Chapter 583
When half the sky was reddened by the sunset, the town governors at all levels summarized and roughly calculated the results of the battle. Dozens of Jiannu and Tartars who were captured alive were put on death row in Baoan Prefecture, waiting to be offered as prisoners.

In this battle, about [-] Jiannu Zhengbing and Yu Ding were killed, more than [-] or [-] Tartars were eliminated, and more than [-] enslaved slaves were killed.

More than a dozen of the main generals of Jiannu Road were beheaded and killed, including Daishan's second son Shuotuo and third son Sahalian.

It is uncertain who killed the two men, because the "Red Banner Army" tactic is that the cavalry and musketeers attack from a distance, and then the cavalry with cold weapons rush up to kill them.

Shuo Tuo and Sahalian suffered from gunshot wounds, arrow wounds, and knife wounds, and were trampled by more than one horse. They had multiple comminuted fractures, and they obviously died in the melee between the two armies.

Yan Shengdou was listening to Gu Kuile when he came to report the results of the battle. When he learned that the two grandsons of the old slave had been killed, Master Zhizhou trembled with excitement. The next thing Huang Han said made him kneel down.

Huang Han prepared to support this responsible Zhizhou, and wrote lightly:

"Master Yan, under your leadership, the soldiers and civilians of Baoan Prefecture attracted Jianshou to attack, which made our army's cavalry raid work miraculously. I trouble you to quickly count the gains and write the victory report on Datian Listening. The Holy Son of Heaven must be looking forward to the good news of the army's victory!"

Dongping Hou was willing to share the great achievements of the officials in Baoan Prefecture, and let him write the good report. Yan Zhizhou was so excited that he knelt down and kowtowed to thank: "I thank Dongping Hou for his support, and I will definitely look for opportunities to repay in the future."

Huang Han said generously: "Master Yan guards the land for the country, and I kill the enemy for the country. You and I are fellow travelers, how can we talk about repaying? It is right for us to dedicate ourselves to our duties and repay the grace of heaven together. Our army still needs to continue to fight. Please take good care of the five hundred wounded."

Battlefield medical treatment is a school curriculum and a subject that soldiers must pass. Therefore, everyone in the "Red Banner Army" cavalry knows how to save lives and heal the wounded, and their standard equipment includes first aid kits.

Galloping for thousands of miles, even the professional cavalry might fall behind, and it is unrealistic to bring professional medical soldiers. These people's riding skills are too poor, so the medical soldiers who followed Huang Han to fight were all transported by boat and are not around at this time.

However, there are medical officers and medical soldiers in the team of Hanzi and Yang Danian, who are busy sewing up and amputating the wounded at this time, and some young soldiers are helping the wounded to disinfect and bandage them.

The judge Li Shisheng, the official Wang Benli and other officials took the initiative to lead more than a dozen well-known surgeons in Baoan Prefecture, that is, gold sore doctors, to participate in saving lives and healing the wounded. Unfortunately, their traditional treatment methods are completely outdated.

The golden sore doctors who came to the operation site saw the advanced treatment techniques and everyone's eyes lit up. They silently put on white medical uniforms to help the military medical officers who performed the operation.

In just half a day, these golden sore doctors in Baoan Prefecture were in awe of the medical officers, because these young people were not only clever in their methods, but also famous in their schools.

Li Zhongzi, Wu Youxing and other medical authorities are now famous all over the world. In the past two years, the medical books they wrote have been published by Huxue City and widely circulated at cost prices. Almost every doctor in Ming Dynasty is studying the new medical books published by Huxue City.

Huang Han has a bottom line. Some money cannot be earned. For example, publishing medical books not only does not count a penny of profit, but also posts advertisements.

All medical books are printed on high-quality paper using copper plates, instead of printing with movable type, which may make the writing unclear.

"On Plague", "Neijing Zhiyao", "Medical Classics Must-Read", "Pathology and Pathology", "Medical Zong Shuoyue", "New Trauma Treatment", etc. More than [-] books or personal signatures, or Li Zhongzi, The medical masterpieces jointly signed by famous doctors such as Wu Youxing, Shen Langzhong, and Ma Yuanyi have become treasures in the hands of doctors of the Ming Dynasty.

Physicians in Baoan Prefecture came to learn that Li Zhongzi and Wu Youxing, apprentices of leading medical practitioners who served as medical officers in the "Red Banner Army", came to learn one after another, and many of them really learned some first aid methods.

Since most of the battle was in the state of concealment, the Ming army suffered few casualties, the total number would not exceed [-], of which about [-] were killed in battle, [-]-[-] needed further treatment and cultivation, and [-]-[-] were minor injuries, After minor injuries were disinfected and bandaged, they were able to continue marching.

Coincidentally, like Xu Mingyang, Yan Shengdou joined the officialdom as a year-old Gongsheng, and now he knows the state from the fifth-rank security guard.

An official who is not from the top two ranks of Jinshi must have gone through hardships from the fifth rank, not only must he have ability but also good luck.

A few days ago was the curtain call of his life, but now his good luck can’t stop him. Not only did he defend Bao’an Prefecture and save 10,000+ soldiers and civilians, but he also won military merits.

Yan Shengdou solemnly promised: "Don't worry, Marquis Dongping, my subordinates will definitely treat those warriors who were wounded fighting for the country well. I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that the subordinates and their families will eat whatever they eat, and the wounded soldiers will eat whatever they want."

After tidying up the place and arranging doctors to treat the wounded, the judge Li Shisheng, the official Wang Benli, the instructor Zhang Wenkui and other civil officials in Baoan Prefecture were willing to accompany Dongpinghou to make familiar faces, and they were all grateful to Huang Han.

They knew that this time the imperial court rewarded everyone for meritorious service, and everyone could be promoted at least one level. In fact, they thought they were serious about doing things and dared to take risks to persist in living and dying with Baoan Prefecture.

In the Ming Dynasty, only the prefectural city had judges, the ranks were from the seventh rank, the state discipline was only the eighth rank, and the officials were even less worth mentioning, and they were one level lower than the master book, so they did not enter the rank from the ninth rank.

Although Li Shisheng, Zhang Wenkui, etc. had small official positions, they did not betray the court. Historically, they were heroes who followed Zhizhou and died for their country.

In fact, there were far more civil servants in Baoan Prefecture, and a small half left for various reasons. What Yan Shengdou wanted was to work together. It would be counterproductive to force those officials who were facing disaster to fly separately, so those who choose to go are free.

Now "the willows are dark and the flowers are bright in another village", I don't know if the civil servants who abandoned Baoanzhou regretted that they did not take responsibility when they learned that their former colleagues had made great achievements in defending the land and killing the enemy.

Seeing that the Marquis of Dongping had left hundreds of wounded soldiers, the officials of Baoan Prefecture felt more confident to ensure that the city was safe and sound. Li Shisheng, Zhang Wenkui and others saluted and expressed their position that they would definitely give the wounded warriors the best care.

Dongping Hou had only been away from the capital for six days, when a small banner Jinyi guard called to open the gate of the capital and beat horses like flying on the streets of the capital, shouting: "Great victory, great victory, our army defeated [-] enemies and beheaded more than [-]. Dozens of generals including Nubeizi Shuotuo and Sahalian! Dozens were captured."

The "Red Banner Army" left the city vividly. In just a few days, they defeated Jiannu and killed their low-ranking princes. The soldiers and civilians of the capital immediately went into a carnival mode, and prices dropped by more than [-]%.

Along with the victory report, the memorial of Li Ruolian, the acquaintance of Jinyiwei, and the statement drawn by Chen Hongfan, the general soldier of Juyongguan, were also delivered to the capital.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, and also to close the iron case, Chen Hongfan committed suicide in fear of crime and has since died without evidence.

(End of this chapter)

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