Chapter 576

At this time, Liaodong Jinglue Gaodi and Shuntian Governor Liu Zhilun had already written a letter to ask Qin Wang, and the Ministry of War had already issued an official document to transfer troops.

Liu Zhilun had ordered [-] cavalry infantry to lead the march towards the capital. When they arrived in Pinggu, they received an official document from the Ministry of War ordering them to go to Bauhinia Pass to guard against death.

Hanzi, the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, didn't know what the situation was like, so he chose to wait and contact Yang Danian who was stationed in Ningyuan without receiving Huang Han's order.

Didn't Gaodi know that Huang Han would plan before using his troops, and he didn't force the fool to rush to the capital immediately. He had already sent a messenger to gallop to Denglai, asking his son to also bring armored cavalry to move to the vicinity of the capital.

The old man was very shrewd, he knew that his son's cavalry would not exceed one thousand, and this small number of troops had to join the "Red Banner Army" to make a difference. contest.

He served as the prefect of Dengzhou for more than a year. During this period, he continued to eliminate the remnants of the rebels, bandits, and bandits. The situation in Denglai has been developing in a good direction. The Dengzhou garrison under Gao Youmou's personal control has as many as [-] troops.

The military officers of the garrison battalion were all nephews or household members of the Gao family. Gao Youmou left the infantry behind to maintain the security of Dengzhou, and he brought [-] cavalry to move towards the capital.

It didn't take long for Gao Di to get Huang Han's order to dispatch the cavalry from Shanhaiguan and Ningyuan to Juyongguan to wait for the rendezvous. He also wrote a letter to Gao Youmou, asking his son to lead the cavalry to Juyongguan to assemble.

When Hanzi and Yang Danian arrived at Juyongguan, they immediately implemented the wartime regulations. They also had to send troops to conduct investigations. Being able to grasp the movement of slavery and the deployment of troops in time would be beneficial to launch a surprise attack after the head of the family arrived.

Liu Zhilun, who was stationed at Zijingguan, had already sent someone to contact Hanzi and Yang Danian. In order to block the news and prevent Jiannu from knowing the route and strength of the Ming cavalry in advance, Juyongguan and Zijingguan were not allowed to enter or exit.

At the same time, there will be banner guards and "Sifang Express" bodyguards on the small roads and mountain roads leading to the capital in Shanxi. All those who try to enter Shanxi westward will be intercepted. Killing mistakes will never let go.

Since both Hanzi and Yang Danian were military generals, Chen Hongfan, the commander-in-chief stationed at Juyongguan, didn't buy it at all.

He is the commander-in-chief with the rank of governor of the right capital, and he refuses to listen to the coordination of Shanhaiguan commander-in-chief, who is one level lower than Hanzi, and goes his own way.

For the sake of the overall situation, Hanzi and Yang Danian chose to be patient, and dispatched troops in time to occupy the pass city and control several important passes.

Relying on his high official position and guarding Juyongguan for many years, Chen Hongfan is a local snake. His servants have repeatedly created friction with the "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

Fortunately, the "Red Banner Army" had a strong fighting capacity, and the number of troops entering Juyongguan reached [-], far exceeding the actual number of Chen Hongfan's troops.

What's more, this kid loses his morale by drinking the blood of soldiers. Except for more than [-] members of the battalion, most of the other battalion soldiers choose to follow the lead of the "Red Banner Army".

The reason is very simple. On the day when Hanzi and Yang Danian arrived, the Juyongguan garrison and the "Red Banner Army" were given the same food, which made these soldiers feel that they were living a good life.

Only when there is comparison can there be awareness. The soldiers at the grassroots level have begun to resent Chen Hongfan, and soldiers who think they are proficient in bows and horses or have high military strength already want to join the "Red Banner Army."

This is actually the main reason why Chen Hongfan chose to fight against the "Red Banner Army". He thought he could defend Juyong Pass, wanted to win the merit of defending the land alone, and wanted to run the "Red Banner Army" out of the pass and fight desperately with Jiannu.

Unexpectedly, the "Red Banner Army" was not pushed away. Four days later, the civil servant Gao Youmou led [-] cavalry into Juyongguan.

With Gao Youmou, a civil servant of the fourth rank, who plays power tricks, he not only has a strong background, but also has a strong gun. Of course, Chen Hongfan quit his job, and the military and financial power of Juyongguan was quickly controlled by the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han didn't worry that Jiannu would predict when he would arrive at the front line in Shanxi. By the time he arrived at the capital, Hanzi and Yang Danian should have already guarded Juyongguan.

Fools and the others have long known the importance of surprise in a war, and it is impossible for anyone to get out of their defense.

Sun Liuzhuang, the first base operated by the "Red Banner Army" after leaving the capital and going south to suppress bandits, is 150 miles away from Daomaguan East. .

On the day of Huang Han's departure, he arranged for the banner guards to deliver orders to Gu Rushan, Ma Fulin, and He Shouxin who were stationed in Houjiazhuang and "Loyalty Fort".

They are required to lead the troops to help guard against Maguan and Zhubokou in time to guard Lingqiu Road.

It is also the same military order that allows entry and no exit, and the inner three gates are closed. It may be difficult for Jiannu to deal with the concentrated use of cavalry without accurate information.

Huang Han was well aware of the field capabilities of the Jiannu cavalry, and the number of cavalry he could gather was at an absolute disadvantage. It might be only one-sixth or seventh of the total number of cavalry in the Houjin Army.

The enemy is outnumbered, relying on blood and courage to fight desperately with the large number of Houjin troops is not advisable, Huang Han can only launch a surprise attack to give full play to his strength in some battles.

In a land as large as Shanxi, with dozens of prefectures and counties, it is impossible for Jiannu to maintain a concentration of troops in order to rob efficiently, even though they claim to have 10,000+.

It is very important to divide and attack, and it is more important to be surprised. This time, we have to avoid the truth and make a slippery battle.

Shanxi is the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and there are too many fortified cities. Huang Han will adopt the tactics of relying on the cities to attack without interruption. Unless the Hou Jin army gives up the plunder and concentrates its forces to deal with him, Jiannu will definitely lose sight of the other and suffer heavy losses.

In order to hurry up, and also because there was Sun Liuzhuang as a supply point ahead, the three Gu Rushan who were stationed in "Loyalty Fort" discussed and left some troops for He Shouxin to strictly guard "Loyalty Fort" and Houjiazhuang.

On the same day, Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin pulled out four generals and brought all the horses and galloped to the boundary of Baoding.

After more than a year of development, their number of troops has more than doubled, and the total number of four soldiers has reached more than [-]. The cavalry has four hundred generals, and three hundred of them are cavalry musketeers.

Juyongguan, Zijingguan, and Daomaguan are the three passes in the Ming Dynasty. After being broken through by the enemy, they will directly kill the Gyeonggi Plain. This has always been a strategic point for military strategists.

Daomaguan is located at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, adjacent to the Inner Great Wall in the north and Tanghe River in the back, 120 miles southwest of Baoding Prefecture.

Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin pulled out all the war horses, draft horses and pack horses to march, and managed to march with one person and two horses. Even though the speed was not as fast as that of the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, they still ran 150 miles a day.

When he arrived at Sunliuzhuang, Shen Sixiao, who received the news, had already prepared for the response and mobilized. He was going to bring 36 cavalry and [-] infantry. Half of the troops he developed used thermal weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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