Chapter 575
Seeing that his brother-in-law was about to go crazy, Ma Xianglin stopped Huang Han in front of his mother and said:
"The Marquis of Dongping must not be like this. I still remember that in the second year of Chongzhen, Zhao, the governor of the left, led [-] fine cavalry to the aid. Because the troops were exhausted and had no supplies, they were refused to enter Santunying City. Finally, they encountered slave cavalry outside Zunhua City. Is the siege completely wiped out?"

How could it be possible to forget that Huang Han was a survivor of that battle, he was inconvenient to explain anything at this time, so he pretended to have a tragic expression on his face, and said generously:
"The military situation is in a hurry. How can we worry about gains and losses at this time. I would like to rush to the battlefield as soon as possible to kill Jiannu, defend the capital and rescue tens of thousands of Han people. I will not hesitate to shroud the corpse in horse leather for this."

Qin Liangyu was worried that his son-in-law, who always seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, has different ambitions.

Seeing that he didn't care about his honor, disgrace and safety when Daming was facing the invasion of Jiannu, he resolutely prepared to run six hundred miles to rush to King Qin of the capital at an accelerated speed, the old lady burst into tears instantly.

She cheered loudly: "My true son-in-law! Don't worry, Marquis Dongping. With me and the white soldiers here, it is impossible for the land of Kuizhou to be harmed by bandits again."

Ma Xianglin stomped his feet angrily. He said, "Marquis Dongping, fighting is not about being a hero. If you die in battle, what should the millions of people following you do? What about my sister's child who is about to be born?"

Huang Han laughed loudly and said: "If I am unlucky and die in battle, I hope my brother and mother-in-law will not be sad, because I died well. The child who is about to be born will stay in the Ma family from now on. I will recognize my brother as a foster father and believe in this child. There will be no future."

The sensation was over the top, the two concubines Xu Miaoyan and Xu Miaoru burst into tears, Zhang Fengyi also couldn't help sobbing, Qin Liangyu tried her best to hold back her grief and was speechless for a while.

Ma Xianglin was moved, and mist began to fill his one-eyed eyes. He said in a hoarse voice, "Your child is mine. If it is a son, I will definitely give him an official position in the Qin family and the Ma family. Bah, bah, bah, why do you say such a thing?" If you are discouraged, Huang Han, you must live, you must not die in battle!"

When Huang Han saw Ma Xianglin's true feelings, and heard that he promised to give up his hereditary official position to his child who was about to be born, Huang Han felt warm in his heart and strengthened his confidence in making the Qin and Ma families the uncrowned kings of Sichuan.

Huang Han is really happy to become a loving family with Ma Xianglin, Qin Liangyu, Qin Yiming and others!Later, the "Red Banner Army" provided weapons along the river to support the white-armed soldiers to ensure that Sichuan would stick to it, making the Land of Abundance a royal paradise.

The "Red Banner Army" moved quickly, and it didn't take long for people outside the house to scream.

When the officials of the Kuizhou Mansion learned that the Son of Heaven had summoned him, the Marquis of Dongping was ready to set off immediately and lead his cavalry to gallop three thousand miles to King Qinqin, the capital of the capital, to see him off.

In order to buy time, Huang Han walked out and said boldly: "That is to say, from Baxia to Wuxia, and then to Xiangyang to Luoyang, I am going to go, my lords don't need to send them away, just wait for the 'Red Banner Army' to kill Jiannu and bleed." Good news for Piaochu!"

Wei Sijing and Shi Yicheng, the banner guards, have already been given the task. They immediately dispatched their men to gallop out. Hanzi from Shanhaiguan and Yang Danian from Ningyuan will get orders to lead their troops to the battle within seven days. At that time, they will gather cavalry to station in Juyongguan to wait for their troops. .

"Sifang Express" and the vanguards Sang Yu and Angel Fang Jingcheng are responsible for coordinating the state capitals along the way to arrange the campsite for the night, and there will be someone to take care of the arrangement every day, so as to ensure that the cavalry can have more rest time to concentrate on the road.

Knowing that he was going to Shanxi to fight Jian slaves, Sang Yu, who got the vanguard mission, couldn't hide his excitement and excitement along the way, and laughed out loud many times.

Fang Jingcheng participated in the Battle of Southern Liaoning, was familiar with many generals of the "Red Banner Army", and knew the brave and skilled General Sang Yu.

The two of them cooperated happily, and the state capital relay along the way was arranged in an orderly manner according to the march plan.

The local officials along the way only need to arrange manpower and places to provide two to 3000 horses for one day's supplies and one night's accommodation. Basically, there is no difficulty.

The severe drought in Henan does not know how many people will starve to death in winter, but there is no absolute bad thing. The dry land is conducive to galloping war horses.

In July, the days were long and the nights were short, and there was no wind, frost, snow or rain to hinder the rapid march. Huang Han led the cavalry at a speed of more than two hundred miles a day.

This was all due to the fact that they could get supplies along the way. Often when the troops led by Huang Han came to the preset campsite, Sang Yu used the convenience of the angels to coordinate with the local officials to set up a marching tent or simply requisitioned a certain village.

They also hired people to steam the pancakes, boil porridge, and boil water. The cavalry soldiers fell asleep when they were full, and someone was responsible for feeding and washing the horses.

After one or two years of fighting, the cumulative journey was more than ten thousand miles. The young soldiers around Huang Han were able to participate in the gallop, and their riding skills were first-rate. Even the scholar Huang Yi's riding skills reached the cavalry standard.

This is of course the result of their hard work and the guidance of Gu Kui and Yan Congyou, several riding and fighting masters.

There are not only ten soldiers who are responsible for protecting the Patriarch, but also a general banner youth musketeer guard. These children are able to calmly fire self-generated blunderbuss and miniguns on galloping horses.

Now two of the soldiers running around Huang Han are very strange. They are the dog king Ge Daben who not only gallops along with the team, but also carries "Ge Erben" on his back.

Over the past year or so, Ge Daben has repeatedly made military exploits. He has already obtained the rank of non-commissioned officer, and received the treatment equivalent to a seventh-rank military officer. The soldiers gave him the nickname "Dog King".

Ge Daben, who loves dogs, knows dogs, and is good at training dogs, doesn't mind being called "dog king".

Since the vast majority of the military dog ​​soldiers are infantry, they are about to take a boat to go north by sea.

Ge Daben was unwilling to leave the side of the patriarch, so he carried the "Ge Erben" on his back to play thousands of miles.

Gu Jixiang is already fifteen years old, fully grown, capable of hot and cold weapons.

He also has one more skill, he knows how to train dogs. Of course, this is a new skill he learned from Ge Daben for more than a year.

The child also galloped on the dusty official road with his favorite military dog ​​"Ge Liuben" on his back.

Accidents are inevitable in long-distance marches, and there will be many cavalry left behind. Huang Han doesn't need to wait for everyone to set off, and "Sifang Express" will organize to accommodate the left behind.

The trailing cavalry reached a total number and continued on the road, and they were no longer required to catch up with the main force. They would get the next task after gathering at Sunliuzhuang not far from the capital.

Seven days later, when the team led by Huang Han ran to Luoyang, Zheng Xiaowen who got the news had already arranged all the people waiting for his brother-in-law.

The situation in Henan was unstable, and Zheng Xiaowen wanted to lead Ma Qinwang but could not go there. He arranged for Zheng Xuewu to lead half of the armored soldiers with less than [-] cavalry to join the "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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