The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 581 The Lion Fights the Rabbit

Chapter 581 The Lion Fights the Rabbit
After more than ten days of exhaustion, the cavalry had a good rest in Juyongguan for two days. Huang Han personally led the troops and rushed out of the pass. Gao Youmou, a civil servant, and Li Ruolian were left behind.

At the same time, there were more than [-] Jinyiwei left behind. Although Li Ruolian was full of displeasure, he had no choice but to choose to obey the order.

Juyongguan was the way to retreat. Chen Hongfan, the former general officer, was arrested and re-checked the troops the next day. Half of the impostors were cleared away, and the troops stationed in Juyongguan were paid for two months according to the actual number of soldiers.

Although the practice of distributing a handful of money to every soldier and grassroots military officer greatly boosted the morale of the original Juyongguan defenders, in order to prevent accidents, there must be senior officials with absolute authority staying behind.

Fang Zhenghua suffocated and wanted to go to the battlefield to kill Jiannu himself, but he refused to stay even if he said nothing, so he kept Li Ruolian and some Jinyiwei behind by name.

Because Jin Yiwei arrested more than 100 servants and servants of Chen Hongfan's family, the interrogation and liquidation of property could not be completed within three to five days. few.

It's an iron law to handle endlessly, it's just different!Gao Youmou was happy to garrison Juyongguan to make money, anyway, the credit for his own family's participation in the war would not be less than his own.

Li Ruolian was so depressed that he didn't expect Jin Yiwei to beat Chen Hongfan, a corrupt official, so that he couldn't escape for the sake of making everyone rich. He could only hope that Lou Yun and Zhang Chao who participated in the attack would get more.

The cavalry of the original Juyongguan people were also used intensively, with a number of [-], more than half of which belonged to Chen Hongfan's main barracks.

Chen Hongfan's servants were disarmed, and there were a total of three or four hundred cavalry. These people should be better armed than ordinary battalion soldiers.

Knowing that the head of the family fell into the hands of Jin Yiwei and confessed the crime enough to beheaded like a bamboo tube pouring beans, most of the family members knew that they had to make a new choice.

They learned that the Marquis of Dongping was about to leave the customs to fight against Jiannu, and more than [-]% of them volunteered to participate in the battle in order to take the crime and make meritorious service.

In the end, 360 people were incorporated into the Jinyiwei under the command of Lou Yun and Zhang Chao. These troops were enough to make up for the Jinyiwei who was absent from the battle because he stayed at Juyongguan.

It is so fresh to fight with Jin Yiwei, presumably those servants of Chen Hongfan will have the desire to please Jin Yiwei, and will try their best to express themselves on the battlefield.

The encirclement and annihilation of Wu Xiang made the Hou Jin army lose the best opportunity to capture Baoan Prefecture. At this time, Zhizhou Yan Shengdou had already welcomed the 460 cavalry reinforcements led by Ma Fulin seven or eight days ago, and his strength increased greatly.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of noise in the city of Baoan Prefecture. More than a hundred suspected slave workers were beheaded and killed, and more than three hundred men who were not with their families were put under centralized surveillance.

There are as many as 10,000+ soldiers and civilians hiding in the city. Ma Fulin and Shen Sixiao cooperated with the government servants, soldiers, and officials in Baoan Prefecture to select more than [-] civilians.

When Shuo Tuo, Sakhalian and other generals who built slaves under the Red Banner came to Baoan Prefecture, they had engulfed [-] to [-] Han people, making their troops seem vast and boundless.

According to the law of rogues, there are as many as [-] soldiers who are preparing to seize Baoanzhou City.

More people are easier to do. After the Han craftsmen who were arrested by the Jin army threatened to arrest them overnight, they rushed to make some simple siege equipment, and then drove the coerced people to launch an attack the next morning.

In fact, they were just testing, but the results were far from ideal. Many of the coated slaves and Yu Ding were mixed among the Han people, and when they approached within [-] paces of the city wall of Baoanzhou, some people would be shot and killed for no reason.

Many post-Jin troops knew the range of the raised guns. They didn't know that the "Red Banner Army" had Mini guns with an effective range of more than [-] paces. They thought that Yu Ding and Baoyi were hit by raised guns.

Shuo Tuo, Sakhalian, Wakda and other post-Golden generals were puzzled by why the guns in Baoanzhou City were so accurate that they could distinguish the Han people from Yu Ding and the coated slaves in the crowd.

Of course, the "Red Banner Army" knows how to distinguish the enemy. They will attack those who wave their knives and gesticulate. Nine out of ten of these people are hardcore traitors, especially those with armor. going to kill...

The Daming defenders in Baoanzhou City were very bad. They selected dozens of men with loud voices to shout at the top of the city to tell those Han people who were coerced and had to come to attack the city.

Advise them not to move forward after [-] steps close to the city wall, throw down the ladder and shield car and lie down on the spot.

Because Yu Ding and the coated slaves who drove away the Han people were shot to death continuously, too many Han people lost control directly.
After some Han people approached the city wall, they simply put the shield carts across the road, and then blocked the ladder between the shield carts, and then lay down and waited for the Jiannu to retreat.

In order to prevent tens of thousands of Han people from backlashing back, the Jin army must suppress and massacre those Han people who have been out of control, but their archers must approach the distance of fifty or sixty steps to shoot and kill the lying down Han people.

The Han people all knew that they had to face the feathered arrows of the Houjin army, not only lying down, but also finding cover as much as possible, and some even chose to use shield vehicles to cover them and dig holes on the spot.

Among the troops brought by Ma Fulin were more than forty Miniguns, and among the guards of the "Sifang Bank" there were more than a dozen of them. The killing of the Jin army.

Next, it was no longer possible for the Hou Jin army to drive away the coerced Han people as cannon fodder.

The Han people are not stupid. After seeing Jiannu ran to the city and lay down, their companions would of course follow suit. Without the help of the Han people pushing shield carts and carrying ladders to help attack the city, Jiannu could not afford the huge casualties in the offensive and defensive battles.

What's more, all the generals of the Eight Banners received the highest instruction from their master Hong Jieshi when they entered Daming.

Sakhalian, Shuo Tuo and other Jiannu generals spent half a day trying to attack Baoan Prefecture to no avail. They could only choose to plunder around the state city.

Shuo Tuo was unlucky and led more than a thousand Zhenghongjian slaves and less than a thousand Tartars to rob all the way in the direction of Juyongguan.

Huang Han likes lions to fight rabbits the most. Even Juyongguan cavalry, Jinyiwei, Jingying cavalry, and Gaojia cavalry have a total of more than [-] cavalry. There are more than seven thousand knights.

Juyongguan was less than 180 miles away from Baoanzhou City. The cavalry of the Ming army set out on the road at four o'clock in the morning. After noon, they found two or three thousand post-Jin troops who were looting fifty miles south of Baoanzhou.

There were no tactics in the encounter. The unprepared Hou Jin army was out of formation. It was not that their military discipline was too poor, but that they had grabbed too many good things. Some even tied up a Han woman with a farm ox.

At this time, Jiannu didn't look like a regular army at all, and they were almost like rogues.

(End of this chapter)

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