Chapter 577

The next day, Gu Rushan waited until the fourth watch to light up the lanterns to illuminate the road for the night. In the afternoon of that day, more than [-] "Red Banner Army" troops appeared in time outside the urn city at the west gate of Daomaguan.

The perimeter of Daumaguan City is about five miles, the city wall is three steps wide and three feet five feet high. The wall of the pass is made of loess rammed with bricks and stones.The design of Guancheng is unique. It is close to cliffs and deep streams, half of which are in valleys and half of which are on mountains. The whole Guancheng is built according to the terrain, with gates in the east, west and north.

At this time, many civil servants and military generals from Baoding Mansion and Zhending Mansion had gathered in Daomaguan, with more than [-] soldiers and horses, and thousands of civilians were urgently recruited to participate in the guard.

Everyone knows the importance of Gyeonggi. If Guancheng is lost, the emperor will settle accounts after autumn and don't know how many people will be killed.

Daumaguan now has Jingjing Bingbeidao, a fifth-rank civil official, sitting in charge, of course he is unwilling to let a guest soldier of unknown origin enter the pass.

This pass is one of the only ways for the "Sifang Express" to enter Shanxi, and the flag guards have long been infiltrated.

A garrison general who often dealt with "Sifang Express" learned that these troops were part of the "Red Banner Army" and was willing to befriend Dongpinghou after he learned that these troops were part of the "Red Banner Army" and were preparing to help defend Daomaguan in search of fighters to attack and kill Jiannu.

The generals approached Bing Bei Dao for negotiation. This civil official was well informed. He had long known that Dong Pinghou was about to rush to the capital to face the saint. At that time, the emperor would entrust him with a heavy responsibility. The next commander in chief to fight against Jiannu should be Dong Pinghou.

There were garrison generals to prove the identities of the more than 1000 people, and Bingbeidao agreed to accommodate.

The final result was that the troops of Fang Gu Rushan and Ma Fulin were not allowed to stay in the pass through Daomaguan. Bingbeidao believed that there was no suspense to guard the pass with more than [-] soldiers and civilians who had been mobilized, and there was no need for extra complications.

The reason for assisting in the defense of Maguan was that Jiannu would break through here and enter Gyeonggi. Gu Rushan and the others saw that there were many people participating in the defense of the pass, so of course they would not deliberately stay. They were all eager to fight against Jiannu.

Daumaguan has been closed. In order to prevent the secret agents of building slaves from getting out of the pass through the network, Ma Fulin left a small flag cavalry to cooperate with two flag guards and a dozen "Sifang Express" bodyguards to closely monitor the west gate of Daomaguan. Someone comes out and grabs it before talking.

That night, the brave men and horses who passed through Daomaguan camped against the wall outside the west gate of Guancheng, preparing to continue on the road to Zhubokou the next day.

Unexpectedly, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. That night, the two banner guards met with Gu Rushan, a tough man from Mali, and learned that Bao'an Prefecture, which was [-] miles away, was in danger.

There is a "Sifang Express" branch and a "Sifang Bank" which has just been opened for less than half a year. If Jiannu breaks through there, not only will Daming suffer heavy losses, but the families of the "Red Banner Army" may suffer one or two hundred casualties.

In order to connect the world as soon as possible, Shanxi, a populous province close to the capital, has covered most of the state capitals. Fortunately, the county has not yet developed, otherwise the casualties and losses caused by the establishment of slaves and bandits this time will not be small.

The employees of the "Sifang Bank" are all the children of the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army".

It's a pity that there are less than 80 employees of "Sifang Express" and "Sifang Bank" in Baoan Prefecture with combat effectiveness, and a drop in the bucket will not help.

The flag guards knew that there were "Red Banner Army" troops left behind in Zhongyi Fort, Houjiazhuang, and Sunliuzhuang. These troops could maneuver, so they came to contact them. Unexpectedly, they saw the red flag fluttering outside the west gate of Daomaguan.

The head of the family often warns his subordinates that they are not fighting alone, but behind them is the huge collective of the "Red Banner Army". Even in order to save a soldier and civilian who are serving the system, the soldiers must do everything they can without fear of sacrifice.

Pao Ze and his family members who are on business in Baoan Prefecture may be in danger. Gu Rushan, Ma Fulin and others who have been notified must take action.

After a brief discussion, they decided to divide the troops. They gathered all 460 cavalry and brought two spare horses. Ma Fulin and Shen Sixiao led a gallop to Baoan Prefecture to help defend. Gu Rushan led a thousand infantry to Zhubokou, two hundred miles away.

The location of Baoan Prefecture is four hundred miles north of Daomaguan. The cavalry can arrive there in less than two days galloping with two spare horses. There are flag guards who have just passed this road as guides. There will be no detours, and there will be flags along the way. Wei provided information, and the possibility of falling into the encirclement of Jiannu was very small.

Originally in history, Baoanzhou had been destroyed by Jiannu for several days at this time. Yan Shengdou, the magistrate, fought hard to resist and was captured. After being captured, he still yelled at Jiannu.

Now, due to the slave chief's thoughtful calculation of Wu Xiang and his son, the history has been completely changed. Baoanzhou survived for the time being. Wu Sangui was a traitor ten years in advance.

Because there is a "Red Banner Army" industry in Baoan Prefecture, there are two or three hundred more staff who will not give in easily, led by retired veterans of the "Red Banner Army" to participate in the screening and beheading of spies.

With these people participating in strengthening law and order, although there were few soldiers in the Baoan City, it did not fall into chaos, and the establishment of slaves could not be easily obtained.

All the good horses were handed over to Ma Fulin's cavalry galloping to Bao'an Prefecture to assist in the defense. It took Gu Rushan two days to lead the infantry on draft horses and pack horses to Zhubokou, two hundred miles away.

To the north of Zhubokou is a long and narrow basin leading to Datong, and to the south is a small undulating valley leading to Cigouying, Wuwangkou and Baodingfu.

Stationed here is a general named Zhang Xiushen. This person is responsible. Although there are only more than [-] people and [-] servants under his command, he still sticks to it and does not abandon the pass. In history, he died in a glorious battle and left his name in history.

The business of "Sifang Express" in Shanxi is booming. "Sifang Bank" has covered all the state capitals in Shanxi, and there are often long-distance carriages and wheelbarrow convoys escorted by bodyguards in and out of the pass not far from the capital. It is inevitable to deal with the guard general Zuo.

Zhang Xiushen knew that "Sifang Express" was the property of Dongping Hou, and he knew the achievements of "Red Banner Army". Every time "Sifang Express" passed the customs, he would chat with the bodyguards, so he knew many bodyguards.

He didn't know that relying on more than [-] people under his command to stick to the mouth of bamboo and silk would most likely be courting death, but he thought that eating the emperor's salary and loyalty to the emperor could not do such a shameful thing as running away, so he was prepared to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, a "Red Banner Army" came to the scene.

Zhang Xiushen, a vulgar warrior with no flamboyance, was overjoyed when he saw the well-known "Sifang Express" bodyguard who spoke so convincingly, the "Red Banner Army" who took the initiative to help defend Zhubokou, and immediately opened the door personally to invite Gu Rushan to lead the troops into the pass.

When Huang Han set off from Kuizhou, he led more than [-] riders. After seven days of galloping, there were still [-] riders who arrived outside Luoyang City. Only [-]% of the riders fell behind, which was better than expected.

(End of this chapter)

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