The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 579 "Living Qin Hui" Chen Hongfan

Chapter 579 "Living Qin Hui" Chen Hongfan
After the ceremony, more than 2000 good men of Ming Dynasty with straight waists sang in unison:

"Burning with anger, leaning on the railing, the drizzle is resting. Looking up, looking up to the sky and screaming, full of enthusiasm.... Waiting to start from the beginning, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky."

The heroic singing soared to the sky, and the surging passion infected many soldiers and civilians, civil officials and generals, and of course the Holy Emperor.

The young emperor choked with sobs and said loudly: "I am waiting for the loyal and brave soldiers to return in triumph!"

This time the show had a good effect. Chongzhen not only entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, but also gave Dongping Hou Shangfang a sword.

This means that when Huang Han went to Shanxi to fight and build slaves, Huang Han had the support of the supreme imperial power. Any civil servant or general who dared to refuse the order to adjust food, transfer troops, and open the city gate, Huang Han could kill first and then play.

The emperor knew the benefits of concentrating the cavalry to fight against the slaves, and he was more assured that Huang Han would lead the army. Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian asked to lead the cavalry to follow Dongping Hou to fight, and they got support, because the capital had sufficient infantry guards.

What's more, the less than [-] cavalry under Fang and Li's command is not all the cavalry in the capital, and may only account for a quarter of the cavalry in the capital.

Huang Han had already led his troops away, and the emperor was still sighing in the imperial study, because Wang Chengen told the emperor that Dongpinghou saw his wife and his son whom he had never met on the way out of the city, and he just got off his horse and kissed his son before resolutely Go away.

Chongzhen, who was moved again, murmured: "Dongnu is still alive, and there is nothing to do as a family! Wang Banban, do I owe too much to the Huang family?"

Wang Chengen didn't know that the emperor was in a dilemma, and comforted him: "Your Majesty is the king of a country, and you always have to weigh things when considering things. The Marquis of Dongping is too powerful. It is very rare for His Majesty to delegate power like this."

"Why is it always difficult for a king to choose? On the one hand, he hates those who are useless, and on the other hand, he is worried..." Chongzhen didn't think of words for a while, and fell silent.

Wang Chengen said very interestingly: "Your Majesty's worry is not unreasonable, but it's a pity that there are too few capable ministers like Marquis Dongping in Ming Dynasty. If there are three or five, Your Majesty doesn't need to worry so much."

Chongzhen went through the ministers who knew the soldiers, and said: "Then Chen Qiyu's achievements in suppressing bandits can be used to great effect, and Hong Chengchou has done a good job in the past two years, so he should be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

Lu Xiangsheng has also shown his ability, and he can be promoted next time. There is also Liu Zhilun who is brave enough to take charge. Since he took office in Zunhua, Tartars and Jiannu have never come here to harass him. It is time to transfer him to the capital to participate in politics.

Yang Sichang has made a lot of achievements since he became the governor of Shanyong. Now that the people of Shanyong can get enough food and clothing, he should be promoted.Daming has too many things to do, so he can't use Dongping Hou to do things everywhere. "

Wang Chengen flattered him without losing the opportunity: "Your Majesty is sage, and his eyes are like torches. These are all capable ministers. Most of them have soldiers and horses in their hands. In time, these people and horses may not be able to compete with the 'Red Banner Army'."

Chongzhen used his brain to think of many good ministers who could be used, and his mood improved a lot. He plunged into hundreds of memorials to read and give instructions tirelessly.

Wang Chengen brought tea to the emperor and still stood silently by the side. A bell was heard from afar, and it struck ten times...

Since the bell tower with a new timekeeping method to strike the hour, people in the capital who are good at accepting new things have adapted to divide the twelve big hours of the day into twelve hours in the morning and twelve hours in the afternoon, referred to as "hours".

The clock tower strikes ten times, which means that it is already ten o'clock in the evening. The diligent Chongzhen has just started to review the memorials, and I am afraid that he will stay until after midnight.

Huang Han really didn't stop when he saw his wife and children. He thought that the future would be long and there was no need to spend time with his mother-in-law. However, the tearful eyes of his beautiful wife Zheng Xiu'e and his beloved concubine Chu Chu couldn't get rid of it in his mind.

Wang Cheng'en, the Minister of Internal Affairs, personally participated in arranging and rewarding the three armies. That night, more than [-] people from the "Red Banner Army", Jingying, and Jinyiwei had enough to eat and sleep well, and rushed to Juyongguan, a hundred miles away, by noon the next day.

The emperor did not specially send eunuchs to supervise the army, because there were great eunuchs Fang Zhenghua and Jin Yiwei in the team, and the loyalty of these people reassured Chongzhen.

Finally hope came, and the outspoken fool told Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian how Chen Hongfan had been engaging in conflicts these days, and threatened that he had already chopped that guy up with an axe, not for the sake of the overall situation.

Gao Youmou also saw that Chen Hongfan was not pleasing to the eye, and reported a lot of information he had. The main reason was that there seemed to be a small shortage of troops in Juyongguan, but half of them were beggars, refugees and street gangsters brought in temporarily.

He suggested taking down Chen Hongfan and re-checking the Juyongguan garrison, clearing out those who pretend to be numbers, and beheading the horses that kill the crowd.

Huang Han didn't expect to be able to control Chen Hongfan when he had Shangfang's sword, and he couldn't help getting excited after listening to Hanzi and Gao Youmou talking about the situation.

Chen Hongfan is a scum-level big traitor, known as "Living Qin Hui".

Zhang Xianzhong was a bad ruffian in the army in his early years, and he was punished for taking part in the mutiny and breaking the law. At that time, Chen Hongfan, who was a general in Yansui, pleaded for him.

Zhang Xianzhong was spared his life and was beaten with a hundred army sticks and was expelled from the army. From then on, there was another giant bandit in Ming Dynasty who killed the old Zhu family's ancestral grave like hemp.

Later, Zhang Xianzhong gave a large amount of gold and silver treasures to Chen Hongfan who came to suppress the bandits, and with the help of Chen Hongfan, he was recruited by the court again and gained a respite.

In the end, Chen Hongfan became the biggest traitor in the small court of the Nanming Dynasty. This bastard not only tried his best to persuade the civil servants and generals of the Nanming Dynasty to surrender, but also framed the generals who advocated fighting against the Qing Dynasty.

All in all, Chen Hongfan deserves to die for his bad deeds, how can he let this thief go if he falls into Huang Han's hands today.

Huang Han immediately gathered his generals at the Yamen of the General Army of Juyongguan. Hanzi and Yang Danian had already arranged for their subordinates to contact some low-level military officers under the control of Chen Hongfan. At that time, they would jointly kneel down and ask Dongpinghou to call the shots. The purpose was naturally to punish Chen Zongbing who drank the blood of soldiers.

Marquis Dongping and General Ping Liao gathered together, no one dared not to come. Chen Hongfan had no feud with Huang Han, so of course he had no precautions. He didn't know that Huang Han was a time traveler. Because of his heinous crimes in history, Huang Han wanted to kill him. Then fast.

While waiting for the arrival of the generals at Juyongguan, Huang Han said to Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian: "Eunuch Fang and Lord Li, we will lead our troops to go out of Juyongguan to fight for the country, but we need to solve the worries for the future! You can rest assured that you will leave this Xiongguan to Chen Hongfan." the rats?"

Li Ruolian listened sincerely to Hanzi's speech, and he said: "This kind of person guarding the pass really can't reassure me. It seems that some people must be left behind. If our attack is frustrated and we want to retreat to Juyongguan, Chen Hongfan will not If you are willing to open the door, then wouldn’t we make the heavens and the earth incompetent?”

The eunuch Fang Zhenghua was more cruel and easy to kill, Da Lala said: "The Marquis of Dongping has the Son of Heaven sword in his hand, so he can beheaded first and played later, but Chen Hongfan is so nasty and can be beheaded! Our family will always support your decision."

(End of this chapter)

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