Chapter 582
Hanzi, Sang Yu, Yuan Siming, Liu Fenyong and other "Red Banner Army" generals led the howling cavalry to kill the enemy by surprise, as if they were destroyed.

Without paying attention, Huang Han noticed that the eunuch Fang Zhenghua was gone, and then he heard sharp and strange laughter from a distance, and the eunuch Fang had already entered the battle group with a ghost knife in his hand.

Huang Han immediately sped up to follow. The young musketeers and cavalrymen around him were all masters with thick nerves. They had been riding horses and shooting for more than a year, and their confidence was completely different.

Young people don't care about the consequences, so they don't worry if Fang Zhenghua, who has already rushed forward, is killed with a gun, he will be the chief eunuch of the Rites and one of the big men in charge of the Beijing camp.

Huang Han hurriedly scanned the front, and found that the situation was fine. It seemed that these youngsters knew what they were doing, and they didn't see the Ming army who was accidentally injured.

More than half of the teenagers are so good that they can finish loading without dismounting. This shows that the guards selected by the confidant generals such as Sang Yu and Zhang Yang for the Patriarch are really first-class soldiers.

Discovering that they were attacked by a large group of cavalry from the Ming army, the Hou Jin army hastily threw away the robbery results in an attempt to flee, but unfortunately half of them failed to do so.

In less than half an hour, Zhenghongqi Jiannu was beheaded and killed several hundred, and the accomplice Tartars had no good fruit to eat, three or four hundred lost their lives on the spot.

Running in a decent manner, Huang Han and Fang Zhenghua personally led the charge, more than [-] riders were even more courageous, and everyone went on a rampage.

It is known that the Houjin Army's coated slaves near Baoan Prefecture will not exceed [-]. The troops are at an absolute disadvantage, and they are suddenly attacked. How can they miss the opportunity at this time?

After defeating Shuotuo's troops, the Ming army pursued them relentlessly. The Hou Jin army, which originally came outside the city of Baoanzhou, engulfed tens of thousands of Han people and still had an advantage in numbers. However, they scattered and looted without concentrating their troops.

What's more, although the number of the Hou Jin army is tens of thousands, but only a small half of the main soldiers, it is impossible to line up to fight against the concentrated force of more than [-] Ming army cavalry, so they can only turn around and flee.

Therefore, since the beginning of the war, the Ming army has always been in the cover-up mode, and its own casualties are controllable, and the Jiannu and Tartars in the field of vision are all killed and injured.

Juyongguan cavalry of 360 and [-] servants who took the initiative to ask for crimes and meritorious service had never seen the Ming army beat so many slaves crying for their fathers and mothers, all of them were so excited that they were not left behind by the "Red Banner Army".

The hostage Han people in Shanxi were familiar with the "Red Flag Army". When they saw the red flag fluttering, they immediately understood that the report of the gang of slaves and Tartars who burned their homes and killed their relatives was coming.

Some Han people deliberately turned the bullock cart across to block the Jin army and then fled, and even more courageous young and middle-aged Han people waited for the opportunity, knocking horses' legs, throwing stones, or simply pounced on them to pull the Tartars and Jiannu off their horses and beat them.

After the Jin army fell into the ocean of the people's war, the banner men and the coat slaves who pretended to be tigers were all crying for their father and mother at this time. They began to tell that they were also Han Chinese and begged for mercy.

After a [-]-mile circle around Baoan Prefecture, Huang Hancai came to station his horse outside the south gate. Zhizhou Yan Shengdou, Judge Li Shisheng, Limu Wang Benli, Disciplinary Zhang Wenkui and other state officials had been watching the battlefield from the top of the city for a whole day.

The binoculars equipped by Ma Fulin, Shen Sixiao and the officers under his command became a good thing for the officials of Baoan Prefecture to grab, because through the binoculars, they could see the embarrassment of Jiannu's corpses lying everywhere.

Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Baoan Prefecture saw a group of men and horses that were so red that they were dazzling, and the red flag flying in the wind was dazzling. No one from Jiannu or Tartars dared to stand on their horses. Those beasts that were showing off their power yesterday are now like mourners. dog.

The Ming army had the upper hand, Ma Fulin and several military officers did not lead the attack, and they only had more than [-] troops, so there was no need to fight for success. They defended Baoan Prefecture and waited for the owner to enter the city before making a fuss.

Fang Zhenghua personally rushed to obtain a third-level gain, including a white armored soldier. He was not willing to enter the city at this time, and he was still cruising on the battlefield with three eunuchs full of force value.

Breathing in the smell of blood, Fang Zhenghua looked at the broken arms and limbs all over the place, and Fang Zhenghua was at ease. From time to time, he mentioned the three bloody heads of the Jinjun army that he had chopped off with his own hands, and took a look and smelled them.

Huang Han had only Gu Jixiang and Huang Yi's personal guards and two small banner guards by his side. The four warriors disappeared, and Ge Daben, Lin Shunwen, Wang Xuan, Yang Xiaochui, and Shen Youlue also disappeared.

At this point they should be chasing some hapless Jian slave or Tartar.

Zhizhou Yan Shengdou and all the officials knew that Marquis Dongping was coming, and immediately opened the city gate to greet him. Huang Han didn't go into the city to go to the prefectural office, but came to the south gate to sit and watch the storm.

Seeing the sun slanting to the west, the days at the end of July were very long. At this time, the cavalry of the Ming army had been fighting for an afternoon, and more than two hours passed without knowing it. The cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" had changed horses two or three times.

More than half of the cavalry could no longer charge and kill because the horses were too tired. They dismounted one after another and began to collect and seize the heads of the golden army after harvesting.

Many Han people who were kidnapped by Jiannu were rescued. They wiped away their tears and consciously participated in cleaning up the battlefield. Soon there were more and more naked and headless corpses of Jiannu and Tartars, and the heads of big fish were also killed one after another. be found.

More than forty Jiannu who were wounded and fell from their horses were captured alive, and there were not many Tatars captured, but only a dozen or so.

There were also one or two thousand coated slaves with bruised noses and swollen faces obediently as prisoners. They chose to kneel down and beg for surrender when they were raided by Ming army cavalry and in the mode of gang fights launched by rioting Han people.

Most of the people suffered a lot and survived, and a small half were beaten to death by the group.

Ge Daben came back, and he laughed happily on the horse, because he chased a red-flag and white-armored soldier in a panic, and finally abandoned the horse and used it to climb the mountain.

Riding and fighting is not easy to practice, even though Ge Daben has been training hard every day for more than a year, it is not satisfactory. Who knows that when Jiannu found that the road ahead was dead, he did not choose to turn back and charge, but chose to abandon his horse and flee on the mountain.

Fighting in the mountains and forests without riding a horse is Ge Daben's strength. He started playing at the age of five, and he also has a good helper "Ge Erben".

Ge Daben was not a cavalry soldier. In order to carry the "Ge Erben" on the march, he did not wear an all-steel breastplate. He only wore a mandarin duck jacket and a summer suit, and he carried a leather shield and used a saber.

Seeing Jianu climbing the mountain and drilling into the woods, he knew that he was sure to win, and he chased after him one by one.

Jiannu Baijiabing, who ran away not long after, felt pain in his ankle and was suddenly dragged down by a strong force.

Ge Daben immediately jumped forward and slashed Jiannu's neck with a saber, beheading one of Jiannu's white armor soldiers. I am afraid that Ge Daben will be able to be promoted to a warrior and enjoy the treatment from the sixth rank.

Later, after inspecting the armor and waist badge, the town governor happily told Ge Daben that the white-armored soldier he beheaded was still a Bashku.

(End of this chapter)

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