Chapter 574 Humiliation of Daming
The "Red Banner Army" stationed in Ningyuan and Jinzhou had to guard against Zu Dashou's rebellion while defending against the establishment of slaves.

Because in the ancestral army, apart from Zu Zerun, Zu Kefa, etc. who surrendered and built slaves to serve as slaves, there were more brother-in-law Wu Xiang and nephew Wu Sangui.

At this time, the emperor had issued a secret decree to the various armies, requiring the governor, governor, military guard, and eunuchs to strictly guard against the old generals of the Guanning army such as Zu Dabi, Zu Dacheng, and Zu Kuan.

Chongzhen saw that all the ministers recommended Huang Han to lead the army to fight against the slaves and invaders, and asked: "My dear friends, the Marquis of Dongping is far away in Kuizhou Mansion. At this time, the decree is sent to Beijing. I am afraid that the distant water will not quench my thirst."

Xu Guangqi was already planning to resign and go back to seclusion again, and he would go to Tiger Cave City to teach and educate people. Who knew that Daming would have a major event, so he had to choose to work for a while.

He went out to play and said: "Your Majesty, my family knows my own family affairs. It is not known whether the 'Red Banner Army' stationed in Ningyuan and Jinzhou can send some troops to help Xuanda while ensuring that the defense line is safe. Make a decision.

Dongping Hou is loyal and patriotic, and everyone knows that His Majesty not only has to send an order in time to Dongping Hou to return to Beijing quickly, but also ask him to urgently recruit troops from Ningyuan, Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan to solve the urgent need. "

Zheng Guochang came out of the class to salute and said: "A virtuous person does not avoid relatives. Now the situation in Ming Dynasty is severe. The soldiers and horses of all walks of life are afraid of building slaves, or wait and see, or stay passive in the city. Only the Marquis of Dongping can boost the morale of the army and turn the tide."

Chief Assistant Wen Tiren also agreed: "The 'Red Banner Army' has a great reputation. As long as there is anticipation of the upcoming arrival of Dongpinghou, the frontline soldiers will have hope in their hearts. Even if they want to quench their thirst, they must recruit Dongpinghou's troops in Sichuan in time. "

Hou Xun's head was as big as a bucket during this time. Under the financial crisis, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs of the Ming Dynasty could not have a good life, and the splint gas was enough.

But he had a particularly good impression of Huang Han. The main reason was that the "Red Banner Army" demanded the least amount of money when they went out for an expedition, and arrears of food would not cause soldiers to mutiny.

Of course he agreed with the recruitment of the "Red Banner Army", and said at this time: "Your Majesty, reinforcements from all walks of life are rushing to Shanxi one after another, and official documents asking for money and food are piled up like a mountain.

Without a general, a strong army has become the mainstay, and the war is protracted and the court is unsustainable. The minister believes that the sooner the better, the sooner the Marquis of Dongping is called in for help! "

Zhang Fengyi, who once again served as Minister of the Ministry of War, had another major event. He felt miserable and lamented his bad luck. Most of the big bosses of the bandits had been trapped by Chen Qiyu. Now as long as they can drive out the Jiannu in the territory as soon as possible, it will be a victory for the Ministry of War.

He was the most important court official who wanted the Marquis of Dongping to come to solve his urgent needs, so he immediately came out to second his position, and his two ministers of the military department and several doctors under him all came out to recommend him.

The court meeting quickly became one-sided, and the officials of the Ming Dynasty with complicated parties were rarely highly unified, and they all strongly recommended Dongpinghou to lead the fight against the invasion of Jiannu.

No way, Cao Wenzhao, the uncle and nephew who was the most capable of fighting bandits, suffered a crushing defeat against the Jin army, which dealt a huge blow to the civil servants and generals of the court. It seems that only Huang Han was left in the entire Ming Dynasty who could fight against Jiannu.

Originally, too many people had the intention to suppress the development of Huang Han, but unfortunately the "Red Banner Army" that relied on its strength was already an existence that could not be suppressed. When the capital was about to encounter the predicament of soldiers approaching the city again, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty reached a consensus to recruit the leader of Dongpinghou immediately Enter the capital.

Of course, the urgent military situation had to be communicated day and night at a speed of [-] miles. On July [-], Huang Han, who was in Anmin, Kuizhou, trained and guided the basic construction, saw the imperial edict personally issued by the emperor to send him to the capital Qin Wang, and couldn't help laughing.

The emperor also asked Huang Han to use six hundred miles in time to expedite and try to find a way to dispatch some troops from Ningyuan, Jinzhou, and Shanhaiguan for emergency treatment.

What happened to the old Zhu family, I spent most of the year and a half protecting the Zhu family's vassal and county kings, and now the emperor hastily summoned him to the capital to guard the capital, which is equivalent to protecting him.

Qin Liangyu, who was also in Kuizhou, also received the imperial decree. She did not ask her to lead troops out of Sichuan, but ordered the white soldiers to guard against the resurgence of Shu thieves after the "Red Banner Army" led by Dongping Hou left.

Qin Liangyu immediately urged his son-in-law to go on the road after receiving the imperial decree. Huang Han knew that the Jin army's raid this time would not take too long. If they marched at a speed of fifty miles a day to the capital with heavy weapons and infantry, it would probably take more than two months.

It was already the end of October at that time, and the Hou Jin army, who might not be allowed to come for a cheap one, had already fled by then, and they would leave the words "no officials of the Ming Dynasty will send it to humiliate Ming."

This is not taken for granted. According to historical records, seven years after Chongzhen, the Jin army looted Xuanda for more than fifty days, that is, less than two months.

Huang Han was going to work harder on his own, so he decided to leave Zizhong and the infantry to go down the river to Yangzhou, change to a sea boat and rush to Huxue City to wait for orders.

I concentrated on using cavalry to take one person and three horses to try to run more than two hundred miles a day and gallop to the capital.

The mobilization order for the concentrated cavalry march was issued within a quarter of an hour of receiving the imperial decree, and the eunuch who came to deliver the decree was Fang Zhenghua's eunuch Jingcheng, a family-owned eunuch with martial arts skills.

This person is one of Fang Zhenghua's four confidantes with high military strength. He is in his twenties. Unlike most eunuchs who are thin and thin, he looks very strong and tall.

He ran all the way at a speed of [-] miles, and he was almost exhausted at this time. There are very few eunuchs who can gallop at a speed of [-] to [-] miles a day for six or seven days without changing horses.

Fang Jingcheng's ability to be the eunuch who passed the decree was not only because of Fang Zhenghua's deliberate support, but also because of his strong body and good riding skills. This time he successfully completed the task, and his future will definitely be bright.

Seeing Dongpinghou's decisive action, he immediately thought it was worth it to rush all the way. He knelt down at Huang Han's feet and cried, "Dongpinghou, the emperor is so worried that he doesn't want to eat and drink. Mrs. Fang is also very anxious. Millions of people in the capital are looking forward to it!" To the Marquis of Dongping, woo woo..."

Huang Han Dayi said awe-inspiringly: "Being loyal to the king, don't worry! I will lead the troops to gallop to the capital, and the father-in-law doesn't need to rush back immediately after being tired all the way. He can go on the road with the infantry of the 'Red Banner Army'."

Fang Jingcheng said: "Our family is in very good health, and we can bear it. Our family is willing to accompany Lord Hou to Beijing. On the way, our family can also stand in front of the 'Red Banner Army' and let the state capitals along the way do a good job of logistics support." .”

The effect of dealing with the state capitals along the route would not be bad if there were angels, and the assistance of "Sifang Express" in arranging board and lodging would greatly improve the efficiency of marching troops. Huang Han agreed to Fang Jingcheng's request.

Excluding the part of the cavalry that had to be left behind, there were a total of more than [-] horses galloping on the road. All the good horses were called for two transfers per person. It was completely possible, and there was one poor quality horse as a pack horse to carry armor and supplies. .

(End of this chapter)

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