Chapter 580 The Eagle Dog
Huang Han was very happy to see that both Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian were willing to listen to him, and he became more determined to take the opportunity to kill Chen Hongfan, a scourge.

He said: "Since Mr. Fang believes that Chen Hongfan should be killed, why should I hesitate?

The men of Jingying and Jinyiwei followed Ben Jue to die, and Ben Jue always wanted to express something. Master Li immediately led Jin Yiwei to surround the General Army Mansion and captured Chen Hongfan's family. "

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian hadn't thought about raiding their homes for profit, but they were immediately happy to hear Huang Han's arrangement.

Chen Hongfan unscrupulously withheld military pay, and served as a senior general for more than ten years, and served as a military officer in Juyongguan for five or six years, so there must be a lot of property in his family.

Who is Jin Yiwei?lackey!They have never been merciful to blackmailing officials. Li Ruolian immediately arranged for Zhang Chao to lead his subordinates there, and ordered him to kill anyone who found a private possession of property on the spot.

Ge Daben and Gu Jixiang received the order conveyed by Gu Kui, and immediately took the two small banner young musketeer guards and the two best military dogs "Ge Erben" and "Ge Liuben" to participate in the operation.

With the most aura of military dogs participating in the search of the General Military Mansion, not only the hidden warehouses, darkrooms and silver cellars cannot escape the search, but also the Jin Yiwei, who hides his belongings privately, is difficult to get.

At this moment, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian were in a good mood, and they seemed to have returned to the unforgettable days of reaping benefits with Huang Hankang.

It didn't take long for dozens of generals stationed at Juyongguan to arrive, and Chen Hongfan also swaggered up the familiar steps of the government office surrounded by dozens of servants.

Gu Kui and Yan Congyou were ordered to arrest Chen Hongfan. They didn't care that there were dozens of servants around Chen Hongfan, they went directly to Chen Hongfan, kicked him over, and tied him up.

Seeing this, a servant hurriedly drew his knife, only to hear a crisp sound of "Bang!", and then a "plop". The servant fell down with blood bleeding from his chest and rolled down a few steps. Cheng's personal soldier Lin Shunwen raised his hand and shot accurately.

Seeing that Marquis Dongping's subordinates were so tyrannical, they fired guns at the slightest disagreement, and Chen Hongfan's servants were stunned for a moment.

Gu Kui said loudly: "I was ordered to capture Chen Hongfan, the commander of Juyongguan who falsely reported his troops and deducted his salary, and disarmed all his servants. Anyone who dared to resist arrest was shot dead on the spot."

Chen Hongfan was kicked on his stomach by Gu Kui and was so painful that he couldn't speak for a while. Just now he recovered, he struggled and said:

"I'm not guilty, why do you take me as an official? I'm the chief military officer of the imperial court. Without the emperor's imperial decree, who would have such power."

Gu Kui saw that Chen Hongfan's family members were not completely honest, so he simply raised his big palms and slapped him left and right, "Pa! Pa!"

He spat and said, "The Marquis Dongping who is carrying the Son of Heaven Sword doesn't have the right to take down you, a thief. If you dare to talk nonsense, I will knock out all your teeth."

People are afraid of evil and ghosts are afraid of evil. The servant who usually walks sideways in Juyongguan and Changping was frightened when he saw the head of the family being beaten with blood all over his face.

Gu Kui yelled again: "Those who don't want to die throw away their weapons and kneel down for me! Those who dare to resist will be punished as treason, and they will be punished by the nine clans!"

Dozens of servants who have lost their courage dare to make a mistake, treason can really kill the whole family!They obediently dropped their knives and knelt down.

Chen Hongfan knew that Dongpinghou's visitors were not kind, and a bachelor would not suffer from immediate disadvantages. When he was dragged into the lobby, he immediately knelt down and kowtowed like garlic, saying:
"The Marquis of Dongping spares his life. I offend the 'Red Banner Army' with my eyes but no eyes. I am willing to give compensation, and I am willing to give food and salaries to comfort the army."

The traitors are really soft bones. Huang Han actually doesn't know Chen Hongfan, and he has no feud with him. Seeing this handsome man but being cowardly like this, he is very disgusted and looks at Li Ruolian.

Li Ruolian stood up and shouted to the generals: "Jin Yiwei handles the case and arrests the criminal Chen Hongfan. The rest will not get involved. I hope you will work hard for the court. Come! Take Chen Hongfan to torture and record a statement."

Jin Yiwei is the best at extorting confessions by torture. It is estimated that Chen Hongfan's property situation will be revealed tonight, and the charges will not be enough, but it can guarantee that more than half of the bad things Chen Hongfan has done over the years will be dug out.

The Marquis of Dongping took the lead and arrested the military officer with the highest official position in Juyongguan. The other generals were all very nervous. Which general is not greedy for the ink military salary these days?It's impossible for anyone's backside to be clean.

Fortunately, Dongping Hou, Jin Yiwei, and the eunuch all threatened to arrest Chen Hongfan alone. The reason was simple. Such a corrupt official dared to make things difficult for the "Red Banner Army" who killed the enemy for the country.

Damn!It was too domineering, offending the "Red Banner Army" was actually the biggest reason for Chen Hongfan's death. Many generals slandered him endlessly, but no one dared to intercede for the former Shangguan. It may also be because of Chen Hongfan's poor character.

The Jiannu troops separated and united in the Xuanda area, and after besieging and forcing Wu Sangui and his son to surrender, they divided up again. They left thousands of troops and handed them over to Jierhalang to monitor the Datong Ming army who dared not fight.

Haoge and Abatai led the two yellow flags to move to Shuozhou, and Dorgon and Duoduo led the two white flags to loot in the direction of Nao County.

De Gelei and Yang Guli led a group of Zhenglan Banner troops to attack Lingqiu, and Shuo Tuo, Sahalin, Wakda, etc. led Zhenghong Banner troops to Baoan Prefecture...

The flames of war in Shanxi raged, the people were displaced, the Tartars and slaves were having a carnival, and a large amount of grain, livestock, gold, silver, treasures, and cloth became the harvest of the barbarians, and hundreds of thousands of Han people were held hostage.

On the second day after arriving at Juyongguan, Huang Han got a lot of information provided by the Qiwei, and learned that the number of Jiannu Zhengbing and Yu Ding who attacked Baoan Prefecture would not exceed five thousand, and that with the addition of the coat slaves, it would be possible to reach eight or nine thousand. Three thousand Mongol Tartars aided the tyrant in his cruelty.

The fact that Jiannu did not concentrate its troops is enough to show that it did not know that the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" had assembled at Juyongguan. Huang Han already had more than [-] cavalry in his hands, and more than [-] of these troops were regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army".

Fang Zhenghua brought over two thousand cavalry from the Beijing camp, and the three generals, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, and Sun Yingyuan, were all brave men who could fight.

Lou Yun, Ai Guodong, Zhang Chao and other generals brought by Li Ruolian have already cooperated with the "Red Banner Army" many times, and their 1000 troops can be trusted.

Although the number of Gao Youmou's five hundred cavalry was relatively small, Gao Zhongyi, Gao Zhongxiao, etc. were all military officers who had learned the skills of leading troops in the "Red Banner Army". can do it.

Therefore, these five hundred cavalry are well-equipped and not inferior to ordinary "Red Banner Army" cavalry.

(End of this chapter)

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