Chapter 572 Persuade to surrender
Huang Han pays special attention to scientific and technological inventions, investment, and training of talents, for which he is not afraid of spending money at all.

The scientific research class in the University Hall of Huxue City focuses on the research and development of civilian products, and the number of scientific research students has reached six to seven hundred. The scientific research class in the Qingniwa University Hall focuses on weapons and navigation technology, with more than a thousand researchers.

The students study and specialize in a variety of majors. The medical class is often taught by Wu Youxing, Li Zhongzi and other great medical masters of Ming Dynasty to participate in the research and development. Now after Huang Han opened the golden finger, he has mastered blood type identification, and blood transfusion to save lives has been obtained in the laboratory. success case.

Steel factories, weaving factories, watch factories, weapon factories, etc. all cooperate with the universities located in Huxue City and Qingniwa. Many master craftsmen with practical experience are the instructors of scientific research classes.

Three months later, a new product, the towel, was born in the Huxue City Weaving Factory. Now this good thing for washing face and taking a bath has become popular among the rich in the capital. .

It's just that the white towel can be used as a white flag when surrendering. At this moment, Wu Xiang took out the white towel for washing his face and waved it, so that the charging Hou Jinjun understood his intention to surrender, and slowed down their horses one after another.

Wu Xiang surrendered with Wu Sangui, and they still had less than [-] armored servants and more than [-] Ming cavalry under their command.

Hong was in a good mood seeing Wu Xiang, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty who surrendered, so he gave Wu Xiang enough face, gave him the second-class commander-in-chief and Wu Sangui the third-class commander-in-chief, and still let them lead the original army. However, three white armored soldiers and more than [-] vests and infantry armors were added to restrain the brave men and horses.

Wu Xiang and his son are very bachelors, knowing that surrendering Jiannu will lead them to a point of no return from now on, and they can only end well if they make Jiannu strong enough to defeat Daming.

So the father and son took the initiative to ask Hong Zhe for orders, and asked to rush to Datong to try to persuade the former uncle and nephew Cao Wenzhao, Paoze.

The reason why Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew were able to lead the troops to re-enter Datong is thanks to Wu Xiang and his son, because building slaves required a concentration of troops to encircle and suppress Wu Xiang's three or four thousand people, so they withdrew the siege under Huairen City.

Wu Xiang and Cao Wenzhao were comrades in arms and had a good relationship in the past. Of course, this was caused by Wu Xiang's all-round personality. The generals of the Guan Ning Army basically did not have a bad relationship with Wu Xiang.

During this period, Cao Wenzhao was very depressed. Since he broke away from the Guanning army system and entered the pass to suppress bandits, he has been invincible in all battles. The total number of garrison battalions is as high as [-] to several thousand.

Originally, he thought that with his current strength, he would fight in his hometown again, and it should be the right time, place and people to take advantage of everything.

Unexpectedly, the ideal is so full and the reality is too cruel. The confident Cao Wenzhao led 5000 troops to the battle. Outside Huairen City, the Houjin army, which was almost the same in strength as the troops, joined the battle. If you don't hold it up, you will be overwhelmed by others.

Fortunately, Huairen City is close at hand. Cao Wenzhao is from Datong and the current commander-in-chief of Datong. Huairen's defense belongs to him.

This battle lost more than half of the infantry, and also lost the courage to fight. Next, Cao Wenzhao could only choose to sit in the city of sorrow.

He was always worried about the safety of Datong, knowing that if the city of Datong was lost, it would not be as simple as an immeasurable loss, because there was a vassal king of the Ming Dynasty in the city-the generation king Zhu Yi.

The crime of falling into the feudal vassal is a serious crime, and the head of the commander-in-chief of Datong will definitely have to move, and his home will be confiscated and exiled in all likelihood.

Datong is where the town is located. It is not small in size and has a circumference of fifteen miles. The city wall is more than four feet high. There are turrets at the four corners of the square city wall. There are 54 watchtowers standing around the city wall, and there are nearly a hundred nests for hiding soldiers. .

At this time, Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, Jiao Yuanpu, the governor of Datong, Sun Maolin, the eunuch of the Supervising Army, and other high-ranking officials were all in Datong.

It was not that these people were directing the battle against Jiannu nearby, but because there were many soldiers stationed firmly in Datong City.

When Jiannu was killed, Cao Wenzhao's nephew and uncle took the initiative to fight and retreated to Huairen after being defeated. Zhang Zongheng, governor of Xuanda, Jiao Yuanpu, governor of Datong, and other civil and military generals were shocked every day.

The king of Dai also learned that Cao Zongbing led his troops to attack and was cut off by Jiannu and sent long history to question him many times.

At this time, a group of three or four thousand guest soldiers rashly arrived from outside Datong City, and the leader of the army, Wu Xiang, was actually the brother-in-law of Zu Dashou, a man who might surrender to become a slave at any time.

Over the past few years, there have been countless stories of slavery being used to surrender generals to earn money to open strong cities. Civilian and military generals are all familiar with it now. Strictly investigating spies to prevent civil strife and preventing unknown soldiers from entering the city has become an iron law.

Fortunately, Wu Xiang, who was refused to enter the city, led the troops away, and Jiannu seemed to have retreated. Three days later, Cao Wenzhao led more than [-] troops back to the town, making Datong civil servants and military generals celebrate. Everyone knows that with such strength, Jiannu will never again There is no ability to attack Datong City.

On the second day after Cao Wenzhao returned to Datong, Wu Xiang and his son, who had refused to enter the city, came again. This time they did not bring three or four thousand horses, but only a dozen or so horses.

This time Wu Xiang didn't ask to open the city gate to let him in, but arranged for the servants to yell loudly, asking the commander-in-chief Cao Wenzhao to talk to him.

Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew who got the news immediately had an ominous premonition, because they led a field battle of 5000 troops and couldn't withstand Jiannu's sharp blow, so they had to retreat into the city to guard against death.

Then Wu Xiang was a general who was always slippery in battles, with only three or four thousand men under his command, how could he appear in the city of Datong with a big swagger at this time.

The uncle and nephew knew that it was impossible to refuse the old man's request to see him, so they rushed to the gate of the city and climbed to the top of the city.

Wu Xiang's surrender was purely forced and helpless. He was a good official in the Ming Dynasty, did a good job in business, and lived a prosperous life in both ways.I don't know how much I will suffer if I follow those savages in the future.

When he saw Cao Wenzhao for the first time, Wu Xiang couldn't help feeling sad, and cried aloud.

He said sadly: "Master Cao, I galloped down the city of Datong to ask for help in the defense of Datong because of your elder brother who is the commander-in-chief in Datong. Who knows that I didn't get what I wanted even though I said nothing, and now I know you Was out of town at the time.

well!The Wu family was harmed by the civilian and military generals of Datong. This official has less than 4000 troops. The Dajin army came to chase and intercept him with [-] to [-] soldiers. "

Unfortunately, they guessed right, Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao looked at each other, both showing pain. Of course, they felt uncomfortable when their former comrades in arms surrendered and became slaves.

(End of this chapter)

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