.

He said sharply: "Zu Taibao, in order to survive, you can't do too much. Our family is advancing and retreating with the ancestor's family anyway. We won't have a bad life after investing in the gold. It doesn't matter, but we have reached this point. It's all thanks to the Marquis of Dongping, our family wants revenge!"

Zu Dashou, who had already entered the rage mode, was almost ignited when he heard the words Dongpinghou. He kicked over the table, drew his waist knife and slashed wildly, cursing endlessly while cutting.

Seeing that Zu Dashou has such a virtue, Gao Qiqian sighed in his heart, no wonder this guy can't play Dongpinghou, his IQ value is inferior!

He said: "Even if we are forced to surrender to Houjin, we have to tell the court about the ins and outs of this period of time and inform the civil and military officials of the Manchu court, because the Marquis of Dongping forced us into a corner, which led us to surrender."

Zu Dashou laughed out loud, even tears came out, he said: "Eunuch Gao is too naive, the 'Red Banner Army' is still fighting for the country, and we have become traitors, will anyone believe this? Just take the shame!"

"Three people become tigers. I don't believe it now. When the emperor wants to deal with Dongpinghou, he will use it to make a fuss. Dongpinghou is so powerful that he will definitely become a thorn in the court's side in the future. His ending may not be better than ours."

The eunuch was really vicious. It turned out that he was leaving a foreshadowing plan to harm others.

After all, Gao Qiqian is an eunuch in the palace, how could he not understand the truth that being with the king is like being with a tiger? If Zu Dashou surrendered and became a slave, he must have a direct relationship with Huang Han. Even a minister with a little brains can figure it out.

When the court unloaded the grind and killed the donkey, it was probably the time for Huang Han's death, and this evidence was enough to ransack his home and behead him.

It is impossible for any monarch to tolerate strong ministers and weak rulers, and he will do it to kill meritorious officials for nothing.

In history, Zu Dashou played Daming to death, and now he was punished, and Huang Han had no choice but to drink and throw things at home to vent his anger. If this continues, this old traitor will become crazy.

Huang Han didn't mind Zu Dashou's surrender, what was due would come, it would be good for Ming to force him to rebel against Zu Dashou seven or eight years earlier, at least in these years it would save no less than millions of Liao's salary.

The highest civil official stationed in Ningyuan is Zhengwupin Ningqian Bingbei Daoist Kong Wenshi. This scholar is not bad in nature, but he is a little more rigid in his work. He is a perfect match when he meets Huang Yizhou who is also well-behaved.

When Kong Wenshi came to Ningyuan, he insisted on counting and inspecting men and horses according to the actual number of troops, and Huang Yizhou took the initiative to accompany the soldiers to do the inspection.

The efficiency of Ningyuan's garrison was very high, and it took only one day to complete the inspection. There were more than [-] horse infantry, and each of them was young or young, which was exactly in line with the records in the army book.

Kong Wenshi has also been an official for many years, but he has never found an army full of men and horses. He didn't believe that all he saw were [-] serious soldiers, so he questioned Huang Yizhou.

Huang Yizhou didn't play tricks to refute, and directly asked Kong Wenshi to dispatch any general who he thought was not a soldier to investigate, and boldly stated that if the regular soldiers on the register could not complete the subjects they should master, they would be killed directly.

Although Kong Wenshi didn't understand military affairs, he was not stupid. There were dogmas about how many shots an infantry archer should hit at fifty paces, what speed a musketballer should shoot at eighty paces, what physique a cavalry horse should have, and so on.

He arbitrarily selected two general inspections and was very excited after watching the drill. He finally knew that the "Red Banner Army" was not in vain. Those young soldiers who looked immature should be second to none in Ming Dynasty.

In the end, the fierce "Red Banner Army" infected Kong Wenshi. Huang Yizhou and dozens of generals from the third rank and above ate, lived and trained together with the grassroots soldiers, allowing him to see the hope of Ming Dynasty.

As a result, Kong Wenshi kept writing official documents to urge Huang Yizhou to pay, and repeatedly reported to the court that Ningyuan should be impenetrable with this general officer stationed there.

Huang Yizhou was not a conspirator, he got along with Kong Wenshi frankly and won the respect of the scholar-official in a short time.

Everyone knew that the Huang family was very rich. After getting along, Kong Wenshi discovered that Huang Yizhou, who was in his forties, had the same food and clothes as ordinary generals. He spent all day training with grassroots soldiers in the barracks.

Now Kong Wenshi has fallen in love with the neat and tidy Ningyuan City and wrote many poems about Rongbian, but he imitated Fan Zhongyan and painted tigers that are not anti-dogs.

He is also a little shameless in the face of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, because the court has repeatedly defaulted on food and salaries, and corruption has caused him to lose his reputation as a soldier.

(End of this chapter)

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