Chapter 578 Moved Chongzhen
With Zheng Xiaowen, the prefect of Luoyang, making every effort to arrange, together with the Iron Armored Ding team led by Zheng Xuewu, a total of [-] riders successfully crossed the Yellow River.

Along the way, there were still support from state capitals along the way, and two days later, Sang Yu sent someone to contact Pei Daneng to arrange for the army to camp in "Loyalty Fort" for one night.

Pei Daneng did not follow Gu Rushan's team to Daomaguan because he was waiting for the Patriarch. That night he reported the layout of the period
Huang Han learned that in order to reduce the logistical pressure, the "Winged Tiger" team has adopted the path of elite soldiers. Now it has grown to 4000 people, including more than [-] cavalry.

These brave people have been active in the Taihang Mountains of Henan and Shanxi, playing the banner of "walking for the sky" to rob the rich and help the poor, which has been recognized by the mountain people.

Since they basically did not attack the county capitals and state capitals, they did not attract the officers and soldiers to carry out large-scale surrenders. It may also be that there were so many bandits, and the officers and soldiers really did not have the time and strength to go into the mountains to suppress the bandits.

With the territory and the strength of 4000 troops, the "Winged Tiger" is already more powerful than more than half of the well-known rogues of the 36th Battalion. It can completely break into the core layer of rogues and try to kill a few giants.

After Huang Han arranged the main tasks for the next stage of the "Winged Tiger" men, Pei Daneng asked if it was possible to pull out this strong army and move north, because Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong and other leaders all wanted to guerrilla and build slaves.

It is Huang Han's wish to have the opportunity to become a slave. Jin Minghu has such a self-consciousness, of course he supports it. After warning them to do what they can, Huang Han agreed to Pei Daneng's request, and asked them to use this opportunity to expand their influence, provide more intelligence and cover Fortress households.

During the night, I received Pei Daneng, He Shouxin, Jinfeng and other persons in charge of the layout in Henan and Shanxi, and listened to the report to arrange the next work. It was only after three o'clock that I fell asleep under Jinfeng's service.

When he was awakened by the piercing sound of the wake-up call early in the morning, he found that Jinfeng was sleeping curled up at his feet with his clothes on.

How could Huang Han not know the careful thinking of this big maid who refuses to get married, but there are so many women who want to be her own, if they don't refuse, wouldn't it be more than a hundred bosses, and even a thousand bosses? total?
Jinfeng was also awakened, flustered, with low brows and embarrassing eyes, she didn't dare to look at Huang Han, and hurriedly waited for Lord Hou to wash up. Before leaving, Huang Han comforted: "You have done a good job during this time, keep working hard, remember, You are a free man with the right to be happy."

Huang Han had already beat Ma Rufei away, Jin Feng finally realized, she said shyly: "Master Hou, if you are willing to accept the slave family, the slave family will be satisfied."

Leaving "Loyalty Fort" was still galloping, with an average speed of more than 240 miles a day, and there were still [-] people rushing to the south gate of the capital four days later.

Chongzhen shuddered when he heard the news that Marquis Dongping had led his troops to the capital, and he was even more shocked than when he learned that Jiannu broke through Shangfangbao and entered Xuanda, and Wu Xiang and his son surrendered.

He asked Wang Cheng'en, who came to announce the good news in a hurry: "Wang Banban, you must have heard it wrong! Dongpinghou is far away in Sichuan, how could he appear in the southern suburbs now?"

"Your Majesty, this servant heard me right. Fang Jingcheng, who went to deliver the decree, personally reported it. The Marquis of Dongping led his cavalry to gallop to the capital on the same day after receiving the decree from King Qin. They drove more than [-] miles in [-] days, and they did not hesitate to fall behind by [-]% The horse has arrived."

At this moment Chongzhen couldn't help being moved, he murmured: "Dongpinghou is so loyal and brave, I will definitely not treat the Huang family badly! Come on! Immediately announce the decree to let Dongpinghou lead all his subordinates into the city.

Wang Banban, you must properly arrange the board and lodging of those warriors of the Ming Dynasty, and you must not let them have the slightest grievance. "

"The servant obeys the order and guarantees that all the cavalry of the 'Red Banner Army' can eat meat and drink a few sips of wine today."

Jiannu had already reached Baoan Prefecture in the south of Zhangjiakou. At this time, the capital had long been under martial law. The emperor actually directly ordered all the "Red Banner Army" who arrived to enter the city. The honor and favor can be seen.

Martial law in the capital was naturally in full swing, and the soldiers and civilians were of course panic-stricken. Suddenly, they heard the soldiers of Jin Yiwei and Wucheng Bingma Division shouting on the street: "The Marquis of Dongping is back, and the "Red Banner Army" has arrived. Once I came to Daming to seek death!"

There was a sensation in the capital, and thousands of families opened their gates and rushed to the streets. The shouts of "Holy Son of Heaven!", "Red Banner Army!", "Dongping Marquis!" and "Da Ming Wan!"

With the sound of rumbling horseshoes, the majestic "Red Banner Army" cavalry entered the city with their faces full of smoke. All the cavalry had seen blood, and everyone was murderous. Seeing such a sturdy Ming army with their own eyes, the soldiers and civilians of the capital division cheered thunderously.

In Dongping Hou's mansion, Chu Chu rushed to the room of the old woman Zheng Xiu'e like a gust of wind, and before she could speak, she was complained by Zheng Xiu'e.

"Sister, why don't you have a long memory, why are you in such a hurry, Jin'er just had a full meal and fell asleep, and was woken up by your movement, and had to cry for a long time."

Zheng Guochang, the grandfather who has read poetry and books, racked his brains to name his grandson, and finally used this meaningful character, the Huang family no longer has to worry about high officials and rich salary, so they should be cautious at this time, which also means solemn and respectful.

Chu Chu burst into tears with joy: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..., sister, Master Hou is back, just outside Yongding Gate, and is about to lead the cavalry into the city on horseback, sister, hurry up and hug Jin'er for Lord Hou to have a look at.

It is said that Hou Ye would not stay for a moment after meeting the emperor, and went straight through the city to Juyongguan, and the army was rushing to rescue Baoanzhou, which was besieged by Jiannu. "

Zheng Xiu'e panicked all of a sudden, Rou'er, her personal servant, became confused again, and several maids and mother-in-law hurriedly got busy...

Time was running short. Huang Han, who had just entered the city, saw Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian approaching him, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and gather all the cavalry. Let's gather at Juyongguan. Jiannu's troops are trying to seize Baoanzhou. Whack it, those bastards are bullying people too much."

In order to ensure the safety of the capital, Chongzhen sent many troops to Shanxi, but Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua's subordinates were not moved.

But they are always ready to fight, and the men and horses under their command are all ready to fight. At this time, it can be completed overnight by concentrating [-] cavalry.

Hearing Huang Han's request, Fang Zhenghua immediately sent Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, and Sun Yingyuan, and Li Ruolian sent Lou Yun, Ai Guodong, and Zhang Chao to gather the troops.

The two of them also followed Huang Han on the inner street of Andingmen in the capital and galloped with their heads held high. On the tower of Chengtianmen, the excited Chongzhen couldn't help but burst into tears as he watched the more than [-] "Red Banner Army" men and horses in the dust.

Huang Han was not arrogant at all. He dismounted from his horse and walked from a distance. After passing the Jinshui Bridge, he shouted "Long live my emperor, long live!" He knelt down and bowed three times and bowed nine times, but all the "Red Banner Army" did not kneel down. , they all stood upright, saluting the military.

(End of this chapter)

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