Chapter 571
The headquarters of the "Red Banner Army" water battalion has been moved to Qingniwakou, which is located in the center of Dalian in later generations.

The warm temperate continental monsoon climate with oceanic characteristics here is the warmest place in Northeast China, with no severe cold in winter and no scorching heat in summer, and four distinct seasons.

After three years of construction, there are rows of two- and three-story buildings on both sides of the brick or stone-paved streets, with a permanent population of [-].

Military ports and docks are the characteristics of this place, and the pillar industry is shipbuilding. The main campus of "Red Flag University" has been relocated here, and now it has more than [-] students.

This year, the head of the water battalion, Huang Yong, added more than [-] battleships. At the end of April, he went to sea again to visit the Japanese country. More than [-] university graduates and newly launched warships will go there.

The opportunities for newly graduated sailors and gunners to get training on long-distance voyages have improved rapidly. Every time Huang Yong goes to sea, he takes as many warships and soldiers as possible.

Not only is it necessary to bring more warships to increase the efficiency of robbery, but also because the "Red Banner Army" teenagers can adapt to the wind and waves and get familiar with the sea only when they are often at sea.

Moreover, the expectation of transporting 50 shi of polished rice back to the Wa Kingdom also made Huang Yong have to go to the Wa Kingdom on time every year.

Food is too important. The more than 20 shi of polished rice shipped back last year has played a big role. It has successively supported the Kuizhou government with no less than [-] shi, and another [-] shi has been transported to the capital to stabilize prices.

Daming's extra 10,000+ shi of grain may enable tens of millions of people to survive the food crisis.

Yongping Mansion, Shuntian Mansion, Liaoxi Corridor, and Liaonan Peninsula are basically free from hunger.

Due to the strong military force as a guarantee, there are few bandits in these places, and the common people can produce with peace of mind. Last year, they were able to make food self-sufficient and have surplus food on the basis of self-sufficiency.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, on the eighth day of the seventh lunar month, when the situation of suppressing bandits in the mainland of the Ming Dynasty changed for the better, a sudden change occurred.

After the Jin army and the Mongol Tartars entered the Shangfangbao by tens of thousands, they attacked the Xuanda area in four directions. Most of the Ming castles along the border were lost, and countless people were taken into captivity.

Six hundred li was rushed to the capital like snowflakes, and Chongzhen was once again extinguished the illusion of working hard to bring order after suppressing the rogue bandits.

No way, only the large-scale invasion of the Jin army after the deployment of troops to fight against the bandits. Uncle Cao Wenzhao, Wu Xiang and his son, Zu Dabi brothers, Huang Weizheng, Han Zhikuan and other generals who suppressed the bandits were urgently transferred to Xuanda.

However, the uncle and nephew Cao Wenzhao, who was very good at fighting bandits, led the troops to fight against the Jiannu partial division, and they were all vulnerable, so they had to retreat to Huairen to stand firm and wait for help.

Wu Xiang and his son were very unlucky, because they were newcomers in Shanxi, and they encountered the fate of Zhao Liaojiao, and they were rejected when they came to Datong and wanted to enter the city to help defend.

But the father and son did not have the integrity taught by Zhao Rate, and immediately retreated quickly without a city to rely on, trying to escape the battlefield in vain.

However, the 4000 troops that Wu Xiang and his son managed to accumulate were unfortunately targeted by the slave chiefs. Of course, this was the result of the tipping of the traitors hidden among the traitorous merchants in Shanxi.

Hong Jie, who had just won the left guard of Datong and was about to increase his troops to besiege Baoan Prefecture, was overjoyed when he got the exact whereabouts of Wu Xiang's troops.

He temporarily gave up his plan to seize Baoan Prefecture, and sent messengers to dispatch 6000 Lianghuang Banner troops led by Haug and Abatai to participate in the encirclement and annihilation of Wu Xiang's department.

During this period of time, Jierhalang was very popular. He was appointed by Hongjie to be fully responsible for exterminating Wu Xiang's tribe. After receiving this task, Jierhalang understood and saluted: "Don't worry, the slave knows how to do it. Then Wu Xiang He is Zu Dashou's brother-in-law, and we must try our best to capture him alive."

Hong Jie smiled and said: "Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang, etc. are the ones who don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin. As long as our army successfully traps Wu Xiang's 4000 or [-] troops, I'm afraid they will lose their fighting spirit and choose to surrender to our Dajin Nine out of ten."

"The servant understands that this time the operation does not seek sharp attacks, but only the formation of an encirclement that gradually tightens. Don't worry, Khan, 4000 of the people involved in the operation are the Eight Banners, and the mere [-] people from Wu Xiang will not be able to escape."

Wu Xiang was good at escaping. In the Battle of Changshan, Zhang Chun was dropped and beat many of his companions. His son Wu Sangui was also a long-distance runner. In the Battle of Songshan, he beat six generals and Hong Chengchou.

Shanxi is well-deserved of its reputation. Wu Xiang and his son's troops fled decisively after their request to enter Datong City was rejected.

After the Jin army was unified and deployed by Jierhalang, its purpose was clear. In addition, tens of thousands of Mongolian light cavalry cast a large net, and they surrounded the thousands of Ming troops before the Wuxiang tribe fled into Lingqiu Road.

At the beginning of the battle, Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui didn't know that they were the targets of calculations. They didn't know that there were [-] to [-] Houjin troops who participated in the siege of them. The Iron Armored Ding rushed to the formation.

San Guizi, who was in his early twenties, was really brave, and his subordinates also dared to fight. Duoduo, who was intercepted by a sudden attack, lost more than 6000 riders and was thrown into disorder. Fortunately, [-] troops from the two yellow flags rushed to the battlefield in time.

Seeing that there was actually a cavalry of the Ming army who dared to fight, Haug laughed and led Kabush Xianchao Ha Yiqian to confront Wu Sangui's armored servants.

The vanguard battalion formed by Jiannu's selected white armored soldiers is much more powerful than the Wu family's armored cavalry Ding team. Once the two armies cross each other, the number of Sanguizi's troops is more than half, while the opponent only has a dozen people who fall.

Wu Xiang, who was watching the battle from behind, was heartbroken. Sanguizi, who had always been defiant, suffered a disastrous defeat. Seeing that there were less than two hundred servants around him, and Jiannu's terrifying cavalry had a thousand calves, he couldn't help shivering.

However, there was no time for the cavalry to use their brains on the battlefield, and Hauge led the troops to regroup and charge again.

Sanguizi and the rest of the guards, who had been completely knocked out, dared to confront again. Without exception, they uttered "Oh my god!" Will you choose to fight?
There is no such possibility!The two or 3000 people dispersed in a rush. They were all competing in equestrianism. They didn't want to outperform the queen's gold army, but only outperformed their companions.

"It's over, it's over!" The long-legged general Wu Xiang, who failed to run well again, wanted to cry without tears. He pulled out his sword and wanted to wipe his neck, but he couldn't do it no matter what. Finally, he let out a long sigh and threw away the sword.

Wu Xiang drove his horse to meet Jiannu. He was neither holding a saber nor a Qidao in his hand, but waving a white towel, which was a new product of Huang's Weaving Factory.

In the previous Ming Dynasty, including the whole world, there was no such product as towels. Huang Han thought of the towels of later generations when Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru were washing their faces, and then roughly drew the schematic diagrams and sketches and sent them back to the scientific research class of Huxue City University Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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