Chapter 573
Cao Wenzhao looked at Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui, and then at the dozen or so servants around him. He didn't find Jiannu in armor, so he immediately made a decision.

He said loudly: "Master Wu, now that you have lost your way and come back, I can still help you. I ordered my subordinates to open the Weng City. A dozen of you can escape into Datong City and make further calculations."

At this time, Wu Xiang couldn't help being moved. It was also because the slave chieftains did not send white armor soldiers to supervise Wu Xiang's proposal to persuade them to surrender in order to show the generosity of employing people.

Hongxie didn't think there would be any loss for Wu Xiang and his son to flee to Datong, and even Wu Xiang and his son fled to Datong with a dozen people, which would have a good political effect.

Through the mouths of a dozen people like Wu Xiang, the soldiers and civilians in Datong City will know that the Dajin Army is not as murderous as the "Red Banner Army" deliberately smeared, and the Ming Army will know that choosing to surrender to the Dajin Kingdom can leave property and Save the lives of the whole family.

Just as Wu Xiang was about to agree, she suddenly heard a sharp voice. It was Sun Maolin, the military supervising eunuch who rushed over, worried about fraud, and spoke:

"The traitor Wu Xiang's vain attempt to earn Datong City was discovered by our family last time. Today, he changed his tricks to confuse Cao Zongbing. Come, shoot arrows for our family to kill the traitors."

Wu Xiang suddenly realized that he had no men under his command, and returned to Daming on the charge of surrendering, wouldn't he be ready to be slaughtered?They immediately beat their horses and withdrew from the land of a stone's throw.

Wu Xiang said loudly: "Lord Cao, you and I used to be Paozhe, I tried my best to persuade you to think twice, now you have Datong Fortified City in your hands, and there are more than ten thousand people, at this time, if you surrender the city to the Dajin Kingdom, you will definitely get the prince. "

Seeing that Wu Xiang, who came to persuade him to surrender, almost fell into a trap and fled into Wengcheng, and was slapped by the dead eunuch, Cao Wenzhao was so angry that he stomped his feet. He whispered to Sun Maolin:
"I am afraid that if I let more than a dozen people from Wu Xiang into the Urn City, they will turn against the heavens? As for how to deal with the emperor's judge, capturing the judge is also a great achievement!"

Eunuch Sun also knew that he was reckless. There are 10,000+ soldiers and civilians in Datong City, so why are they afraid that a dozen people will instigate rebellion?But he still insisted on being a slave of the emperor's family, saying:
"Be careful with the ten-thousand-year ship. There are 10,000+ military and civilian officials in Datong City, and the responsibility is heavy. Of course, the supervising army must prevent any opportunities."

Cao Wenzhao knew that the eunuch was arrogant, and he didn't want to offend him, so he simply ignored him and said to Wu Xiang in the city: "Master Wu, this opportunity is rare, if you don't make a decision at this time, I'm afraid you will be stigmatized forever in the future!"

Wu Xiang had already woken up from the confusion for a while, and he said loudly: "The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty are restrained, the eunuchs exercise power, and the generals not only have a hard life, but also suffer the risk of being defeated and dying at any time. Mr. Cao, I dare to say that you Continuing to work for Daming might not be as good as this official.

Today, I came here to wake up Mr. Cao. You have such a large capital in Datong City at this time. You must be the No. 1 Hanchen if you choose to surrender to the Dajin Kingdom.Don't miss this opportunity!Lord Cao think twice! "

Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew were loyal to Daming. Cao Wenzhao was surrounded by bandits and fought to the death and died by suicide. Cao Bianjiao was captured in Songshan and refused to defect and generously go to righteousness.

Besides, when he was in Liaodong, although Wu Xiang was exquisite in all aspects, he was not looked down upon by generals. The key is that he relied on his nepotism to get to the top, and he had no record, no responsibility, and was good at escaping.

At this moment, the eunuch Sun, who couldn't bear it for a long time, yelled and cursed righteously. Wu Xiang was bored in the city and slipped away. Wu Sangui who followed behind was dejected. At this time, the young man Sanguizi was still a little ashamed .

He didn't know that surrendering to Jiannu was a road of no return, but he didn't resent his father, because he was very clear about the situation at that time. If his father didn't choose to surrender, their father and son would not be able to survive the impact of Gebush Xianchao Haying escape.

Wu Sangui is a very practical person, no false name is as valuable as life, a traitor is a traitor!Better to die than to live!

Hong Jie seemed to be very tolerant, seeing Wu Xiang and his son who returned to their orders after persuading them to surrender without any results, he didn't mean to blame him at all.

He also didn't naively think that with Wu Xiang's few words, he could persuade Ming Dynasty general Cao Wenzhao to surrender. The reason why he was willing to let Wu Xiang lead a dozen people to Datong City to persuade him to surrender was due to political considerations.

The purpose is to let the soldiers of the Ming army know that those who choose to surrender, the Dajin Kingdom will definitely save their lives and give them official positions. The appearance of a dozen Wu Xiang and his sons in the city of Datong is enough to prove everything.

The news that Jiannu broke through the pass and entered the situation like a broken bamboo, defeated Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew, Wu Xiang and his son surrendered, and the news that many aid generals huddled in the city and dared not fight was spread within two days.

Civil officials such as the governor, the governor, the soldiers, the inspectors, the magistrates, etc. have nothing to do. They can only use six hundred miles to express the urgent military situation to the capital.

Uncle and nephew Cao Wenzhao, who had been invincible for several consecutive years, was defeated, and Wu Xiang and his son, who had made great achievements in the fight against bandits, were defeated and surrendered. Is the Ming Dynasty's strong army so vulnerable to Jiannu?
When the news reached the capital, there was an uproar in the official circles, and the capital was under martial law again. All the civil servants and generals were worried, and the price of the capital suddenly skyrocketed due to panic buying.

At the Great Court Meeting, Chongzhen, who added a little more vicissitudes, asked Ji Qunchen in a hoarse voice why they resisted the enemy?

Both civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty thought of the most capable "Red Banner Army" and Dongping Hou who was three thousand miles away in Kuizhou to kill the Shu thieves.

Chongzhen was stunned, he had used his thoughts to transfer Huang Han away from Liaoxi, but for more than a year, the "Red Banner Army" was still like a monolith, and even the troops in Shanhaiguan gradually moved towards Ningyuan.

Thinking about it for more than a year, Huang Han led his troops to carry out his order to the letter, and at the same time, it was equivalent to handing over hundreds of thousands of shi to the imperial court to solve the big problem of food shortage for hundreds of thousands of people along the Zhanghe and Haihe rivers. .

Recently, they defeated the rogues one after another and captured Kuizhou Mansion and several county towns. The other battalions kept asking for food and pay, but Huang Han kept his head in the fight without saying a word. He had beheaded more than [-] people in more than a year. They are young and middle-aged bandits.

Now it is necessary to transfer the Huang Han who is far away in eastern Sichuan to return to Beijing to fight against the slaves, because the emperor knows that under the premise of ensuring that the garrisons in Ningyuan and Jinzhou are impenetrable, the mobile "Red Banner Army" has been taken by Huang Han.

The emperor didn't know the actual situation of Ningyuan and Jinzhou this year, and he didn't realize that the quality and quantity of the "Red Banner Army" had been developed for more than a year.

Kong Wenshi, who is a soldier, does not understand military affairs at all. It is impossible to know how many troops the "Red Banner Army" is currently deploying. .

(End of this chapter)

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