Chapter 584
Jin Yiwei is not afraid of human life. Li Ruolian saw that Chen Hongfan, who had been repeatedly tortured to extract a confession, was covered in bruises. He worried that if this kid lived, more people would be unhappy. Chen Hongfan hanged himself in Juyongguan death row the next day.

Chen Hongfan's head was delivered to the capital together with the heads of the main generals of the later Jin army, such as Shuo Tuo and Sahalian.

The Ming army finally won an unprecedented victory. The emperor, Longyan Dayue, a corrupt general officer, is nothing. The Jinyiwei was originally an institution to investigate and deal with officials.

Jane's Jinyiwei Tongzhi in the emperor's heart did not intervene in Li Ruolian's custody and interrogation of Chen Hongfan.

After killing Chen Hongfan, Li Ruolian and Gao Youmou got more than 20 taels of silver, and the value of the land and real estate also had the same amount. The two were amazed and clicked their tongues.

In the court hall, civil servants and military generals who were originally from Liaodong talked a lot, and everyone couldn't hide their joy. The old slave Nurhachi did a lot of evil in Liaodong, and millions of Han people died at his hands.

Now that he has received retribution, Huang Han killed the two grandsons of the old slave at once, which is really satisfying.

Storytellers in the capital have already fabricated stories about how Shuo Tuo and Sahalian were beheaded by the "Red Banner Army" while the iron was hot. It is only with the knife plan that the enemy general De wins and returns.

The soldiers and civilians in the capital were happy to hear such stories, and it was rumored that Huang Han had been exaggerated to become a god-like general.

Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu, who missed their husbands, learned that the Ming army had won a complete victory, and their uneasy moods became much calmer.

Jingshi restaurants, teahouses, and major courtyards sang Qingpingle·Red Flag again. For a while, the streets and alleys of Jingshi were full of "...the red flag is blowing in the west wind, with the iron cavalry in hand today, when will it hit the yellow dragon?"

Millions of soldiers and civilians in the Gyeonggi area are looking forward to the news of Dongping Hou's success again, and everyone is not worried at all that the capital is approaching the city again.

On the sixth day of the eighth month, the slave chief who was personally conquered by the emperor was shocked when he saw the Zhenghong Banner men and horses who had been defeated by the Ming army and fled back.

He asked loudly: "Wakda, what's wrong with you? Which Ming army has such strength?"

Wakda, who was shot by a few feathered arrows and was not shot, was lucky to escape to the sky. Seeing his master crying, because his two elder brothers disappeared, it should be a bad luck.

He knelt and climbed to the feet of the eighth uncle and cried: "Khan, the slaves and brothers tried to seize Baoanzhou and found that all the secret workers who sneaked into the city were killed, and the guards of the city were determined.

Therefore, the slaves decided to give up attacking Jiancheng and look for fighters again. Unexpectedly, at this time, Dongpinghou of the Ming Dynasty led [-] to [-] Ming cavalry to kill them.

Our army was scattered, and the number of regular soldiers was at a complete disadvantage. We were caught off guard, and the two brothers, Shuo Tuo and Sahalian, might have died! "

Hong Jie felt dizzy all of a sudden, and asked in surprise:
"What? Marquis Dongping of the Ming Dynasty appeared outside the city of Baoanzhou, and led [-] to [-] Ming cavalry to attack you? Are you sure you read correctly?"

Wakda affirmed: "The slaves have been fighting for many years, and the army of the Ming Dynasty is commonplace. Even if there are [-] to [-] soldiers from the Eight Banners, three to four thousand will be enough to deal with them. Most of those troops are carrying red flags without characters. Those cavalry must be extremely fast." The Red Banner Army' is beyond doubt."

The astonished and inexplicable Hong Jieshi looked at Fan Wencheng, Ning Wanwo, Gao Hongzhong, Bao Chengxian and other traitors with dark eyes, and the traitors immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed in fright.

Fan Wencheng bravely asked Wakda cautiously: "How did the general know that the Biao Ming army was personally led by Huang Han of the Ming Dynasty? Could it be possible that he was a member of Yang Danian, the deputy general of Jizhen, or Yang Dalang, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan?"

Seeing that a traitor dared to question him, Wakda said angrily: "Although I didn't see Huang Han with my own eyes, I saw all the Ming troops charging like crazy. Which general can make his subordinates so desperate?"

Fan Wencheng didn't think of words, and was speechless for a while.

Hong Xie suppressed his anger and asked: "My dear friends, you have always paid attention to intelligence collection. Didn't you notice the movement of the 'Red Banner Army' in the past few days?"

Bao Chengxian kowtowed and said, "Khan, half a month ago, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered Dongpinghou to lead a part of the 'Red Banner Army' who was suppressing bandits in Kuizhou Mansion to enter the capital to serve as King Qin. We have been receiving timely news about our detailed work.

But just seven days ago, the three gates in the Ming Dynasty were closed, and we will no longer be able to inquire about the news of the capital of the Ming Dynasty. "

Hong Jie immediately had an ominous premonition, and he said angrily: "There has been no information from the capital of the Ming Dynasty for seven or eight days, why don't you report it immediately?

That Huang Han is used to making noises, and even blocks news. I can say for sure that Huang Han personally led the men who appeared in Baoan Prefecture. "

Fan Wencheng exclaimed: "Kuizhou traveled three or four thousand miles to the capital of the Ming Dynasty, and Huang Han actually took about half a month to get there. When did the Ming cavalry have the ability to move two to three hundred miles a day for more than ten days in a row? ability?"

Hong Zhe shouted: "Rare is more strange. My Dajin army marched two or three hundred miles a day to attack Huduntu. Why couldn't Huang Han do it?"

Fan Wencheng screamed again, and then crawled to Hong Gang's feet flatteringly: "Sweat, a god-given opportunity! That Huang Han has a way to heaven, he won't leave, and he has no way to hell!"

The traitor's exclamation also awakened Hong Zheye, who frowned and fell into deep thought.

Seeing the traitor's face full of disgust, Hauge scolded: "Speak up if you have something to say, don't gossip, the 'Red Banner Army' has already been killed, how can there be a godsend opportunity?"

Fan Wencheng said: "Lord Baylor, you don't know that the 'Red Banner Army' needs to defend Ningyuan and Jinzhou. There are not many people who can maneuver. He marched thousands of miles to the battlefield, and the infantry must not have been brought.

At this time, our Dajin army and the Mongolian tribes can gather [-] to [-] cavalry. As long as we can block Huang Han's retreat and force the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" to fight our army, maybe we can attack and kill Huang Han, my Dajin, in one fell swoop. The country is in serious trouble. "

Hauge thought for a moment, then said: "Sounds quite reasonable, but what if Huang Han refuses to fight with our army? There are so many cities in Shanxi, and he led troops to garrison them. Our army doesn't even have siege equipment. It's hard to beat down even if it's pressed!"

Fan Wencheng flattered him: "Lord Baylor is indeed wise, indeed, so it is necessary to attack him and save him in order to force Huang Han to fight with our army."

Having figured it out, Hong Gang looked up to the sky and sighed: "The opportunity has appeared, but that Huang Han is too treacherous, and he will never put himself and his subordinates in danger, how difficult it is to force him to fight our Dajin army with inferior forces! "

(End of this chapter)

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